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Take In the rink Frlday aud Saturday venlngs. Tlie Amphion? and Glee Club at Universily hall to-morrow niglit. The Ann Arbor Dramatic Club commenee practicing this year for their al'terholiilay entertainment. If jou want the worth of your mouey in a pleasant entertainment go to Univeisity hall to-morrow night. They will sing, and slng sweetly- -the Amphions and li. of M. Glee Club, at University Hall to-morrow nlght. There will be no jealousiea, no hiteh In the program, no sending out for n piano to-morrow night at University hall. Qo and see lf there is. A pleasant entertainment for those desiring to hear snme goml United States musie, will begiven by the Amphions and University Glee Club at University hall to-morrow evening. The lirst of tlie Chamber conoerts will take place on Tucsday the llth of December, to bc glven In Hohart Huil as last year. Louis Maas, of Boston, will ftve piano recitals, OMioted by .Miss Alico And m, of Detroit. Season tickets $2 tor live concerts. The fourth organ reeltal will not be given Saturday anemoon, a announccd, but will be postponed to Dec. 13, at 8 p. m. The works jiiven will represent the Eiiglish school, and vocal niinibers will be given bv Mr M h. Tavlor, tenor, and Mr. W. D. 1$ ¦ 1 1 will play a Freuch horn Milu. Jos. Preston proposes to open up the oller skating rink again. On Friav and Saturday nigiits music will he 'uniished On Batordity morning it will e open for the ehildmn at a nominal fee f 10 cents. In the afternoon 15 cents, nd in thf eveniugs 25 ets It is (jnttfe otlceable that the old rage for roller kating is iigain reviviner, and In many ilaCM the rinksare heilig reopened. On 'hanksüivi'ii; Day the rink was oppned ml many of our young folks indulged n the pastime. The University Musical Society will nive the usual series of Ch amber Conerts in üob ut Hall. The fir-t heing a ecital bv Dr. Mass. Tlie Philharmonic 31uh wil' give three of the concert", and Mr. Louis C Elson will give a lecture recital on English Folk B'iys. The price of M-ason tickets will be $2.00, and they can be obtained at Celsius' and Wahr's -tures, froin Prof. Walter anl Stan'ey at the University, and Prof. Wines at the Hijcb Schnol. We trust the series will becordlally suppoited. As we underitanU that unless a sufllcii'iit number of tickets are subscribed for to insure success, the series will not be "ven. Not to have so notable a series as lilis will be, will be a serlous loss to the musical public, and prompt attention to the matter U desirable. The "Postale Stamp1' company iippeared at the Opera House last eyenlnji before a large and hlghly pleased nudienee. This is hy (at the best of the musical conii'dies th it has ippeared here this season and u return date would no doubt lili the house to lts utmost capacity. Any mentioD of the uiuisually excellent band and oichestruaccompanyiiigthecouipany is unnccessary, as our people had an oppnrtunity of judging of its merits frora the tnusic rendered yesterday during the parade and in the evening at a concert rlven in front of the Opera House. Special inention should he made of the cornet and xylophohe solos rendered bv nu mbers of the orchestra betweeo the acts.- Johnstown (Pa.) Democrat. "AN EVEKY DAY AF(FAIB.)" On the afternoon and evening of the 13th and 14th of December the ladies of the Baptist chiirch will have a tapper and sale of articles suitable for Xmas present?. Thii is to be " An Every D iy Af (fair") when yon can flnd sometliing for Sundny, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Frid ïy, Saturday. Don't fail to see their novel display. "a postaqk stamp." We have seen shows and shows, and it passeth our memory when we have laufjhed moro hoartily or enjoyeil n performance more than we did that of -'A Postajre Stamp" last eventng. It secms that laujrhter was a spontaneeous feauture of that laijre audience, and when It is remembered that the piece was written for laugblnil pui poses, all who were present can lully test'fy that the piece comes up to any high standard tliatcould have been rleslred. It is the most successtul farcecomedy ever presented here, and deserves Dobounded success. The company Is line throughout and are all very clever. The band and orchestra are the best that have ever appearcd iu this city. - Exeter Gazette. MR. CIIAS. A. GAEDNEk'8 l'IN. Mr. Cha?. A. Gardner is wearlng the lovely pin that ws giveu hiin by Mrs. llenry Williams, of Chicaïo, whose husband is the senior member of the firm of Williams, DnWtoii & Skinner. It will be rtmembered that the papers containcd an ttceount of how Mr. Oardner nobly saved the life of the lady's little ü'irí. The child was playins in the Lincoln P.iik, attendtd by a nurse. The horse3 attached to me of the large sprinklinj; wagons, which are ued to water tin park, becaine frightened and ran iway, freeing themselves trom the W(Ton. Down one of the drives they came in their mad race, and diiectly in their path were the little girl and nurse. The latter thought only of herself, and fleii, but Mr. Girduer, who was sittiig on a benen, rushed out uto the road and oaught the little girl just as the horses reached her. He was unable to turn in time, and the boot of one of the horres struek hiin on the left arm, inflicting a painful wound. The parenU of the lescued child called on him that ni;ht and overwhelmed the modest comedian wltti thanks. A few days ' afterwanl Mr. Gardiier received a lítele package and a note. The lirst cont.ilned a loíi-ly hoiseshoe pin oompoteil of diamond and rubies, and the note Chicago, July 19, 1888. Dea Mr. Oardnkk:- Please eccept thls lltlle souvenier. As you wear on your brave arm the m tik of the norse shoe that mlght have killed our darllni; child, webcg that you wlll wear also thls otner horse-shoe on your bosom, and that lt mav brlng you ¦'Kood lucfc" 18 toe earnest prayer of Your Blneere filencls, HKHBY AND AGNE8 WILLIAMS. TlitCliüiiniHOuilJ will hold the next public meeting next Sunday cvening at tlie Unitarian church. The tirst part of tlie eveniog wlll bc devoted to minie, Scrlpture readiiiffs, rendings froni ClianDln, Whittier, and a paper by Dr. George Kendall upon 'The work that Is belng done in our large cities for the benefit ot News-boys and Boot-blacks." The second part of the eveninjr will be given to addre?9es and inquiries upon the subject of "God, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity." The public are invited.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News