
A feellng ofdullncsa and languor, Whirii ts nol ukln to pain, And resembles Fufferlng oaly Ah tbe mist resembles rain, 18 often tlie liret indicalion of inclpietit disease. ín such c:ise8 tue famous "ounco of prcvention" is the hljíliest wisdom, and may be found in ïrs most potent fonn in Dr. Pierce's Gulden Mi-dic il Dlscoveiy, which, bv lts wonderful blonri-purifying and invigoratitig toTiic prOfKrtles, will qulckly rcstoru the ebbliis: vilality, repair and strengthen the system, una tlius ward off tlireatetiinjiicktiosa lts saving influencc reaches every orsan of tlie body. Duiing ten woeks fnrty-nino men committed suicide nt Monte Cario. Premier Crispí says Italy wants peace. Learned Professors Say. Tlic most sitíous diseaes of llic lieart, says I'iof. üi Costa, may occur witliout anv symp[imi8. Prof. Trousseaii, of Pr-, stiues tliat death from heart disease s utually Ciiuspd by congestión of tlie lunjrs, liver, etomnch or kldneys, from imperfect circulatlon of the blood. l)r-. Miles' New Cure for the Heart is the lalest and most rcliable reinedy for this Uttle unilerstood but grave disenso. It lias cnred thousands of cases. Don't fail to try it. Ask fur testimoniáis. Sold ut Kberbacb und S'u's Driiíf Store. The price of coal la Eugland hns ndvanced. _ Bucklen' Árnica Sal re. The Best SalTe in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheura, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It is jfuaranteed to jflve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents por box. For Sale by Ebrbach & Son. rt.iHí' Snop HucureK a beautlful complexleo.