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pSwcS CREAM lts luperlor txoalleoce proven In mlliion nf guurterol i--miiry. U ItcdHtulevRovi rnineiit. EnIsol th i Ireal tThlversltlei ¦s Btrongeal , Parest.and must Mouiiliiul. )r. riic.'s u. on! y PowdefThol does not conlain Aimiiimiu, Umeor Aluiii. r:d july in i-ans. E KAKINi; POWDEBCO., M i.v yOBX. CH1CAOO. ST. l.l 'UIS. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE eONORATULATES livcry American FnBr,Wag-Srnr and linslnoss Man, the Union Voluuteers, tho Settlers of the Western Territorle, every Yonug Ma and Woninii, tlic Froednieii ui' the SoutUi lir American Fishormt'ii and Sliipbnilder, and t lio Whole Peonle Geiiorally, on the SALVA JIO.X OF THKIll WKLFAlIi;, whloh m won nt the polls on Novem her liili. 1 11 ilie proeperlty, whlch iikcly to follow, the men ol ! ith partie will "sli::re; lint to the RepobHean voto?. worken mid pres, doe the credit During Gen. Harrlaon's admlnMratiini, The Trlbone wlll continue to advocate llic great ol public polIcy, with whlch lts name U Identltied. Gient rwpönilbllltlc now mt-, n-it only on adinlnistratlon, but on tlie EtepuDliean paity md prea, with referenee to Blmplng Ifgirlatlon (o to to (live practical effect to the willufthe eople. [til no time now, for firraerf, wage-earoe, Uu ion reterana, and others, wIiok Ihteregta have been Imperiled by an ailiiiinistration of frue trader, and rebl brigadier, to rel tx tUelr hitereat In pub llo uffairs, and let thlnjta take Uielrcouri. On Ilie contrary, It would eeein to be tli dntleaof all voten to co-operate ern -il in llie advanCHiiieat of tin"8ures luulvrtakenin their bebaTT, and tffimd ttielr snppoit to newpaperc, whieh ure dolnu original anti aggrenive work lo promote tlieir wt lfare. ]t I conceded bythe entlre country, thl tiit; NewY-irk Tillitine hHStnltlntml h ;:re:it variety oí the yaluabln and suectüstul popular dl8t'U88Íon ol ihe pt yMkr, ltf laboi li pi ilie iiiinu"{ii.t': yet hall linwh'-d h as been aygressiye nd efli-ctive. lis grreatfxpo8ureot tbeatnini "retoi in 'of the Cleveland adminlatration waa crublii)! and final! no atuni[ t was ever made to answer il. lis podtlon on tnpranrc brooglit back ntimerous tbird party ?oters to the liepublican ranka lis broadgides on tliu tarlff and other queal have mucli to prove, beyoud queation, tbattlie republlcan party In the beal l'iienii of poor people of the country audofthe ettlera nf the weetern tenlloiics. It tixed beyoDd cimtioverry tbe responsibilitv foi' the defeat pf muclinevded ueiiMou legislation i" Coiijjrei. On nmny otuer Important queatioiia the Tribuno d!U 1 yul and buccmIuI work. It uiuii-itoi k, t'oi ii" inkeofihti cuii-c, mniiy inipipit -int, lib.iii'nn and firreacüing lusk, iavolvinjf ImmiiUse resenretr, irtra u-ciu tn gemny m irmeker motion the forces whicli won the victory. Cursi ni lia: liiluro muy Uv judjied by tlu; past. Tlic Tribune is notexclusively dyvotecl to politie. It ia .i ({eiieral newtpiper, presenting tliu uews of tlie world iu each issue, toirtther with fietion, miscellany, matter "for tbe boine Clrcle" and rui "Tounji Fplk," wiili excellent and ari'iir.ili' in.'ii krl ri p ut-, book n-virws, and foreigii corie8poudeuce, and two pages a week on Agricuitare. For tbe tmnüy, it is abfolutely unexcelled among newa papen Sabacriptlou Rute- Weekly, $1 a vi'.ii ; i'xtra ci)} wltb. every Uve. öemiWeckly, s-2 ;i yi-ar; .-stia copy willi i'veiy liv-. D.iiíy, $11.50 per year. Bunday Tilbaue, J tïew lubacrlbera receive tlie paper iintil Jan 1, 1890. Premiums- (1 ) Waverly NoyelF, oouiplete In mx vola. (2) Cooper'a fascliiMtIng "Leaiher Btockinjc Tale,'' 0 vul(3) Irvinfi's "'e ol Washington.11 (4 Ten one-dollar bdok, any one ol wblch Is sent for two subscriber, vi. : '-Ivs say's of fi'ird Bacon;" Edgar A. P-". Tules;" "Trench Revolutlon l)y Carlyl" "Gn'at Oenerals by Great Aulliore; "l'ofins of Sir Waker Scott;" 'Qreek Mythologyj" "Don Qulxotej" "Arablan NtghU;" "Roblnaon Oruaoe;" and '"SwiiS Family lloblnson. ' (3) Wlnche?ter Hunting Rifle, b reeen loading (6) HcnniiLitiin breeob-loading Shot (jiin (7) "New Vnrk Tribune' Hlatory of the tTnlted State and pocket Atlas ol the World." (S) The Ti Ibune'i itreat "Book of Open Air Sports.'1 ({)) "Wood's Household Medicine." (10) Webateri Unabridged Dictlonary. (11) Waltbam Watcli. Heud for Cicular decribing them in i uil. LIBRAUY OF TRIBUNE EXTRAS. Kvery year the Tribune piiuts au Almanac and Index and several boiuid "Extra." It is rróposed now to systeiiiatize the publlcitlioo "f these Extra--, and to issue tliem, reguliirly, once i month, 19 numbera per year. Tbe Almanac will be isned in its olil form, onlv wltb now, vahiuble and exteDsive mlditions to tbe contente, the number fT 1S89, by the way, coDtainiiijr complete re1 11 1 ii s of the presuleiital election. The other niiniliers will be made tip wltll pages of at. out inonthly magazine size. Tfiere ill le on Or two niinilers, pi-i' ycar, dvoted to lateat Ideal In "kulltinj and crochet." Several will contain complete novtls. Otheis will be muile up oj entei taining features of ipecUI and permanent valué relatinjí to Scieuce, Society, LIterature, Politie, etc. Single copies, 25 cents, P Ice, per year lor the 12 nninbers, $2. 33 THE TB1B0BE, NEW YOHK.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News