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Makk ïïo Mistare- If you have made uj' your inmd Co buy Hooil's 8raparilla do noc be induced to tak any otlier. Hood's S irsap;trilla is a peculiar medicine, possessins, by virtue of lts peculiar comblnation, proportion and preparatl'm, curative power superior to any other article of the kind before the people. For all aflection3 arising from impure blood or low state of the system it is unequalled. Be sure to gel Elood's. "Do you read all your stories over n proof. Ssrlbuler! " asked CandidU3. "Every one of them." "And get$lO a column for them ? " "Yes." 'Tito for the wrlting and eieht for readin the proof, Isuppose ? " - Ilarpor's Basar. X Safe Inrostmcnt. Ia one whieh is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory reniltfs or In case of failure a return of purcliase price. On this safe plan you eau buy froin our advertised Drugsiist a botlle of Dr. King'a New Diseovery for Coiisumption. It is guaranteed to bringrrolief in every case, wheu used for any aBVction. of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumplion, Inflamraatiou of Lungs, Bronchitis, Astlima, Wliooping Cough, Cruup, etc, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly snfe, and cüii alwaya be depended upon. Trial bottles free nt Kberbach & Son'á Drugstore. Humnpprianac Biiing from th ricmorrnayes. Luncstomach, líos, or from any cause la Bpeedily controllcd and ntoppcd. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains & Bruises. It is cooling, clcansing and Ilrallne. rAlnMiiU It is most clllcacimM fortbij Lata! m. dlaeua,Col1 in the Head, etc. '¦Pond' KxtractC'alarrli Cure, prclally proiareil to meet (eriou case, ¦taouiil ho apulied with l'uud'i lixtract Naaal Sjrinüe. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No othcr prennration bas cnred morí cases of thcae aistreislng romplnlnts than the Kxtract. Pond's Kxtract Piaster is iuvalnable lu these discasu. Lumbago, Pains in Back or Slde, etc. Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Uso the Extract promptly. Deïay U dangeron. Pi ac i"". Bleedlnor Ttchlnff. jllCoj lt ia the greatest kuown remedy ; raplilly enring when other medicines have failed. IPond1! Extract Olntment 1b of creat service where tho reiuoval o clothing is inconvenient. Chapped Hands & Face. Pond9 Extract ehonld be in cvery faruily this ecvere weather. It rcmovei the forciieps tind rouph net n tul sollen and lieuls the skin promptly. Female Complaints. ityoffmaíídieeascsthe Extract can be osed, as is wcll known, with the preatest benefit. Full directione accompauy cacii bottle. CAUTION. Pond's Extract ?L"L& thewords"Pond'i Kxtract blown in the glass, and onr picture trade mark on surroandinii buff wrappcr. None other is Senuine. Ahvftye Insieton having Pond4 Jxtract. Talie no other prcparatiOQ. H U nerer toltl In bulk or by mtature. Solü Kiervn lic re , I'rlrrn, 50c., $1, 11.76. Pnpared only by POND'S EXTRACT CO SEW ÏOKK AMD LONDOK.