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fflortgagc Sale. DKFAULT HAVING BEBN MADK IN TÏ1E conditlo'is of a certain mortgafe execn'ed by Mary K Ko-ttrof Am. At hor. In theOounty r)f WaHhtepaw.andStateof Mtrhlfcan, to Lncy W. S. Morgan, I the s m ¦ place, hearing date the fift een tb davofJuly, 1835, and recorded i the office of tiie Register of Deedc I r ïhe County ol' Waahtenaw, in Hoer 69 of mortgages, oti pace 46 on the flfteenth day of .Juiy, 1385, and hy whfca detault the power of cale contained in eaid mortuasc hoving become onexative, and no eult or proceedlnp at law or in equtty havine been institutud to recover the nmount dae on faid niortpajie, or the note accomptuiying the tamu, and ihere belnjE Bow claimd to be due on nid note and mortf&se, th ftim of three hundred and e rhi di liiirs aiid Bixty-t-cven cents, Notice in thureiore bereby given Mat said montage wiJI be forccloHcd on S;üurda. the sixteenth day of Febrnary L889, at 10 o'clork In Ihe lorenoon ofthat d)iy, by a Hale at public .inction at the aouth front door ot the Court House in the city of Aiid Arbor, (suid Conrt Elouse, being the place of holding thM Circuit Court for eatd connty,) of the premines described in nald murttiaue, or ho mucb tinTcuf m niay MOeMftrytO P UMlfr fot niiimint of Interest dqw due and témalo Ing unpaid upon eaid mortyaKei togelbar with rensoitble CAaft und exp4D"oto, ineluding an Aftoraev fee of fiftecn dollar. ïne premllM will be eold Blibject to tbfl principie snni nm .'(1 in r-aid mort(rage. Of aeven teeD handred dollar-, bereafter lo fall dii", and the interest accrolog Lhereon, Thepn m!teí to besoldaredeflcrlbed in sald n trtfi aas 1 llnvs: All tbat certaiu piece or parcel oí laúd sitúate and beinL in the township of Ann Arbor, in the (Jounty of Washu'iiHW, jtnd State nt Michigan, I and described a fbllowv, towit: The Bpatb part 1 of the Northwest ïractional qaa'tuf ol St-ctiou number Uvpnty-heven, in lownhip BttBlbSf two, South in range ntmber gtx () E;iit, accordini; to the patent tbereof, tecorded in the office of ih; Register of Dceds for Wsshteaaw Cnnty, In líber 2 oí dtodlOD p.iRt! 2, it nelntr all of Mud Notthweet fractional qnurtt'r lyiDg MOStb of the Ilumu KivtT, containini; 11 ft y slz and 55-100 acres ol laad, more or , excepflfg theref om ; oirip ol" land one bundred teet witle, convtíved t the Michigan Central Rallroid Company Tor Itd rjffht of wsy by deed n'Corded in paid Reyister's ofnee íii líber L. of deeds on page 580. OriS C. JOHNSON. KRANK IJ M I,. PaRS.BR, K. I) KINNK, Fxecntor of the will t f Lucy W. S. Morg :n. Dated Xovember Ö, Invs. HFAÜLT HAVINQ IlKKN MADK IN TUK condttioiiH oí a certal morttrane 'xecutel by Mary B. Fo-ter of Ann Arbor, Michigm. to Lucy W. S. Morg in of the same place. ' date the twenty-seífw l day ol July, A. D, lssj, and recorded in the afice f tilt; Register ol D ds f r the Couuty of Wahtenaw, In líber 'f, of mongages, on page 48, on the econd diy of July I88o; und bj wliich delault, the power of eale, contained in mM BSOftifige, havinji becomi operntive and DO -'ili or proceeulng at luw or in eqnity, havinií been inntituted to recover tin; amount due on eaid mortgig or the note aooomüanying the rampi ftnd belng dow claloied io ne due on ssid note and mortffflge, the bdid of Th ree Thoasandand Béveaty-sli Dullin (I&O76.) Notice ia therefore bcrby given tliat taid in ttgng will be forccloed n Saturday the sizteeoth Pebraary 18&&, at ten o'clork in the foreuoou of that day, by s eale at 1 ublic auctio , at the Boutrj front door of (hc Court House, in ihc city of Ann Arbor, (Raid Ciurt IInii-x' bcini; the place of holdI ing the Circuit Court for (aid Coanty) of the pre mI lees described In eaid mortguge, or go mach thereol, M ni (J be iincssiiry to naiit-fy the smoant of principal and Interest reniiining onpaid upon aaid mortwaKf, to rt'nr with reasonabTe COits and expeuseji, rocladlog Kt! Attorney fee of thirty five dollars, wbich premisos ftredeeerfbod in nttidm rtgnge hs follows : All thoae certain piecee or ptir. l'iinl, litOAte und belqfl in ÜM city of Ann Arnor, In the County of Washtensw and State of Micbigm, and deacrlbed ns followe, towit: I ol number Twelve 12) and tbe Kant huif of lot Thirleen (13) m block number two (3) North of Utiron Street, on ranire niimb t eix I ons C. HUINSON, FKANKLIN ],. PAHKEK, B. P. KINNK, ffxeenton f tbs will of hucy W. S. Morgan. Dated, Nov. th, 1888. MflPM W KvartlMi are those Wtoo read UTPUT Vtiiis and ttaen act; tbey will flnd iilyUy 1 tioimiMliU' t'iiiplo.viiieiit that wíl] nut take tbero from their bornee and fnmtlteH. Thfrntlts large mul iiure for evtry lnilustrloiis person, nmny have made and aro uow miiklng severa! hond red dollar a itionth. It Ir easy lor uny one io make S5 and upwards por day, who is willine lo wnrk. KlLlier sex, young r old ; ctipttal DOt needt-d; We start yui. Kvryt hint; DOW Nn sperlul nhility n-ijuirod, y OU, reader, eau do lta wt'll nu añy oot W'rite lo ns ut once for full particular, Wblch we mail fi'ee. AddressSitnson & Qo„ PorUaod, Malne. Get yonr Printing; at ík Conrier.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News