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Lawyer Marks is jracticiniE In Ann Arbor...

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Lawyer Marks is jracticiniE In Ann Arbor, and he is successful, too. At the regular elecUon of Washtenaw Clinpter, R. A. M , Mondny evenlng, the following oftlcers were chote! I H. P.- Jas. L. Stone. K.- L. C. Ooodrioh. 8crlb&- N. D. Gates. C. orH.- J. A. dates. P. 8- W. W. Watts. K. A. C- K. H. J. Clark. M.ofSd V.- S. 8. Ulttz. M. of 2d V.- Hrniry A. Kyer. M. of lst. V.- Robert Cuthberl . Secy.- Z. Koath. Treas.- U. C. Fall. bentlnel- C'apt. ïlios. Taylor, James B. Mowry, of Aun Arbor town, died last Saturday, and the funeral services were held ut the fjtmlly resklence north of thll city tliis forenoon. Mr. Mowry was a native of Massachusetts, born in 1809 consequently 79 years of age at the the time of his death. He carne to thiscouuty in 1831, seltlingon the farm In Ann Arbor township, which isnow the homestead, and the land for which was in part purchased of the government. He was a great worker In li is early dnys, and heweil out of the forests a line home for blmtelf and family. Aranng the pioneersthe deceased was extensively known and greatly respected. Miss M. S. Brnwn, the superintendent of the tewltlg school, gratefnlly acknowledges the receipt of $10 f rom Mrs. Geo. Douglas?, beiiifr dnnations from lier Methodist friends. Our school now iiumheis rilty, and we are coostantly in nced of material and money to carry on our industrial work. If our friends would vislt our school and see lint we aieilouX we think il wouUl not be neceisary for lis to appeal for help nenrly every month. We meet in Cropscy's hall on Washington street every S itunlay afternoon. Como, and see, us and we are contiilent assistance will follow. We also need teachers. Are there not young ladies in Ann Arbor who will give ub two hours of thelr time once a week ? Mr. Giles B. Slebbins, of Detroit, will 8enk next Stinday in the Cuitarían liurch on "Swedenboffr-" Mr. StebMoa is a well-known 9)iritHili-t of the bette r fort, BelUJél tlmt, he Is knnwn for bit able cliainpioiiship of t proteotion of American indu.-triep, his book, "American Protectionists' Manual," bfitig exceedingly v.iluable to the suclcnt aml stmnp orator. He has also oppoMd Henry (ieorge's free trade and laiul heresies by issuing a readable üti'o pamphlet on "Projrrfss from Poverty. ' Next Mondny evening he will o)posc in the Unitaria!) cliureh, the Hinry G 'Oige laad iheories, mid ¦ younjr and tnlenteil in iu from Liiising will support these views Tliii llenry Georire entluulat is Mr. A. ArnoM Clsrk. We suppose that ifthesun were to slop shinlng lie would Claim that the Henry Georjre -'single t:ix" wnuld set ïttofolnjragxln with reiloublod brillianey. These Henry George pe"ple tlilnk Umi rtmt til me n9ii i iit-n i might be cuied by mnking land coinmon t4i%-riy ühii, it ill probably bc Ml interesling debate. While tlie present democratie House is investijiating northern election metlioils, they should not forget t lioir Tammany frieiuls in New York city. The Pinckiiey Dispatch coiues to lis changed from u O-col, qnarto to a 7 col. folio, mul wit li a brand new liead. It is live paper, and a credit to Pinckuey. The Reed City Clarion ïiominates Win. A. Baker of IJerrien, for speaker of the House- (What's the matter witli Dickema ?) - and Hon. James McMil lan for United States Senator. The lurvlylnjf mombers of the 24 th Mich. Infantry, will liold a re unión ut the Antlsdel Hkiiüc , Detroit, on 'l'liursda8 eveti:ng, Ooc. 13th, that being the 2Gth atmiversary ot the batlle of Fredcricksburg. A. Wnshington dlspatch of a recent dato States that the present democratie House proposes to inquire into ekttion methods in .Michigan. That's right. Do so please. There is nothing the peopte of Michigan desi re to cover up, unless it be in some of Jeiry Falvey's precincts in Detroit. It would be quite proper to mak.e a Georgia man chairrnan ot that commlttee. In the last election any two congressional districts of Michigan cast as inany votes as were cast for tüe entire ten conirressmen from that state. By all nif.uis send a Georgia rebel brigadier up here to Michigan to investigate our eltction mclhods.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News