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Broad Religiously--narrow Politically

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Miss Willnrd, In a speccli before the late meeting of the natlonal VV. C. T. U., advocated and insisted upon it that the Union raust be non-sectarian ; wliich was quite rifiht, as there were people of all creeds worklng with mlgbt and niain for tlie succusa of the W. J. T. U. Had Miss V llanl carritil the sume Iokíc a liltlu. mruier, and insisted tliat the L nion should also be non-political, she would have done awise and state?man-like deed. But that she did not do. On the contrary she iasisted that this once powerful organization should be wlelded as a political machine. That there were republicans and democrats, and raembers of other parties earnestly interested in the Union did not appeal to her. She could not see political wisdom where she could ïeadily dUcern relijiious wisdom. It is perhups just possible that Miss Wlllard may now be able to discover, throu;h the verdict of the people, the light that Mr. Koster of Iowa, has seen all along; tiiat the W. C. T. U. must aim to secure the syinpathy and hearty co-operation of the people of all political t'aiths as well as of all religlous faiths. That there is a great diversity of opinión in regard to the best inethod of putting down the saloon, even ainong the most nnlent temperance advocates, must be reeognized. The W. C. T. U. must not be drasged into apoliticnl alliance with any party if it would succeed. lts work lies along nonpartisan Unes, and that there is enough for it to do, no person wil! deny. A few days since tlie writer heard a lady remarle on the surprislng spectacle of Mayor Hewitt, after an adilress of welcome t- the brewers, entering the convention to welcome and applaud the women who are working with ïuiht and main to sweep breweries, distilleries, and everything of that lik from the face of the earth. "Stirprisinu? Not a bit of it," auswered a cynical gentleman. '"It was the most natural thing in the world for a democratie mayor on behalf of a democratie eity to soft-soap a set of women who have played into the hands of the democratie party and proved very best allies." Mora): "CsDíar'a h ifc must be above suspicion."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News