¦AS SIC IMRECTORY. A.1- MtnoR i'omviniRï, No. 13 meets flrst Tue'olfty of eaeh raonth. C. E. Hlscock. E. C: John K. Mlner. Recorder. TASriTESAW OHAITKR, No. B, R A. M.- Mnets tlrst Mondav eaph month. J. L. Sione H P : 7,. Konth. --ípevetnrv. BUSINESS CARDS. VTVOGEL, Dealer i ti a 1 k Inris of FRESH AND SALT MEATS Pnltry. Lard, ele. EVERYWING NEM AND C LEAN f Tío. 9 I'. Ann Mt. nn Arbor. 70 V XV NICHOLA, DE1TTIST. Kooins Over Vnti Arltur Sftvluirs Bank, Otp. C Mirt H misp Square. VITALIZED AIR Adminlsterei. I' ag---.'e a d i-a-y to tmke, aad d i pr 'Strning 11 cm oí ow w ifle teelh are extruau i without pitn. DR.C. H )WELL PHsiciisr Office, Room 4, Masón io Block. Office hoiirs : to 12 ; 2 to 6 p. m. DR. H R. ARNDT, P H.YSICIAN OFrtOC "vh'.k Fikst National Bank. Houks .t orreoc: OflOw i a. no ; 1:8 to S:iii u ín De retohud Ht reatitenoe (Wat Hurin s reet, ilie -'Prof. Nloliol pU -e ) Dv 8lph n ¦, No. 'jT, aiul will repiy to calis tu tbe eveuing. WIMJin IIEKZ, House, 3ignj Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperi iff, GUzímíí, (ttldlng, nd Catcimiuliii.', and Work ¦ 'very de-cr1attoii dono íd (he beet etyle.aid warranted to KHtisfactinn. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St,, Anr, Arbor. o. :mi. isLJRTXisr, CLQTfl CASKETS, METALIG nd ' 'ommotï (yOtflus. Calla tittented to Day or Nli;ht. Rmbalreilag a apeulalty. st,i eroora on R. Wshini;toii street. Re.sldence Cor. Liberty and Kiftti W. II. 1ACK8OV, ril E31I IVIITIIXII SUTIL OB'VIOK : O?er JSach & vlx-l's Iry Good Store. Entrence npxt to X itioiml Bank. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South .Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldest ageney In the clty. Efttabllahed overaqaarter of acentury ago. Repreaentlng tbe (ollowlQg flrBt-class compaaios. wltb over 60,000,000 CiipltHl and Anací. HOME IN9. CO., Of New Yorlc. CONTINENTAL IN3. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO.. of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelpbla. ORIËNT INS. CO.,of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Ratw Low as tlie Lowpst. liOsses Liberally Adju.sted and promptly raid. C. H. MILLEN Jsrome Freeman ! Move.- froin bis present stand over Walts' to the POSTOFFICE, BARBER SHOP I BATH Rooms, Monday, Marct) 10. W SliüSB aai W BATHS ! THE ANN ARBOR SAV.INGS BANK ANN IRBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business CAPITAlT$5O,OOO Organlzed nnder the General Bankinj La thtu Stat.-, the stockh.ilaorB índhlilnally Hábil for an additlonal amnmit eqtial to thentork held bj them.thoreby .TeatiiiK a iu;irntne Fnnd r !¦ beneflt of Depofút-r8 of $100,000.00. Tbree per cent Interest Ik il!oed on all ¦ Depo.Hrt uf one dollar and upwantf, accordintr u the ruli-8 oí the Bank -ind intcrut coinp andad ¦emi-aunQJilly hCouey to Loan on unincumhen-fl real estáte and other irood ecurliy. DIRECTORS: CHRISTIAN MAOK, WM. I). HAIililMAN rt. W. WINKs. DANIEL BIHOOCE, WILI.IAM DKDHKL, vil.l.AKu B. 8MITH DAVID RIIkSEY. OFFICKRS: C. MACK, Fres. W. W. WIN KS, Vlce-Pres C a. nisroCK.fí.iKhier. fHffillliPf MI li-ii ii'v.. luilí, the world ñl U r M IIIM ¦ ' ' ir ' " tlie lam hult ('ciitury. ¦n I Mil liUii N"; l('ast mong i he wonden of Invetitive progrwa ts a raeihoil muí lystem .it w.irk that can be perlorined all over the country without nepara'lti({ the worktTB frorn thelr limnes. Py hlierai;any ono cando ilie work; elthcrsex, yo 'tig or oíd; no spec-lal nblllty requhfd. Upitn not Deedpd ; yon are starteil fr e. Cut tnls oul and return lo us ai d we will send you frea, Hoineiliini; of real valué and ItnP'iriance lo you. liiat will start ou In bunlneM, wblch will brliiL' you In more money rjnht iwiiy ili.m anyhlng eNe In the uorld. llmnd outfit ree. Address True 4 Co,, Augosla. Muiue.
William Herz House Sign Ornamental and Fresco Painter
Business Cards
Barber Shop and Bath
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Z. Roath
William Herz
William Deubel
William D. Harriman
Willard B. Smith
W. W. Wines
W. H. Jackson
O. M. Martin
John R. Miner
Jerome Freeman
J. L. Stone
Dr. W. W. Nichols
Dr. H. R. Arndt
Dr. C. Howell
David Rinsey
Daniel Hiscock
Christian Mack
C. W. Vogel
C. H. Millen
C. E. Hiscock
No 4 S Main St
9 E. Ann St.
4 W. Washington St.