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Qüv. Luce and the Regenta to-day. Prof. Stnnley's organ recital Thursday evening next. Mr. Dickema has many well wishers here in hu race for the speakership. The S. C. A. social at the Baptist chareh Friday evuning was a vury pleasant atTair. The oratorical contests in the law departtnent will not occur until ufter the hoüdays. Several of Die boys h:ive learned what it 19 to be confrouted by a "condition"' not a theory. Tlie last Chronicle has a dazzling deacription of Petern, the foot-ball terror. He's a dandy. The California student? are to meet to organize a society on Friday evenin;; in tin: law quiz-room. Prof. Steere led the S. C. A. meeting iMt Sunday morning, speaking of hls recent trip to Farmosa. The senior dents have selected a U. M. '89 monogram design with chain and cap D as appendage, for class pin. Prof. Vial of the Cornell Schoei of Pharmacy has been here getting pnints for the past lew dnys. He got what he came alter. Dr. A. J. Braden and Dr. Edith E Taylor, medies of 'L8, were niarried recently at An Train, Wis. More benefits of co-education. The Sigs eiitertained "Karl," Mr. Chas Gardner, after hia entertainment last Friday even inr. A workl of Btories were tolil and enjoyed. Cornell's register shows 1,174 students, 708 being froin New York. Co-education works admirably, and 132 ladies are attending the col'egc Dr. Cornelia Whitbeck, medie class '73, of Pittsford, Mich., was a witness in tlie suit of S irah Cole vs. L. S. & M. S. It. H , and a rood one, too. Wliy not induce Prof. lïart J. Doran to join the Kugby team ? He could tackle Pelers in a way th it wonld bo apt to niake that young man peter out. The "fast set" at Harvard aro bei ng "set down on1' by the conservativo newspapers and faculties generally. Dut the boys are so "fast" tliey can't help it. Dr. Geo. A. Ilendricks left Saturday for Mlnneapolis, ha ving accepted the chair of anatomy in the University of Minnesota, at that place. Tlie Dr. leaves many warm frieuds here. Wm. V. Dewey and Allie B. Smith of Charlotte were married last Wednesday and will live at Pierce, Nebraska. Another result of co-education, as both were here in college in 1886. The Chronicle urges the heavy students, the giants, attending tlie professional departtnenta - of which there are a large number - to join the rugby team, so that future accide:its like that at Chicago may be avoided. Will the present lejislature give the university n building in which to keep its works of art, or must they go to the demnition bow-wows for the want of a place to keep them ? We shall see what we shall see. Just tlie same, against the iniluence of professors and learned men, the Volapuk language is forging ahead and now has a cool million students miistering it. lts autlior Father Schleyer, died suddenly in Constance, France, Oct. 9th His tongue will live, however. The concert given by the Amphions and tlie Glee Club at the hall last Thursday evening was highly enjoyed by every one attending. Warm words of praise are heard on every side, both for the Amphions and the Glee Club. May they "come Rgaiti" is the universal wish. The Hawaiian, (Sandwich Islea) Gazette, recently reeeived, has this item: "Miss Almeda E. Hitchcoek, daughterof Hon. D. II. Hitcüeock, of Hilo, was on Oct. 29th admitted to practice in the Court of this Kingdom. She submiltei] to the Judgps of the Supreme Court her diploma as Bachelor nf Laws from Ann Arbor University, Michigan, also her license to practice law in Circuit and Supn-uic Courta of that Stato. Worilo denoting the mapcnline gender, In tlm blank forms of the Court for admlssion, had for the first time to bo altered with the pen in order to suit the case of this, the pioneer lady lawyer of the Kingdom. Miss Hitchcoek will be installed iu her father's office at Hilo." Tlie gym. ia wonderfully tenacious.of life. "Set down on" as it has been by the legislatura time after time; snuhbed and Ignorad by the faculty ; and neglected by many who should be its most persistent rriends, it comes up smillng every year, appealing with greater and still greator (orce for an existence in fact as wcll as in name. It is to be hoped that tlie time will come when the people may fully appreciate the benefit a gymnasium will be to the students. The very ones who need it the most are tlie students whose fathers inoet bitteily oppose it i. e., the sons of farmers. Coming as they do from the open air, with plenty of outdoor exercise, the confinement of the study and class-room soou tells on their strength and health. A gymnasium would help build up the physical systein without which an education is of no value. Thun success to the gym., may it keep on clinging to hope and straws until the parents of students wake up to its necessity. Artliur Swect will return to his place on the SHginaw división of the M. C. II. K. next week. Misses Francés and Emmn Herbert, of Ionia, have opcned a dress makitig establishment at No. 66 N. Main St. On Monday last Justice Frueauft" sentenced Michael Klais, of Scio, to 90 days in the Detroit House of Correction for beting his wife. It is the fashionable thing just now to go shopinr in the afternoon and have the merchanta put away piickages of nice things to keep until Christiuas for you. The number of brlghl boys that bave already been drowned by breaklng through tbe Ice wblle sKatinE, leads iis to ttilnk it would be a good tblng lo have a roller rink In every towQ near water, to keep the boys o!Ttlie ice, UQtll cold weather- Ypsilaoti Seutlnel. Yes it is better to have a brnken arm or leg tlian to lose one's lifc. Par belter. Golden Rulo lodge F. & A. M. elected the following otHcers last Tliursday : W M - W. W. Watts. H. W.- Klrk H. J. Clark. J. W.- N. O. Kyer. Sec'y - N. D. Oate. Treas - U. C. Fall. 8. D.- J. A. Gates. J. D.- R. H. Cutbbert. Tyler- John It. Mlner. The following offleers were chosen of the Royal Arcanum lodge last evdiiing: Regent- Cbas. a. Fall. Vice Regent- H. J. Moore. Becretary- J. Q. A. 8eêstons. Treasurer-S.H. Bllti. Collector- F H. Belser. Orator- Dr. James N. Martin. Warden-C. E. Oodfrey. Seutry- F. Stofflet.


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