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Dreucd lios src quite tho rage jast I'.OW. Grass Lake lióles to have a water gas plant. Ilenry Merkol, of Chelsea, died Nov. 2G, '88 aged 70 years. Tliey have comniencod to rswove street fences in Saline. Chas. Blackiner lias boen tippointed village clerk of Milan. Xbe Stockbridge Bnptist elmrch will bc dedicated Dec. 20tb. Dr. W. C. Brown, of South Lyou, removes to Xew Bedford, Mass. Saline merchante have bought in 100 bushels of lückory nuts tuis fall. 'l'hey talk of establishing a building and loan assoclation at Ypsilanti. A. 8. Baydon of Mllati talka of moring liis stave fuctory to Brent Crcek. [saac Shaw soulh of S iline has one of the iiuest new residences in ;hat seetlon. Orrin Hoover is the new foreinan of the Saline Observer. He starts out well. Pupils attendlng the Judd fcIiooI soutb of Saline, will have new benclies to sit on Hauser & Devindinjrer of Saline have bongttt nml sold 1.G00 head of sbeep this fall. Nisslj'8 Saline poultry farm handled l.'.OOO ins. of turkey for 'l'hanksifiving weck. Will Joll)_v, of Soul li Lyon, sold a spun of uiatchcd ays to i Massacliu.-etts inrty f or fiöOO. Two lnindred bushels of hieUory nut have been pNrchutad from the bciyt of Bridgewater. Miss T. L Slacy ktt be(!ii appolnted P. M of Tci'uniscli to sncci'pd her fitlier, the Jröge Slacy. Tlic new flrm of Liuib, Davin, and Kisiihir Bocceeds ta the dry goods bnfttneM dl II. I, (llover Id TptMrtf. The Dispatch booms Mrs. S. P. Youug wljo has been postmis tress of l'inckney I or llie past 12 years, for reappointment. E.ra Sanfoid is bnryiD! his erop of cabba;e, in nticipation of a better market next spring. - Saline Observer. (iov. Luce visiteil the Normal School at Vpsilanli lust week, the gueat of Principal Sill, WhO tendered blm a reception. Dundeo natural fras stock owners have great faith in strikiny; h:i'. they nre afler. If thev do how Dnndee witl boom ! Eh! Thcre w cie 100,000 Ibs. of tunud out by the Dundce factory thU 6cason. "Tlio Oiui'iuUiiM. tv. .l.t_;?ci, hnc HlUo eiicot on Dundceites. Secretary C'iiKlb rccoivaH nolirfl of tho hurning of the dvllin? house and conten ts of Albcrt Fureman, of Salem, on Dec. 3d. Insured for $100 in Washtenaw Mutual. John Gillen, the hustling P. M. of Saline, s.iys ho has not been offered the de[uty slicriir-sliij by SherilV-elect-Dwyer. But he will bc of course. Dwyer keeps his eyes open. The animal meeting of tho Michigan Merino Sbeep Breeder's Aasoctation occura at U msing, Dec. For r.iilroad and hotel rates, write Sec. E. N. Ball, Haniburj;, Mich. Bro Oildart, of tbc Stockbrldge Hun, is worrying afoout two or three maple trees on tho park In that place that are beinfr destroyed by n yearllng colt. - I'inckney Pispatch. Moral - kill the colt. Wlüills fanie? Last week tho Ann Arbor Argus gave nn account of the Qulnb3'-DeM"8h electlon bet, and got the wrong fellow drawing the cart. So soon fades the mcuiory of our greatest deedf. - Ypsi. Cominerical. Klmer Spencer while going to lus work near Woodlaiid, Sundav, Nov. 18, with a load of hay, hd the mi8fortunu to have tlie loail tip over on top of hini, breaklng li is iH'ck. His reraains wero brouht here for inunuent. - Chelsea Ilerald. 'J'he followlngr re the shipments from Stockbridge for the week ending Friday, Nov. 23: 4 cars of whext, 10 cars of himber, G eiirs of apples, 2 car of live stock, 4 cars of wood, 1 car ofashes; total 27 cars, hesides this there lms bctn Hliipped .',400 lbs. of poultry.- Sun. Albert J. Spence, a very intelliiront and well edcutated deafmute has for somc weeks been In this vicinlty selliii'r books and stntionery. He la a resident ofSuuipter, Waynecounty, waaedcaated at tlie Flint institute, where he also has two brothors and a sister likewiee affllcted. He mnkos frienda of all he meets.- Saline Observer. "Bub'1 Colliugg says that lie doesn't consuler it hitrhly cemplimcntary lo liim to have a prominent citizen of the village come into bis place of business with a boon coiupanion, go nto Ihe back room, pull out h bottle and take a nip without inritinjr tlio proirietor. In fact ie aln't riht. l'lease don't do it again.- Stock - brldge Sun. Very wrong, Indeed. Richard Uridson left Monday for Liverpool, England, where he joes to take poaseasion of a fortune which he reccntly teil heir (o. He will Ret about $12 000. In trtlkin;; wüh hiin ncently he sald: "Oíd Dick has sported quite a jrood deal in the past hut dangred if I don't stop it iiow, ind keep whiit I get tliis time' He will bo Lone about a year. - South Lyon Ticket. Wc noticed Congrefsman Allen buay Tuesday, movinit bis library and fafc into hls new oltlcc in tbc bank block. The Sentinel predicted tbat he would need the olHce af ter bis lirst term expired. and no doubt he will, though not in the sense ineant by our vetermi brotlier. Tliere is greater nced for uim at Wasliington, and the people say more emphatlcally than ever tlmt he must stay thcre two more years. The second district haa excellent jndginent.- Ypsilunti:m.


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