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Mortgage Sale. DEFADLT nAVINO BEEN MADB IN THE eonditions of a certain mortgage execated by Mary K P'oti'r of Ant, Arhor, In the Oounty of Wahtenaw,and State of Michigan, to Lncy W. S. Morgan, of the snme place, bearíng dale Ihe flfteenthdavofJuly, ISSó, and recordad i the office of the ttegUter of Ileeds for ihe County of Washtenaw, In llber G9 of mortgai, n paire 46 on the flfteenth day of July, 1885, imd by which default the power of cale contalDed in said morteaee having become ODerative, and no snit or proceedlng at law or In equity having been institutcd to recover the umount duc on satd niortgage, or the note accompnnying the same, and thire belne now claimed to he due on onld note and mortajíe, the tum of three hundred and eighiy-nlne dollar and sixly-t-even ceDts, Notice in thereiore hereby given that taid morti-'age wilt be foreclosed on Suturday. the ixteenth day of February 1889. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ol that day, by a sale at public auction at the south front door of the Ooort House in the city of Ann Arbor, (said Conrt House, being the place of holding t Circuit Court for faid county,) oí tin premisea deecribed in said mortgage, or so mnch thereof as may bc: uecesaiy to silisfythe Hmount of in'erest ncw duc and remaliiing uupaid upon said mortgage, t'g -ther with ren8onable costs and expendes, inclurting an Attirney fee of flfteen dollars. Tlie prvmlJM will be gold subject to the principio sum namjd in faid mortpage, of seventeen bunlreri dollar, herealtt'r to fall du-, and theintt'rt'st :iccruit)gthcreon. Theprt mi!eg to ie gold are deecribed in naid mor'g-tL't' iis f tUows: All that certain picce or parecí oí land gituate and heilig in the townahip of Ann Arbor. in thr l'minty of W'aghtenaw, nd State of Michigan, and de scribcd followi, to wit : The South pnrt 1 of the Northwest fractional qua'ter of Beetlon nnmber twentyseven, in township number two, S()uth in rang-.: nnmber gix (fi) Eiigt, accordini' to the p:itent thereof, recorded in the idl : of thr Kegipter of Deedt for WMhteluiw OoniitJ . In libar 2ot deeds, on page 2, it helni all of snid nitliwt'gt fractiona! qu irtt-r lyiDg sonth of the IInron Kiver, rontalnin' flfty llz und .15-100 acres ii and, more or )ci8t cxrep'ii % thi'ref'om a strip of land one hnndred leet wide, conveved to the MichiL'un Uvntral Knilro:id Compiny lor its right of way by deed recorded in said Hegistcr's omce iu Mbcr L. i of deeds on pnge 580. OTIS C. JOHNSON. FIUNKLI I„ PARE.BB, K. I) K1NXK, FxeCQtorf f the wili tf Lucy W. S. Mor" .n Dated November 6. 1888. DEFAULT HAVINO BEEN MADE IN THE condltlone of a certain mortgage exeented by Mary E. Foter of Anu Arbor. Michlgm. to Lncy W. S. Morgin of the game place. Ivarii.p date the twenty-öecond day of July, A. I. 1SS.", and recorded in the nfllce of the Rcglíter of Detds tot the Oounly of Wai-htenaw, in liher OS), of muilgages, on page 48, on the twenty--econd day of July 1885; and by which def&ult, the power of sale, coutained in said mortgtn, having become operativo and no guit or proceedlnff at law or in equlty, having been Instituted to reeorat Uu amount due on gaid mortgage or the note accompanylng the 'ame, and there Dein now clalnv il tn bedue on said note and mort'íipe, the snm of Thrrc Thoosandand Seventy-üix U.illars (fS.076.) Notice ig thorefore hert:hy given that said m rtgage will bc foreclosed ra Saturday the sixteenth day of February 1S89, at ten o'clo'k in the forenoon of that day, by a sale at jublioauctio , at thSoui i front door of the tiourt Honge, In the city of Ann Arbor, (gaid Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court forsaid Connty) of the prem ises desertbed In said mortgage, or go mach thereof, as m ly be neceygary to satlsfy the amount of principal and Interest remainlni; hnpaM upon gaid mortape, tOijetluT with reHsonablc co.-tg and expenses, includltig in Attorney feu of thirty-five dollara, which preuiises aredeBrribed In suld mortgge as follows : All those certuin pleces or parcela of land, gituate and bcing in the ciiy of Ann Arbnr, in the Cmmty of Washtenaw and State or Micnigin, and decribed ag follown, to-wit: Lol number Twelve (IS) and the East hairof lot Thirteeo (13) in bloeit number two (2) North of Uuron streel, on raoge numb-r six East ons O. JOHNSON, KRANKLIN 1,. PAKKER, E. 1). KINNK. Kxecutor of the will ol Lucy W. S. Morgan. Dated.Nov.6th, 1888. ' _. ¦nlll It. iirdcil are those who read K P.HI YthlR and then act; they wl" fii111 liaUlaH I li"iiar.iiik employment that will not lake them from thelr homes and familie. The piotlts are large umi gure for every Industrióos person, many have made and are uow making several hnndred dollars a month. It Is easy for any one to make $5 mul npwards per üay, who Is wIIIIiik to work. Either sex, young or oíd; capital notneeded; we Ktart ym. KverylblDf new No special ablllty requlred, you, reader, can do It ag well as any one. Write to ns at oni-e for full partlculars, which we muil free. Address blloson Co., Portland, M Get pur Pfintinflr at tk Courier.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News