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The Teacher Who advised lier pupila to strcngthcn their minds by the uso ol Ayer's Sar¦aparilla, appreclated the trutli that bodily healtli is essenttel to mental vigor. For persons of delicate and feohle (Muist itution, wbetbei voung or old, fclüs medicine is remarkably beneflclal. Be ture you g.t Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " Every spring and fall I takc n nnmlicr of liottlis ui Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and ain jrrcatly beneflted." - Mrs. Jamea 11Eastman, Stoneham, Mi -. 'I have taken Ayer'i Sarsaparilla with preat benefit loniy general liealth." - MissTliirza L. Crarar, l'almyra, Md. "My daughter, twelve years of age, has suffered foi the i-nt yeai froin General Debility. A few reeks sinofi, wc began to Rive her Ayer's 8araaparilla. Her health lian ¦rreatlv Improveil." - Mrs. Harriet II Bat t u's, Boutli Clielnaafonl, Maat. "Alicni ayearago I began ttstngAyer'a Sarsaparilla aa a renieay for deoiUty and neuralgia resnltlng trom nmlarial esposare in the ariny. I rat In a very bad condltlon, bul atx bottles of llie Saririlla, with occaslonal doses of Ayer'a j'iiu, have areatly Improved my health. ] amnowaule towork.and fee! tliat I cannot say too inuch f'r your excellent remedies' - F, A. Plnkhi Bootíi Moluncus, Mr. ' My daugbter, f-ixtcen yrars old, is using Ayer's Sarsapanlla "üli good i'ff(.rt."- 'nv. S. J. Graham, United Bretliren Churcb, Bui khannon, W. Va. "I suffered froin Nervous Frostration, with Ianie back and lieadache, and liave been mncli beneflted by ase "f Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I am now 80 years ol age, and am satisfled tliat my present liealth and prolonged hir are ane to the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla." - Luey Moffitt, Klllingly, Conn. Mrs. Ann H. Farnsworlli, a lady 79 years old, Sc. Woodstock, Vt., writes : "Aftel severa! weeks' suffering trom aerrous prostratlon, I procured a bottle ot Ayer's Baraaparilla, and before I had takon half of it my u.sual liealth returned." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, f PRETABKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer i Co., Lowell, Masi, Price tl ; lii bottlei, $5. Woith 5 bottl. BUJOüSTíESS, 8ICK HEADACHE HEARTBURN, IJVER INDIGESTIÓN BÏÖl'lü'feLV, COMPLAXNT, JAL'N1JCE BT CSEÍG THE GENUXNE Dr.C.McLANE'SHI CELEBRATEP ¦¦1LIVER PILL8! rr.EPARED OSLY BT FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. gfüexue oí Cocsieüfbiis made iu SU Loul3."SI ICAKTER'SI WlTTLE 'Sfl tiver m CURE Hek Hoadaehe and relieve all tho tronbles lnct dont to a bilious atate of tho system, euch aa Dizzincas Nausea, Drowsinoae, Diatrcsa after oating. Paiü in tho Sido, kc. Whilo thclr moat romark.-ibla success ñas been elowu lu cuilus SICK rieaaaehe, yot Cnrtcr's Little Llver Pillfl are cqually valuablo in Constipation, curing and pre venting thlsannoyin(?comp]aint,whilo tbey also correct allcli8ordi:r9ijfthostomach,Btimnlate tho liver and regúlate the bowola. Even ii tUey only HEAD Achothoy would boftlmostpricelosato thoae who Buffer irom this diatressing complaint; brfl f ortuuately thclr goodness does notend hero.and thoso Whooncotry thom will find theeo littlo pills valuablein Bomany wayathat thcy will nut bo williug to do without t'liem. But after allaick hcad ACHE Ja the bane of bo many lives that here ie whero wemakeourgreatboast. Our pilla curo it whilo others do not. Cartcr's Little Liver Pilla are very email and very easy to tako. Ono or two pilla makoa doso. They are Btrictly vo(;etablo aud do not grip or purfio, but by their gentio action ploase all who usethem. In vialaat 25ceuU ; flvofor$l. Sold by druggista everywhero, or sent by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICE


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