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OFFERJEXTRA ! ! To all New Sicbscribers, and to all Old ones, who ¦pay up a year in advance, an article of household use will be given ivhich can not be purchased anywhere in the United States at retail ¦for One Dollar. It is a wonderfully handy thing to have in every home and youget both that and The Courier simply for the yrice of the latter. Come n and get a bargain. This is a campaign year, cvhen y ow want a counti vaper to keep yon postea indyou ca,n not do better %an to subscribe for the )est paper in the county. This article will be disL,ributed to all who subscribe and pay a year in xdvance upon the ñ,rst of Februari, 1889. In the meantirhe guesses are in order as to what it is. Subscribe and see. Only one week from next Tuesdav ! Tlie court houc will look decidedly better wheti the pain terg get thiough wlth it. Tlie reporta from Washington state thnt tlie potato erop this year has been the largest for nine years. The bandadas still wave fiom the top of t lic democratie pule, but they are budly faded, and look tired. The Freedoin town treasurer is the first one In the county to pay in taxi to the county treasnrer, havlng paid la f926 last Saturday. Gustave Hermann has rectiveda letter from President elect Harrison, giving yountr Binj. Harrison Hermann " the bust of wisbM tor prosperity." After the regular Wednesday prayer servicf at St. Andi-ew's cluuch to-nl(tbt, all the áunday Bchool teNChera are expected to meet in consnltation. Tbeodore Sweet ha? taken an engine on the T. & A. A. K. U. again, and wil] prohably run froin Ownsso to Cadillac when he iets permaneotly settled. M ilicl, the 16 montlis old danarhter of Mr. and Mr. V. V. Tidd, wblle In play at their home last tveninuf, feil in sucli a marnier as to break her arm. Cl Ara H. Au-tin, wlfeofWm H. Clut, dii'il at her home in Dundee Dec. 4th, aged 37 years 5 montli-, and the remains wire brought to this city for interment. Almiia F. Minaker seeks a divorce from Byron Minaker, on the Ifround that he (Irinks too hitrd and bas failed to support beiself and ehildren. Ypsihuiti parties. The Ann Arbor toad seems to be dolne jiretty well is its statement shows of business done: 188C. 1887. 18SS. Numberof miles 130 184 245 Fourtll weet In Nov..$ 12.976 S 14.2ÍK í 23.0H0 JanlloNov.SU 336.M7 473,i 020,354 One of the picas u test affniis of the social seiison was the (larty given ly the Knights Templar, at their Temple last evening. The rioglng hy Messrs. Fall, Ren wiek, Matachel and Wilsey was excellent, and a delightful feature of the occasion. Fred Markhnm, a'i old resident of the township, living jnst north of the city, lost $150 tomewhere about town or on the roail home, togetlier with a clieck for $1,000 on the Savings Bank last Salurday. He looked on tlie wine a llttle that d;iy, the boys say. The M. E. Sunday School ?ave $119 missionary mouey to the geneml conference during the year, bas pald up for all sniiplies, and bus some $50 on hand. The mlsslooary collection on Easter Sunday, April lst. was $03.25. This eau be accounted a good year's record. The coffee trust bas turned another ecrew and up roes the berry again. Democratie papers will please note that there isnotaritfon coffee. The excuse for the advaiice hovvever is a short erop. Importers claim tliat tliere were 1,000,000 less sacks grown this year tban lat, while the consumption is constantly increasinc. TIn-re i9 a certain man in tliis city, and a father of h family, too, who will yet get horsewhlpped by sorae man. On a recent occasion lie stepped up to a respectable lady who was visit1nr here (a strangerto liiinby llie way) and invitcd her t bis omVe. He lias been guilty of other fully as bad thinsrs recently and be will yet meet bis jnst deserta if lie keeps on. Milo Puleipher received tlie sad intellijtence Wednesday last of the death on tbat day of his brotherin-law, Chas. Drake of St Louis, Mo., together with twoofbis chlldron. Diphthcria was the cause. Mr. Drake was the treasurer ot' the Santa Fe It. R , and was a rising man in bis business. It is oneof tbe very ¦MÍ caset t tue iiiiuiy sad ones in tliis world. Next week Friday Mr. E. C. Higgins, who bas been with Messrs. Sawyer and Knowlton in tlieir law offle, for two or three years, leaves for Arkansas City, Kansas. Ho will enler In partnership with an oíd es ablished attorney tlierc Mr Hlggina has the rlgbt siuff In hlna to meced nnd we bellere lie will suoceed, t(io. lic is held In higli esteem by raaiiy fríe nds here, whose best wishes fo with !iim to iiis new borne in tlie wild west. Tony Si'hippac.isse, our Main St. Italian fruit dealer, was the happy victim of a Krent J"ke the other day. Some wag painteil a sin : " Free, Take one," and slyly i luced t on Tony's best pile iif apples. Of course the boys weren t loiiji In catching on - to the apples. Hut how could they be proBecutüd for aecpptlng such a tempting invitation? Tony alwayi iwean In Itallan, never In EnglUb, so the reporter coulln't teil whether be did a real rood job or not. The nev charter, if we have one, sliould j;ive the mayor power to appolnt all ippointlTe ity dffleers, subject to tluapproval of tbe council, and tben hold hiin Kaponalble for tbielr acts. The niyor shoiild also have the Teto power. There sliould be 011e (treet commiasloiier for tlie ntire city. Thli would retnlt in savlng hundreds of dollars annually to our tax-payers. There ure maoy other chaiijjes that are desirable, which may be alluded to f rom time to time. The Yptilantl Bentlnel takes kiudly to our street rail way as follow: The project of a treet rallway Is Uil belng aïltatcd m Ann Arbor, and the qulcker they begin lt the bi-tter we shall llke lt ; for we ara certain that to mako lt worth auy thlng Umust come to Ypsllaiitt, and Uien the enterpnso wtiloh Uie Senliuol proposed sorao years ago, wlll be an uccorapllshed lact If we live we expect wltlnii two or three year, tOBee Ann Arbor and Ypsllantl, in hourly cummunlcallon, and In fact made vlrtually one clly by a conuectlng treet rallway. lt wlll be nu electiic rallway if that appeurs to be the cheapest. The annual meeting of the Washtenaw County AKricultural and Horticultura] Society will occur on Taesday, the 18tb day of Dec, in the ajtrlcultural room of the court house, at 2 o'clock p. m., promptly. The regular election of offtcers and other business of importance. The citizens of this county should be suölciently interested In this society to attend the meetlnr and see that good men are choseu tocarry on tbe business of the organization. Reinember the date, Tuesday, Dec. 18, at S p. m.