¦AS O MIC IMItlií TORY. Ay A.BBOB 'Mmm IKDEBT, No. IX meets flrst Tues'lay f ealh month. C. E. Illscock, E. C: John II. Mlner, Recorder. Vasiitsvaw nuAiTKit, No. 6, R A. M.- ieets Hrst Monday eateb month. J. L. Btóne H l: ,. Rnath. RMiretair. BUSINESS CARDS. O. -W. YOGBL, Dealer in al kinds of FRESH AND SALT MEATS I'-nltry, I.ard, ete. EVERY7HING NEA T AND CLEAN ! Xo. 9 F.. Ann Kt. Ann Arbor. C, V. MCIIOI,, DEWTISTRooms Ovor Aun Arbor Saviitas Bank, C'turt H(MMfl Square. VITALIZED AIR Adminlstered. It 's agr-eitne a'id -ay to take, and no pmatntlng il et' 'oüow wtille teeth are extracte I without piin. DR. C. H3WELL, PHTSICIAN OrFiCE, Room 4, Masonic Block. Office hours : to 12 ; 2 to 6 p. m. DR. H R. ARNDT, PÜY8ICIAN Officb ovkr Fikst National Bask. Hooks at OrFicic: 0:IOto 9 a, m ; 2:3' to 1 ,i d in Can He rKicIvd al reahleiice (West Harón ¦ roet, the "Prof. Nloba pía ¦'¦") by LetepboDd, s'o. ur, and will reply to culis in tiio erenlng. VTILLIin I1ERZ, House, 3ignj Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperi is, Qlazini?, Gilding, ml OaloUolalns, tn] work nl erery asacrlutlon done in the best style, ar.d warranted to glve sstisfactinn. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. O. IMI. IsKJTTUT, CLQTH CASUS, METALIC A.nd Ooramon Oofflos. C;ills attented to Day or Night. RrabaliolDg a ipeolalty. Rto eroora on E. VVashington streot. Residence Cor. Liberty and Kiftn. W. II. JACKSOX, IDilESIITIITIIIIISIIriL OFFICK : Over Kch & bel 's ry Oood Store. Entrance next to National Bank. C. H. MïLLEN, INSUUNCE AGENT! So. 4 South Hali) St.. Ann rbor. The oldest agency lo the city. Bslabllahert over a quarter of a ititnry ago. Representing tbe (ollowlng ürst-class eompanles with over $60,000.000 Capital and Asscl. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelphia. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Itates Low as the Lowost, Losaes Liberally Artjustt'il and promptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. Jerome Freeman ! liovea from hts present stand over Watts' to tbe POSTOFFICE, BARBER SHOP ! BATH Rooms, Monday, March 19. BI Ml aai HPT BATES ! ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKI5OÜ, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business CAPlTAlZr$50,000. Orpanized nnder the General Banking Law ol thlsbtati', ihc Btockhuldors an indlvfduaily linhlc for an additioiial amunul eqnal totheetock held hj them, thereby creating a Unarantee Pand for tbe beneflt of Depoiit"rs of $100,000.00. rhrer pi-r cent interest 19 illoved on uil B DflpOflitf of 006 loiinr ai;d iipwur'it-, ftCCOrdlng ' the ruti-t ol the llank tnd 1 oomp unded aemi-anntiHll v Vlouey t Loan ou anincumbero.' ríHl Mtate n: otbcr u.'ixd ecurity. DIRECT0R8: CHRISTIAN MACK, Wm. I). BARBIHA W. W. WINKS, DANIEL IIISCO' K, WILLIAM UKOHEL, WTLLARu B. 8MITI ! DAVID RINSEY. OFFICKIIS: C. MACK, Pree. W. w. WINKS, VloaC iL. HISCOCK.O.ishler. ftfffMIfMMU lias revolutlonized tlie world N UKrJTI IH 'lurlng the last half cenlnry. n IMll ilUli N(i! ''''"' nong the wonden "' f li.ventlve progrew 1 a method tui ystetn ¦¦! irorfe 1 1 1:1 1 nu b perrormed hu over the oonntry without ¦epftra'lo( tbe vorken Irnm tbelr home, l'ny liberal; any cfto do the work; elther6X yo ng ()r o,i; Do S,,.,-i;,i ablllty reqnlred. Capital nol oeéded ; yon are itarted tr e. Cul thf out and return tn Ha aid rewlllnend J'ou frc.'. Bonsel hlog of rent valur and itnP'irtance loymi, ttiat vTll start mui In bOltni'ss, whlcli will yiui In linniey rlglit .iway thaii any Illng els.' In orld. (rand outflc ree. Address True & Co., Augasla, Malne.
William Herz House Sign Ornamental and Fresco Painter
Barber Shop and Bath
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
William Herz
William Deubel
William D. Harriman
W. W. Wines
W. H. Jackson
O. M. Martin
Jerome Freeman
Dr. Willard B. Smith
Dr. W. W. Nichols
Dr. H R. Arndt
Dr. C. Howell
David Rinsey
Daniel Hiscock
Christian Mack
C. W. Vogel
C. H. Millen
9 E. Ann St.
4 W. Washington St.
4 S. Main St