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Best of All Cough medicines, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is in grcater tlcmand than ever. No preparation ior Tliroat and Lung Troubles is so prompt in its effect, s agreeable to tlie taste, and so widely known, as tliis. It is the family medicine in thouüands o( houseliolds. " I havo uifferprl for yoars from hronchial troulile that, wheuevcr I tako rold or ain f xnoseil to nclement weather, shows it.-c-lt by a vory annoyinu tii-kling seasation In the throat and by iliilicnlty in breathing. I have tried a jjroat maiir remedies, but none does so wel] as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral whirh alway Riv'os prompt relief in returns ol my old conipliiinl." - Erncst A. Hepler, Inspector of Public Uoatls, l'arisli ïerre Bonuo, la. " I considcr Ayw's Clicrry Pectoral a most important reuieiiy For Home Use. I have testad 1U rnrative power, in my iamily, man; tunes during tho past thirty vears, aml have never known it to fail." It will relieve tlie most serious .dTections of the throat and lungs, vrhnther in childrcn or adulta." - Mr. E. (1. Edgerly, Council Blufis, Iowa. "Twenty yeata aso I ra troubled with a disease of tlie lnngs. Doctor afïorded me no relief and considered myjaee hopeless. I then bogan to uso Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and, before I had finished one bottle, found relief. I continued to take tliis medicine uiitil a nirewas effected. I bclicve that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my lile." - Samuel Griggs. Waukcgan, 111. " Six vears aso I oontracted a severo cold, whicli settled on my lnngs and soon dpveloped all the alarming sympt.iins oí Consumption. I had a rough, niht sweats, bfeedlnn of tho lungs, pains in chesi and Bidet, and was so prostrated as to lio coufiued to my bed most of the time. Aiter trying various prescriptions, without benefit, my physician rinallv detenuinod to giye me Ayer's Cherry Pee toral. I took it, and the effect was magical. I seemed to rally from the flrst dose of this medicine, and, after using only three bottles. am as well and sound as ever." - Koüney Johnson, Spriugfleld, 111. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PEEPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Buld by all Druggiata. I'rice 1 ril buttlta, 5. CARTEKSL_ iPlTTLE jjB JPILIcS. 1 CURE Blek nendwlio and rellovaall ttaotronblM lnddont to n bilious Btato of tho ystem, such as Dizziness Nauac, Drowsinoss, Distresa after eUng. Paii. in tho Sido, &o. Whilo their moet remarkable succosb haa bceu Bhown in curing SICK neadacUc, yct Cnrter's Littlo Llvcr Pilla ro cqliaUy valmblo in Constipation, cnring and prevontlng thisannoyinRcomplaint.whUo theyalao correct all diaordersof thotomaiti,8tinralate the liTcr and rogulato tho bowDls. Even if tuey only HEAD Ache thoy wonld bo almostpriceloBs to thoso who ¦uffer f roin thifl distressing complaint; bet t ortunately thoircoodness does notend horo.and thoao wbo once try them will flnd thouo littlo pilla yalusblelnsoraany ways tUat thcy will uot bo willing to do without them. But af tor allsick head ACHE Ia the bane of so many livea that here la whera re make our great boost. Our puls curo it hila othera do not. Carters Littlo Livor Pilis are very email and very easy to taio. üno or two pilla mako a doae. They are strictl y vegetablo and do not gripe or purRC but by thoir gentío action pleane all who UBOthem. In vialaat 25 cents ; flvefor$l. Sold by druggiata everywhero, or sont by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO.. New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPHlGt "CHICAGO TRUSS.' A'tw Splral eheap. Ap Spring Tnas p r o v e d by Jlaid Rubín i ilic liiglies Pad; LI glit Medical Au Clean, Cool thorityWon Dnrnble. day ani nlght by au Infnnt a week old or an Adult 80 years. Easilij adjusted .: It meets all forms o Scrotal, Ferinoral, Inguinal, and Umbilica Hernia, In bolli Infiints and Aclults. Batik ïHCtion guaranleed lu In all cases. Any de sirable pressure obtalned. Lady's ITmbillca Trusses a grand suceess. If your druggis does not keep thls Truss, endose statu ps uui address, i lili i.d lltl SM :O. lii Faêt Randoph st., Office same place. hii a;u. 111. T. Y. KAYNE, Manager. HOL by ANN ABDOR 1)111 I.(.1STX This is the Top of the Gf.xuine PearlTop Lamp Chimney. Allothers, similar are imitation. TLiJv Tliis exact Label QÊ f5% '1S on cac'1 fcarl M ft Top Chimney. vS BfiraHSy A dealer may say VbjsUÍHk Wj and think he has SHb BfV others as pood, 5 5 BTTT HF. HAK NOT. Insistuponthe Exact Label and Top. Fcr Sale Everywhebe. Mace gkly by 6E0.A. MACBETH&CO.. Pittsburgh, Pa. BE AL ESTÁTE IN8ÜRANBB" AGEN6Y OP J. A. SESSIONS. A.TTORXEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or renled and rents col lected on reasonable terms. None but old and flrat-clasn Insnranc Companle represented - with Insurance cap ital of $10,000,00(1. Kates as low as any othe Insurance company and Ioksl-k proinptly pald Office over American Express office, Main street, Vnn Arbor. Mlch. JAMES R. BACH, FIRE AND LIFE INSURMCMGEMY No. 16 Kast Huron Street, Opposlte.Cook House. Ten Flrst-Class Com panles represented. Assetts Over $25,000,000 I8i8-tr. INSURANCE KáAL ESTÁTE anü LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, Flrst Floor, Hamllton Block. Partles deslrlng to buy or sell Real Estáte wül flnd It to thelr advantage to cali on me I represent 15 flrut class Flre Insurance Com panles, bavlng an aggregate capital over 30 000,000. Rates Low. Loases überally adjusted an promptly pald. I also Issue Life and lovestment Pollcles 1 the New York Mutual Life Insurance Com pany, Assetts, $75,000.00. Persons deslrlng Ac cidenl Insurance, can have yoarly pollcles wrltten for thera orTraveler's Coupon Insur anee Tickets Issued at Low rates. Money to Ijoan at Ourrent Rates. Office bours from 8 a m. to 13 m. and 2 to 5 p. in. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block.


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