EXCELSIOR GROCERY ¦ATI A tt ( K OK Pure, Clean, Fresh CROCERIES, Teas, Coffces, Spices, Canned Goods AND PRODUCE. Everything Cheap and Good, GIVB I A OAIiIh E. E. BEAL. OEO. H. POND. (SUC-KSSORS TO A. DKFORKST.) INSURANCE AGEN6Y ! HKI'KKSKNTINU ONI.Y FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES ( ¦ciVMtl.Nfi Fire Insurance, Steam Boiler Insurance, Plate Class Insurance. l - Kii'rN, l.ib.Tiil Adjutmnts, L'p.m-M I'roiiiitl Pald. The patronage of our friends and the j Uc generally Is sollclted. Office in the Courier Building F ARMSfcr SALE Those wislihig to huy frm cUeap come eoon and ee J. I. Van Keuren, real eatate agent, Howell, Mlch. There Is DO better country far ralslng wtaeat, sheep and beana, and general farmlng than Livingston county. eBpeclally In the vlclnlty of Howell. ICciul th Ik Hst ol KarniH for ale: lililí i: 200 irlll! FARMS. TWO 160 ' K TWO 120 " " fivi: ïoo m " TWO CO " " THRKK MO ' ' Illlill 4O M All flrst eins farms and wlthln aennvenlentdlstance of Howell. There is oue very flne 10 acre farm lylng about lralleH from the vlllage of Howell. near the Howell rallroad Juncllon, whlch offers many lnducement to u purchaser. J. I. VAX KEUREN, Keal Estáte Agent. Office In Angel Block, Howell, Mlch.