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The "Saturday Class" of llttle ones are to glve n program on Dec. 15, at 4:15 p. m., in the Ludies' Library. The old roller skating craze 3 on the gain ngain, and Mr. Preston is managing to gife the j'oung people a chance for this sport by opening the rlnk on Fridnys and Saturdays. Mr. Preston tells us that at any time when a party of young Iadies deslrc to skate or to learn, that he will let them in and they can have the rink to thernselves gratis. A good chance to learn, certuinly. On Thursday and Friday evenlngs of tli is week, the parlors of the Baptist church are to be opened for an entertainment called " An Every Day Affair." The ladies have hit upon a novel way of exhlbitlng the useful articles they haye prepared for holiday gifts and promise a pretty display, a good supper and a pleasant time generally. Door9 open at 4:30 p. m. Admission 10 cents. Tlie Unitv Club has dratnatized Longfellow's "Courtship of Miles Standish," and will produce it before the public next Mondiiy evening in tlie parlora of tlie Unltarlan cliurch. The chnracters will be represented in costumes peculiar to the times of the Pllgrlm Fathera. Some of the scènes have been ilesigned and piiinted under the direction of MU Alice Hunt, Miss Elsie Whltmin, and others especialiy for the occasion. The management and training have been In charge of Mr. Louis Boyle, who o sucMMfully brouglit out "Tho Blind Beggar of Betlinal Green" last yeur. Of M'lle Ithea wlio visits us on Saturday evening, Dec. 15, to play Beatrlce in 8hakespear.-'s comedy of Much Ado about Nothlog," in her own oltartalog manner, it my be trulytald, "No pent up Utica coniracti her powers." Not content with the endersement of the greater part of the continent of Earope, she bas won that of EngUnd and America, as wt'll. Tlie J'all Mali Ga.ette, of London, says i Araong the inany accomplUhedartlstR who have come froni furelgn ooantrtea lo lench us how to plny Shakespeare, few have more distun't qualiricatlons for the task thmi the latest arrival. Aruong thequalltles of the newcomer wtilch f 1 ¦ her to be uf service to our stage raust be oountod very altraotlvo pbysical gifts. Fluer features, a more gruclous prosence, and a more musicul volee, are posBessed by no living aotress. M'lle Khea suppht' ¦ an intelligent and, m many respeots, a defenslble conceptlcm of the pail. It is a pleasure to listen to lier banier of Benedlck. As witb syllablc artlculntlon she pronounces thewordsot the part. an eft'ect descrlbed In Bbtnoa among the nlghtlngal's Is reallzed, and there is more thought ol grace and mu-lc than of shertcomlug In lister.lng lo the lovely language "Bruised to swoctness by her forelgn mouth." A genuine apprecijtion of this artist's abilitics had led to crowded houses everywhore. The elite of every city visited attending in nuiubers, and testying their approbation by repeated calis. M'lle Hhea brings an excellent company in support; one wortby of her in every respect. MIEA AS BKATltICK. M'lle Rliea, a well deserved favorito vvitli all classes of our citizens, wlll be with us oq next Saturday evening, Dec. 15, and present Sliakcspeare's famous heroine, Beatrice, in bis comedy of "Much Ado about Nothing," than whicli there is no more charming impersonation on the stage of today. M'lle Uhea bas many graces of person and tnanner that especially fit her for the higlier walks of the drama, in which indeed she lias few equals and no superior ; and in this judgment of lier, the opinions of the American people is amply borne out by the endorsements she briugs with her from the capitals of Europe. Even ajournal like the London Times, always chary of its praise, is moved to say : '¦M'lle Ithea, the young Frencb actress, is fifted with vivacity and charming manner. She bas an expressive and handsome face, and comports herself on the stage with ease and grace, whicli on her lirst appearance at once won the sympathie! of the audience." M'lle Khea will have tlie support of an excellent company; one composed of ladies and gentlemen of undoubted prominence and abiliiy in their profession, whose very nnmes Hre an assuranca of a refined and thoroughly cnjoyable performaiH'i A large and fasbionablo audience is sure to be present, as is always the case wben this excellent actress visits u?.


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