.short advertlsemenls not to exceed three unes, of Lost ana Found, Houses for Sale or Kent, Wants, etc.. lnserted three week for JÍ5 cents. Sltaatlons wanted, free. XMA9 hollyaiul green cut flowers, house planta, letluce and parslpy, etc. i'Ol's1N3 & HALL, Florista, 'ti . L'nlv. Ave. 34 WANTED- A few beglnninu pupila on the Vlolln. A good training nuarauteed, havlng had experleace In teaching and haviug reoelved lustructlon from the best teachers 1 the state durlnK tlie pust four years. Would cHpeoiullv 'icslro young pupila, Vouth being tho time for the best devcloment of good cxecution. single eMom :) oenU, Term of Lesiona $5.10. Redaotlon raad fr classes of two or moro. Addreu ir cali at 48aoutU12th Stron. J. W. Gloveh. SUBSCRIPTIONS for American and Forelgn l'erlodlcals handled wllli aiouracv and despatch at low rates. W. W. BEMAN, 1S. Flftb st. TT'OIt sale or would exchange for a horse or JP hay and oats a ijooa two sented currlage, inqnlre at Itoblson's Llvery itable. FORsale slx ncres land just outslde Corporation. Wlli le sokl on niouthly paymenta lf deslred, klao two stacks clover hay for sale. Knqulie of J. T. Jacobs. EKWARD.- A reward of lu wUI be pald for the return of au overcoat taken trom a boarding house on Maynard si. Return the coat to No. 5 N. Uuiverslty st., and the reward wlll bc pald and no questlona aaked. : TTNFl'RNISHEU Rooms, two on the J ground and two Obftmben or a part i ii.iin. Low reut. Umi furnlshaooaJ Btove. Two old peoplr. We eau glvo soine Knploment. HO.WHOTth State tt. '. A. rimlden. riWO plensant well furulshed room.-, to L rent at No. 60 Washtcnuw, corner of Forest Ave. 'si EEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and Iota valued from Jl.üflO to $6,U00 and contalnlng from one-flfth of an hcre to twenty acres- all In the city llinils. Housese rented on reasonable terms In central Iocalltle8. Farms exchangcd for city property. Enqnlreof J. Q. A. Stsslons, Attornpy and R'al Estáte Agent, Offlce No. North Main st., Ann Arbor. 51t(
Robison's Livery
Real Estate
Miscellaneous / Unclassified
Insurance and Real Estate Agency of J. Q. A. Sessions
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
W. W. Beman
J. W. Glover
J. T. Jacobs
No. 5 N. Main St.
No. 30 N. State St.
48 S. 12th St.
26 S. University Ave
19 S. Fifth St.