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CHE NEW YORK TRIBUNE ! COKGBATULATE8 ery American Farmer, Wage-Earner and Business Man, the Union Volnuteers, the Settlcrs of the Western Terrifories, every Yomif? Man and Woman, tlie Freedinen of Ihe South, our American Fishermen and Shlpbiiilders, and the Whole Pcoplc Generalij, on Hu' -AI.YATION OF THEII! WELFARE, whlch was won at the polis OD NovemMr titli. I ti the proeperlty, which ís Ikely to follow, the men of both p'irtics vill share; but to tlie Republlcan voters. svorkers and press, it chic the credit. Uuring Gen. Sarrlson's administraion, The Tribune will continue to adooate the great meastires of pablie polcy, witli wtilch Ita name is Identltted. Tieiit retpontlhllitles now rest, not only jii [lie adminisliation, but 00 t lie üepubIcan party and pretIS, witli reference to haplng legtfl itlon so as to glve practical affect to the wlllofthe people. It is no Ime now, for formen, wage-earners, Jnlon veterans, and otoers, wliofe Inerests have been Imperlled by an adninistration of free. trader, and rebel brigadiers, to relax tbeir interest n pttb ie affalM, and let tilines take llicir conr-e. On tlie contrary, it would leem to be (lie dutiesofall voten I co-operata earnrttls n tUu sdvaneemenl of mensures iinilertaken In their bebülf, and to lend tbeir lupport to newipaperf, uliieb aradolnf trlglnal and nggreaslve oik to promote their weltaie. It s conceded by the entlre oountry, tlmt the New York TiiUune haslnltlated gret varieiy of the ralunble nd successf'ul popular dlscnsslona of ihe past year. lis; aboiforlliefannei(nol yet hall linislpd lúa been aitgresaiyu bhü eftVctiye. It.s createzpogureol ibe shnm "reform" of tlie Cleveland admlnistration was cruslilnu and Snal: no attempt was ever made to inswer it. lis poaltloii on tcmpernce jroughl back numeróos thlrd party voters to the Republlcan ra'iks lts bro&don tint tariff and other queatlons liave done mnch to prove, beyond qos;ion, tliat tbe republlcan party is the best lïiend ol' tho Door people of the country ind of the settleisof the western territorios. It lixed beyomi contioversy the respon9ibi)it.v for tbe defeat of machneeded pension leglslatlon In CongreM. On maiiy other Important questions the Frlbane did lyal and suceialiil work. [t andertook, lor the sake of the. cans-e, nany Important, Itborlous and f.irreacbing lasks, involv;nit iintnense reBearch, and n-etnl in tettinx In qulcker rootlon the torces wlilch won tlie vici.rv. lis oiiwu in Iho tnture may le adiced by the past. The Tribune i notexclusively devoted tO politici. It is a general new.-p .per, presenting the news of the world in each issue, tnfether wlth flctlon, inisci-llany, matter "for the home Circle" and for "Youiik Polk,11 wlth exoellent and aocurate nnirket reporta, book reviews, and toiein correspoadence, and two pages week on Ajirieu ittu i1. Por the tamüy, it is absolutt ly unexcelled among nt-wspapers. Subscriptioii Eate- Weekly, $1 a year; extra copy with evety five. SSemiWeekly, $2 a year; extia copy witli eveiy fivc. Daily, U.SO pei year. iSiuiday Tiibune, $J. New enbseribei'í teceive the paper until Jan 1, 1890. Premiums- (1) Waverly Novel, complete in six vols. (2) Cooper's fascinatIng "Leatber Stoekin Tales,'' Ü vol. (I!) liviiifi's "Life of Washington." (4) Ten one-dollar books, any one Of whieli is sent for two subsciibers, vi. : "El say's of Lord Bacon;" Edgar A. Poe's Tales;" "French Hevolutlon by Carlyle"; "Great GeneraN by Oreat Authors;' "Poem of Sir Walter Scott;" "Grcek Mythologyj" "Uon;" "Arabian Nights;" "Roblnson Crusoe;" and "Swiss Family Roblnson. ' (5) Winchester Hunting Rille, breecn loading (6) Remlngton breeeh-loudlng Shot Guu. (7) "New Vork Tiibune's History of the United State and pocket Atlas of the World." (8) The Tiibune's ifreat "IJook of Open Air Sport-." (9) "Wond's Household Medicine." (10) VVeb.-ter's Unabridged üictionary. (11) Waltham Watcli. Send for cicular decribing ihem in full. LIBRARY OF TRIBUNE EXTRAS. Every year the Tribune prints au Almnnao aad Index and aeveraJ bouad "Extras." It is froposed now to systeiiiatize the )iublication of these Extra", and to issue thein, regular ly, once h month, 19 nuinbers per year. The Almanac will be Isued In lts old lorm, only witli new, valiiable and i-xtensive dditlons to tbe tente, the number 6r 1S89, by the way, ContolniiiK complete ret ii i iis oí the presldeiital electlon. The other niinibers will be made up ith pages ol al. out monthly magazine size. There will be on Ol' two nunibers, ju-r year, dpvoted to latest idens In "kuiuing and crochet." Beveral will eontaln complete novi Is. Otber will be made up oi cnteitaining leal ui es of tpectal and permanent value relatlng to Science, Society, Llterature, Politie-, etc. Single copies, 26 cents. Pi ice, per year lor the 12 mimbers, $2. 33 TUK TB1BUHB, NEW TORK


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