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A Visit With The Doctor

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"IIow aro you to-day, Mrs. Carleton ?" Hlked Dr. Karletch, as lie sat dwn by his patiënt, who recllned languidly in a large, cnrbiohfd cliair. '"Miserable," was tin fuintly spoken replv. And the word was repeated - "Miserable." The doctor took one of the lady's f mail white hanlH, on which the network of veins, most delicately tracal, spread its lines every wheie beneath th transparent skin. It was beautiful hand - a stuly for a imiiiter or soulptor. It was a solt, flexible, hai'd - sott flexible and velvety to the touch, as the hand of -i baby, for it was as much i stni'iger to uieful work. The doctor laid hls Hngers on the wiist Under the preMtira lm feit the pulse beat slowly and evenly. He took out hig watch and counted the beats - seventy in a minute. Tliere is 110 fever or miy unusual ilUturbunoe of the system. Ciluily the heart was doíi gilí 'Piiointed woik "Huw isynur head, Mis. Cailetnn?" The lady moved her head Iroin side to -.le two or ttiree times. "A'iyfiing "Ut 't the way tliere?" "My heil is wull enouiih, luit I feel n misi ruble - so wek. I haven't the -trengtb ofacblld. The least exertion exhausts me " Ai.d the lady shut her eyes, lookinf: the picture nf Ieel)leness. "Have you taken the tonic for wliich I lili h prc-ci -iption yesterday f" "Yes hut I'm no stroner. ' "Huw is yonr Hppetile?' "It id." "Have yon taken the mornlng alk in the porden that I surresled ?" "O ilear no ! Walk out in the garden ! I'm faiiit by tlie time I jret lo the breaklustioom I I can't live atthi rate, doctor. What :im I to dol (Jill'lyou liuild me up In -ome way? I'm :i buiden to unyselt and everyne else.'1 And Mis. Carlcton really looked dis tiessed. "Yon ride out every day?" '¦Idid tl ii Li 1 tlie carriaire was broken, and that was nearly n wee!; IIJTO. It hus heet) ut the carriage makers every nee." "You must have the fresh air, Mrs. Cnfleton,1' said the dnetor, atiiphatleally. "Kreh uil', chauue ol scène, and exereise are Indispensable to your case. You will die if yon remato shut up after thls fushion. Come, take a ride with me.', "Doctor! how absurd !"' exclaimed Mrs. Carliton, almost shocked by the sti;;eston. "Ride with you! What woulU people thlnk?" A tig for people's thoughts ! Get your shawl and bonnet and take a dnve with me. Whnt do you care for meddlesome people's thoughts ! - Come !" The doctor knew his patiënt. "Hut you're not in earnest, surely!" There was a half-uinuseil twiukle In the ludy' eyei. "Never mure in earnest. I'm going to ser a patiënt just nul the city, tind the drive will be chiirining one. Nothing wonlii piense me better tlmn to have j'our company." There was a vein of humor, and a ppirit nP'don't care," in Mrs. Curleton, whioh had unce mide her independent and almost hoydenish. lïut associations, sinco her woinan life began, had toned her dowu to exceeding prepriety. Fashion and cnnventionality, howevcr were losing tlieir influnuce, since enfeebled health kept her feet from the worldV gay placee; and the doctor' invitation to a ride found her sulllciently disenthralled to see it in a pleasing novel ty. 'l've half a mlnd to go," she said smilIng. She had not siniled beforo since the doctor came in. "I'll ring for yonr maid," and Dr. Farleiglfs hind was on the bell-rope betore Mrs. Carleton had space to think twice, and endanger a change of thouarht. "I'm notsure that I am strong enough for the effurt," said Mrs. Oarleton, and ha laid her hoad upon the cnshion in a frelile way. "Trust me for that," replied the doctor. The maid came in. "Bring me a shawl, and my bonnet, Alicej I am going to ride out with the doctor.'1 Very languidly was the sen16110" spoken. "I'm afrald, doctor, it will be too much for me. Ynu don't kuow how weak I am. The very thought of such ao eflbrt xlianntn me." "Not a thought of the effort," replied Dortor Farleigh. "It Isn't tüat.'1 'Whatisit?' 'A lliiuiüht of appearances- of what people will 8 iy. ' "New. ductor! yon don't think me 60 we.k in that direction." "Ju-t so weak," was the freespoken angwer. "You fashionahle people are dl atraid of each other. You haven't a spark of Hdividuality or irue indepen dence. No, not a park ! You are quite strong enough to ride out in your own elegant carriage- but with the doctor!- oh, deur, no! Ifyou were certain of not meeting Mrs. McFlimsey, perhaps the ex pcriineiit niiaht be ventured. Hut, she is always out on fine dys." "Doctor, for shame! How can you s y UiatV' And a ghost of color crept into the faca of Mrs. Ciirletnn, while her eyes jrew brighter- ilraost tlished. The niaid came iu with shawl and bon net. Dr. Farleigh as we have inümated. understood hls patiënt, and said just two or three wordg more, half contemptuous. "Afiaid of Mrs. McFlimsey !" "Not I; nor of forty Mrs. McFlimIl was not tho ghost of color that warmed Mrs. Cailetou's fnce now, but the i-rimson of a qiiicki-r and stronger heartiii'ut. She actually arose from her ehair without reacliing for her maid's hand, and dood flrmly while the shawl was adjusted and the bonnet stiings tied. "We shall have a charmiiig ride," said the doctor, as he crowded iu beside liis tashion.-ibUi lady compauion, and took up the relns. He npliCHj that she sat up erectly, and with scarcely a sij;n of the lantruor lht but a few momenta before had so oppresed her. "Lean back when you -ee Mrs. MeFümsey's cairiajje, and draw your veil closely. She'll never dream that i i's you.1' 'I'll get angry if you play on that strinjr mucli longen" excln'imed Mr. Carleton; "wliat do I care for Mrs. McFlmisey ?" How charmlngly the rose lints flushed her cheekt. ! How the lljcht rippled in her dark, sweet eye?, that were leadon a little while before. Away from the noisy strects, out upon the smoothlybeaten road, and amid green llckl.s mid woodlnndc, ganlens and nower-decked orchards, the doctor bore his patiënt, holding her all the while in pleasant talk. How different, this, from the listless, companlonless drives taken by the lady in her owu carriage - t kind of easy viliratiiifr machine, that quickencd tlie sluírfrlsh blood no more tuan a cusliioned rocking-chair. Closely the doctor observed his patiënt. He saw how erectly she continued to sit; how the color continued to deepen In her face, whlh actually sei-med rounder and fuller; how the scenoof eiijoyment fairly danced in her eye. Kcturnlnf! to city by a different road, the doctor, after driving through streets entirely unfamilar to his coinpanion, drew up his horse bffoioa meanlooking dwfliiiiir, and dropping the reins, threw open the carriage door, and slepped upou the pavement - at the same time reacliing out his hand to Mrs. Carleton. But she drew back, saying - "Whiit is the meanlng of thto !" 'I have a patiënt hcre, and I wish you to see her." "Oh no; excuse me, doctor. l've no taste for such tilinga," answered the lady. "Come - I can't leave yon alone in the ciirriage. Ned uught take a faney (o walk off with you." Mis. Carleton glanced at the pntient oíd horra, wlmin the doctor was slaiiiluring. wil h a slightly alarmed mártner. "Don't you tlilnk he'll stand, doctor?" slie asked, imeasily. "He likes to get home, I ike others of liis tribe. Comr;" and the doctor held out iiis hands iu a persistent way. Mrs. Carleton looked at the poor tenements lefore which the doctor carriage hul stoppt-d, wilh omething of disgust and siimi'tliing of apprehension. "I can never e,o iu thore, doctor." "Why not?" "I miglit take some discuse." "Never fear. More likcly to lind a panacea there." The last sentence waa In an undertonp. Mrs Carleton left, the carriage, and cro-scd the paviünent entered one of the house and imased up with the doctor to tlie second story. To hls light tap at a chamber door a woman's voicc said, - "Come in." The door was pmhed open, and tho doctor and Mrs. Carleton went In. The room was sm.i 1 1, and furnished in the liiimblest manncr, but the air was pure, and everything lonked clean and tidy. In a chair with a pillow pressed at her li 'i'k for support, .-at a palé emaciated womm whose Urge, bright eyes looked up eagerly, and in a kind of hopeful surprise at so unexpecteil a vlsltor us the lady who came in with the doctor. On her lap a baby wm lecpiug, as sweet, and pure, and beautlful ti baby as ever JJrg, Cnrleton had looked upon. The first impulse of her true wom m's heart, had he yielded to it, wou!d have prompted her to take it in lier anus and cover it with klsses. The woman was too weak to rlse from her chair, but ahe aked Mr. Carleton to be scated in a tone of lady-like selfpo8session that did not escapti the visiturV oli.-trv.iViuu "How liilyou pass the tiiglit Mrs. Laslic" askod the doctor. "About as uual," was nnswered in a calm, patiënt wiy and she even smiled iis sho spoke. "How abnut the puin through yoursido and shouliler?" "It may have been a little easler." "You slept V' "Ye8, 6ir." 'Wliat of the nifjht sweatsr" "I doii'C tliink they have dimintehcd any." The doctor bent his eyes to the flnor, and sat in silence for snme time. The heart of Mis. Oarleton was opening toward the baby ; and it wus a baby to make its way luto any heart. She had forgntten her owu weakness - forgotlen in tlio presence of t his wan and wasted mother, with a sleeping cherub on her lap, all about her own invalid state. "I wlllsrnd you a ncw medicine," said the doctor, lookinjr up; then speaking to Mrs. Carleton, lie added - "Wiil you sit here uittil I visit two or three patiënt In the block ?" "Oh ceitainly," and she reached out lier arm9 for the baby, and moved c po gently frora its mother's lap that its soft slumbor was not broken. When the doctor relurned he noticed that there liad been tears In Mis. Carleton's cyes. She was etill holding the baby, but now reMgDèd the quiet sleeper to its mother, kiesing it as shc did so. He siiw lier look with a tender, meaiiing interest at the white patiënt face of the sick woman, and hoard her say, as she spoke a word or two in parting - "I shall not forget you.'' "That's a sad c:ise, doctor,1' romarked the Udy as sno took her place In the carriage. "It is. But sho is sweet and patiënt " "I saw that and it filled me with surprise. S'ie telli me that her husbaud dicd a ear ago." "Ws" "And that she has supported herself by shirt-makinj;." "Yes." "But that she has becotne too feclile for work. and is dependent on a younger sister who eains a few dollars week'.y, at uookfohling." "The simple s-try, I believe," said the doclor. Mrs. Carli-ton was silent for the most of the way home; but thought was busy. She had seen a pha-c of üfü that touchfd her decply. "You are better for tuis ride," remarked the doctor, as he handed her froin the carriage. "I think so," replied Mr. Carleton. "There has not been so tine a color on your face for tnonths. ïliey liad entered Mrs. l.arleton's èlcga'it rc'uleiicc, and werc ilttlng in Olie of her luxurious parlors. "Snall I teil you why," addod the doctor. Mrs Carleton bowel. "You have had some hcalthy Iuartbeats.'" She did not answer. "Aud I pray you, dear uitdam, let the strokes jro on !" continued Dr. Farleigh. ' Let your miad becoine intrrested in ome good woik, und ymir hands obey your thoughtd, and you wdl be a healthy wonian, la body and soul. Your dlt'uase is mental inaction." Mrs. C irleton looked steadily nt the donor. "Yon are In earnest?" sho said, lu a cal in. Ürtn way. "Wholly in earnest, nia'am. I found you, au huur ago, In so weak a state Ihat to lift your haad was an cxhaiwling effort. You are sitting erect now, with every tuuscle taiitly strung. When will your carriage be done?" He asked the question abruptly. "To-morrow," was replied. '" l'hen I will not cali on you, but - '' He hesitatrd. "S ly on, doctor." "Will you take my prescriptlon f" 'Yes." There wns no hesitation. "You must kívc tlie slck woman a ride into the country. The fresh, pure, blossoms and sweet air will do her jrood - may, indeed, turn the balance of health iu her favor. Oon't be afraid of Mrs. McFlimsey." "For shamo, doctor I But you are too late in your suggestion. I'm quite ahead ofyou." "Ah! In what respect f' "That drive into the country is alroady a settled thing. Do vou know, I'm in love, with that baby f" "Othcllo's occupation's jone, I sce," replied the doctor, rising. "But I mny vilit you, occasionally, as a frieud. I presume, if not as a medical adviser?" "As my best friend alway," s lid Mrs. Carleton, with feeling. You "have led me out of myself, and Bhowed me the way to health and happlness; and I have scttled the question as to my future. Itshnll not be as the past." And it was not.