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Annual Meeting Of Pomological Society

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At the animal meeting of t lic society, the foUowlng oilieiTs were'electi d: PresIdeiH-.I. D. Baidwln. Vice-prcslilenU- J. J. l'ursliall, J. D. Alllon, Win. McCreery. Réeordlng Becretary -J. Ganzhorn, ( 'nrreHpondlug Sooretary - E. H.uir. Tn-iimircr- J. Alinainl. Kxeouttve Comtnit lee- Prof. I! K Xk'liol, W. K. Blrd, J. I). Kuiler, 0. 0. Clark. Botany- l'roi. V. M. sp ikiini;. Climatology- Prof. M. W. IlurrliiRtmi. Ornlthology und Kntomiilogy- l'rof. J. B. Stecre. The animal reporta of Mie secretarie- nnd the ireMurer wblcb wfere iceepted show considerable work dlirlng the ycar. 14 sessioii8 werc held during the year, and the resulta publlihed In tha different pcriodiculs In tlie cily and tlie "Michigan , Farmer" publUhed in Detroit. Tliey were copiej in otber papen in the state and othi'i' perlodloali on horticultura and pomology all over the land. E. 1! mr bad oorreepondence witb Qovrrnor Luce In regard to the publloatloB by tbe atateoi a pmnphlet on noxloui Insecu and reme dlea bnaed on experiment. Every far mer and lioi tioultiirist shoiild pcwteu micIi a pamphlel and do all he tan l" dcstioy noxi'uis lniccii. A ly ttímatlo wor k of ttili kind wonld (o the uate tbouêandl ni dolían. Forestry ahoilld bc attended to, Bercral petttloos od forertry had heen Pent from thls socict)' to Consrcss of L'. S. l'rof. Mark Hurriiiptou's paper on ''Clhnatal efieota of Forests" was tent to Senator Palmer and will he puhli9lii'd in llie animal report of the state Horticultura Society. Mr. W. F. Blrd exhlblted the followinj grapea In very Bne oondltlon: 1, Niatrara; '2, Empire State; 8d, I,indley (Rojrera' No. !); ¦), Agawam (Kokers' Ko. 36); 5, Merriinack (Hogers' 19) 6, Poughkeepsic Red; 7, Delaware; 8, lirii-'liton; 9, Vergennes; 10, Worden. 'l'his exliibit (bows what the society has ' done tor Arm Arbor and vicinity. A. vote of tbaaka is ilne to Mr. Ekrd for this grand and inst motive show. Mi. J. Allnmnd showcd SaKvay peache?, picked over a montb ago, in a perfect state. Mr. Allmendlnger reported ihat Iilt linn wonld ge luto canning next year if they could gt't tomatoes at the piices the Adrián oanning factory paya 20c per bu-liel. This soeiely ha dcveloped :i braneh of industry vvhlch Is a blesslng to tbe county. it would be Important to kneu bow mnny banda frnlt-growing employa during the se.iMin. Vet is only a beirinning of tiii brnnch of horticultura. Bvery citizen ought to apprec!ate tbe laboi of tlie tew nutlve memben of the society by jolnlnjc. Tlie annuftl fee Is only 60 cents foi thia soc'ety and 50 cents for the stat' society. Every menibei is entltled t'i tlie ni i ii ii 1 1 report If the fruit growera i.-li to sii e cd in trana portation and oiher oomiiion Intereata they abould nr t vvith the society regulurly. Without orpinlzed work notliing can he acconiili.-.bed. Tbe president of the society gave al-o an intereating sketch of what was done by tliu pne'ety duriug the yeHr and wli.l was needed to sicure future Mi'ci Maniely: Union of aotlon bv ibe fiuit growera and snconrageihent of ynnng men to jin and take n n notlva luirr in the hnslnfiia ut tlie r-ocielv.


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