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fieu (ivllaniftliits. ??'i?w 5ifS!íHS Time tablc takinir eflVct Nov. 18ih, 1888. Central Standard Time. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. alxd y . ja - . ; =0 ÏOG Ë= Bl "x "¦¦= i g " Hal I I i __ s r j; i %_ A. M. A.M. P.M. C.M. P. H. p ChicaifcLv. : 5 00 00 8 10 440 ... i 9 i Kalamazoo...!l0ï0 1(0 6 58 9S0 T 10 886 2V Battle Crcek.. 11 1 i IS 7 .' 7 .V, 125 8 15 UckKH) ! I 20 415 84U 3 6 15 445 Gram Lake.. ..1 144 55 64; 506 Chelaea 20l 10 li 7 10 527 Delier 2 17 lu 24 727 541 l'elblMilla... 19 737 Ann Arhor.... 2 43 5 30 9 41 10 41 7 60 BIlÓ Ypallanti 3 00 5 45 9 53 10 53 8 08 6 17 WayneJunc. 3 & 605 11 11 833 43 li -tr 1 ....Ar. 4 10 645 1045 11 Í0 92, 7 8o t.Thnmi.... 10 10 1105 20' 12 4") 8 S5 Falla View 8 44 N. Pulls, 221 4 59 847 660 Buffalo 8 30 4 36 7 15 9 10, 5 56 H 06 DETROIT TO CniCAGO. = L = I J " I c a ? ? '¦ a' a ï a = í; o m= = y 5 et -coH . cc w _ x - M ,K -g -c X o 'S k H S a 5_ _O_ m & z A.M. A.H A A.M. A M P.M. A.K. Bnffalo 1130 5' 510 9 00 12 50 N. Kalls, 1J43 ... ¦ .... 204 ....' St.Thomas 4 2u 9 55 9 50 105 540... A.M A. M. P P M. p.M P.M A M Detroit.... Lv. 7 30 910 120 4 00 8 00 10 15 345 WayneJanc. 811 9 53 .. . 4 45 838 1055 Ypellanti .... 8 10 17 2 12 5 1Í 9 00 1118 445 AnnArhor ... 8 50 10 40 2 24 530 9 15 1136 Delhi Mills.. 000 542 Deit-r 908 550 944 Chelsea 9 H 6 05 10(10 .. . GiaacLake... 4) 47 1025 ..." Jackson 10 H 11 45 3 27 110 10 55 12 54. Baltle Ureek.. 1209 116 438 52 1227 2 151.' Kalamaz... . . 12 50 1 55 5 15 9 45 1 ao 8 0 .... Chicago.. .Ar. 8M 40 H a. 7 00 745. ... O. W. KUUGLES, H. W. HAYKS. G. P. AT. Agent Aft.. Ann Arbor. Chkaeo. To edu, Aun Arbor & Nortli Micliian Kailtvay. TIME SCHKDULB. To take eftect at 12 o'clock, noon. on Sunday, Beptentber 80tb, 188. Trulii!' run by Standard Time. QOINQ NOKI'H. Ju U h srATioNS. i te g A. M. p M. A. M. Toledo Lv 5 35 3 25 00 Manhattan Janction 5 40 3 31 6 10 Alellf 5 4.) 3 Sti 6 33 saniiiria 6 C3 8 50 VI. Janction 6 19 4 0.'. - lul Dundee 6 27 4 15 8 21 Azalia 6 37 4: Milan 4li 4 31 t 16 UraniM 7 nO 4 43 66 i'l't-üeld 7 08 4 52 l IJ Ann Arbor 7 2n 5 07 10 50 Leían ... 7 3 5271110 Whitmore Lake 7 9 s 45 12 3C Howall 8 45 6.(4 1 ¦.", Durand 9 : 7 1 (uur. nu 10(10 7 45P.M. UwutfO . 10 10 7 55 . ... Owosso Janction 10 20 8 00 Il ha a II 3 9 18 St. Louis 116"i 9 3- A.'niH li 0 9 41 Mi. PW-asant 12 45 10 20 FHrwplI 1 5 11 05 üudlllac Arl 3 30112 H p.". ï A.M. FlushTg _ 10.37 Kast Sigmi.w Ulii) GO1NG SOUTH. STATIONS. & L I A. M.IP Cailillac Lv 4 15 2 0" Kurwell 5 50 3 50 Mt. Pleasant 40 185 Alma 7 'J3 5 10 81. Louis 7 311 5 15 ... Ithaca 7 50 5321.... Owosso Janction 9 ('0 6 2 . m. OWOUO 9 05 6 35.5 30 l'urunna 9 17 6 49 5 50 Durand 9 35 7 15 55 Howell 10 11 f 13 9 30 Whitmore Lake 10 55 8 51)115 l.oland 11 10 9(15 12 00 AnnArbor 11 5 20 12 50 l'i't-fiild 1140 9 31 180 Urania 1147 9 40 1 65 Milán 12 OU 9 50 2 35 Azalia lï 10 11 li 3 10 ' ur.dee 12 i 10 13 3 40 Monroc Janction 12 '24 10 20 4 05 Samaría 12 45 10 35 4 45 Alexis 12 56 10 60 5 16 Manbattan Junclion .. 1 114 10 55 5 3 loiedo Ail 1 lom 00 5 45 p. p. ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦:¦ P. M. Klii'hing 6.05 Eum Bagloaw _ 4.00 South Lyun Rrancb. NOKTH BOÜND. STATIONS. BOU1HBOUND. Train 8 Train 6 A. m. a. m. 8 15 Ar. Wordena Ar. 8 M 8 30 Ar South Lyon Lv. 8 40 Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroan dlverff iiilt; at Manhattan JuuctinD, wilh Wheeling A Lakr Erle K. K.; at AU-xl Junclion, wi'h M. O. H. R., L. S. & M. S Ry. and F. & P. M R. R.; at Monroe Junctinn. witn L. S. M. S. Rj .; at Lundee, with L. 8. M. B. Ry.. M. & O. Ky.; at Milan Junctlon. with Wabash, St. Lonls 4 Pai'lflc hy ; at Pittsfleld.with L. -. M. 8. Ky.; at Ann Arhor with Michigan Ceutral R. R., and at South Lon wlth Detroit, Lani-lne & Northen. R. H., nnd Mich. A. L Div. of Grand l'rnnk Ry. At Hambarir lih M. A. Lme Divt-ion Grand Tru"k R'y. At llowt'll wilh Dnroit, LiDHlng ANnrihern K'y. ¦t Durand with C'h:c:ig) & Grmid Trutik R'y au 1 Detroit, Grand Haven Milw-uk.i' R'. Ai "wonñu .1 nnctioii wilh Detroit, ' rand llnvon A Milwaukec H', and M chiban Central K. K. Ai ttt Loui wilh Detroit. ijicsiigA Nonhern R. U. and Migl na ¦ Villiy t?i Louis h'y. Al Alma wit Detroit Ijinsin;.' & Northern R'y Al Mt. Pleaaunt ith Fliut & Pcre Murqaette Ry. li. ¦ ASHLKY, General Mmaier. W F!. BENNKTT, A. 3. PUSI BY. O... ¦ !.,- f TirU-t T.-.r-1 ¦ ¦¦¦ Mea Woii.i.i-. exlsi In 1 notnasdH of L '(.'Ut.irins. luit aregurpHssed by I lie unir ¦¦¦ ve'8 itivfiulon. Th"se who ure in neod of profHuble wnrk hat can he done wlille living at homfl Nlmuld ni once íiend ihelr aildrss to naliet Á üo , l'orlland, MHiue, and reerive free. full Inorinution how elther sex, of all ges can earn Irom $5 In $i5 per day anti upwards, wht-rever they live. Yon are startea free. Capital not leqiiired. s. ,nie have made over $50 in a single day at thNwork. All succeed. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. ecurity held for the protection of the poMcy bolders. CHRISTIAN MACK Keprescnt 'he followlne flrsi-clap compiiniv, ('f which one, the ..Etna, haa alone paid f 56,000,000 Ure tootefl in Hixty-flve yeare: Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Pranklin ot Philadelphla :,i 18,713 GcrniMiiin, N. Y 2,700,738 Qerautn A merlcan, N. Y 4,00,'i.fl68 I.omlon Assurance, Lonilon. . , 1.41(J,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit.. . 887,808 N. Y. ünderwriters, N. Y 2,596,e National, Hartford 1,774,5(15 Phojiiix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Lossct libcrally adjusted and promptly paid. Molicies issued at the lowest ratea of premium. llHltf SH00L0F MUSIC (BSTABLISHSD 1879 ) BRANCHES OF STÜDY. Piano, Voice Cultor?, 8nginff, Yiolin, Viola, 'Cello, Orcitxtml Inttrwnentt, Or!m, Chortü Manie, Harm&ny, OewUrm w'.nt. Cnnpoition, Science and Art of 'ng, Physical Culture. FACULTT. Albcrt A. Stanley. Director, Orín Cnclv, W in. l.uderer, Francia L. York. Beaben II ¦ . il Hn, Annn K. Warden. Mls 'llrlun smlth, Miss Marl lm E.Tenney Mr. Julia K. Vun Slyke, Miss Kllen E. Gurrlgues, Mr. E. L. Mooie. _ stinlenis are entltled lo the Free Instruc tion In Harmooy, F.nsemlile Playlnx aiul choral Maalo, bcslaaa all Reeltali and LecMK k glven by the School. For furttier Information addresa, A. A. STANLEY, Director. Ante-Room, Unlversity Hall. Ortloe Hours, 8:30-t:0 a. m., and li - 1 p in. ünVC&TBCCBQ orothïn.whowistonimln llU W kil I IwCllO tn.j paper, of obtnn estimttaa on dvertising spaco when In Chicigo, will find it on file at 45 tO49 FUndolph St., fn A TUMI AC thaAdvtrtJiJjigAgancyof LUIIU tt I llUHIflVl


Ann Arbor Courier
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