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p jttROYAL'tSWJSJ ji B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ttal powJer ncver varios. A mirvel of purlty, etienglh und wholcKomeness. Alore económica! ilmn ordlnoj kincls, and cannot be sold Ín competiti ? wilh ttn' multiiudo of low test, short wt-lgbtalom orpb sánale piwdere. Sold only in UOTAL IÍAKING POHDKK CO , 106 Wall St., HOW I SUFFERED $vtt'Oti .ypars I rom a Mkin Diaeate. í' ii I i n im walk oí üiomm iiij'Nelf. A maii of di ase ir ni houd to r -i. í uumI in (i-:u unks by Cuticura ICtEut-dies. Ai ihetge oi Ihree roantta a rasli (whtch afterva d provöd to be ec m i or salt rheijm } m de its aupear nce oq my lace. A pbysiciau was called. Mtd Kktttüug wao the (aibc ; he preticrib d ífuiue CO liiifí nirdicinc, but toe ores spread to ni sai l -uní nca:l. AnouftM M. D. was called. lie d iu k.uw all ibe ca-e, called it "KinV Bvil1 a .d pn-ecribed guwpowder, brim¦toneftiid lunl tuixfil inio the salve; bu' the disi-a-e coutioaed. Ihej cuu d not do anytMng with i[. á.uotuer prrsorlbcd bórax, water, and ouor; auotber, nused poulticeB. Noi e oí ihim iiid roe &u j{i d ai nll, but m ide me worao, Tne dUease ti; it H[read 10 mv inis and 1' isa. 1 waa laiü u.' eutirely, and liOm C"i)tinu BltÜlig "il tiie llüor OH pil luw in Mnbs conircted su tnai 1 lom all conti ol ui tin-m, and was atletlj bel p tes. My m her wuuld have to lifi nie out and imo bed. I vt-ulii gut trouiid the huuse, uu ui büud aiid U'et, bul 1 tould iiot gei iny c ihee on atall, and bi.d t wear a soit oí dressiiií' gown. Mv nair bad til inutcd down or lallen off auu ni, hcad, lace, and uare were one scib, and I lunih. avo uiuwúl un my head all the tina ; in ibfBuiniu r lo kf;,i Uie ftw off. My paren i con-ii, fu . ,.íu -ii.fui [in., -ici.iii n u A eu geon here in Cüicügu, i he utuer phybician befuie muntioot-d ui and ¦ lamí I ton, C un ida ) lie fuiü Uc could tio 11 xinng ior m . He wanted to i UL tll; Miív.V Oí 1ÏW MA-, ¦ ti t 1 o tllld wlk bui 1 did no it n m. fur il 1 did gol butter 1 wuuid iiuvu i.o c-nirol oi tht.m. loe üireaut cui'tmued in thís m inner until i was öeve.Uuii yenra oíd, una one dny in Jauuary L878 1 read hu HOcoaut ín ihe Tribune, ol your Cuticuka Kemkdiks. It decnbeU m y case so eXiClly, tbat 1 mou,ht, ha a last resort, to glve ih m a tnal. V en 1 tiipt applied thtm I was all raw and biu.di. g, ni r-cr tcliinj mjasH, but I went lo !hhj ulinui iinm idifttely Homt'ihiug 1 had not do e un yrs, tb ff ci wu eo ¦oottaing. i nbuui two vsetky I c-iuld fiand trghr,hut uot w .Jk, I ai so weaK, bat my ioiim w re ütwrij wel.. As iiy. ii as I can judge the (JUTIcuka U KEDIBB cured me in abour tix lo e g i W k-, vwid U[ to iblt date (t. tf. irum Januui, i79, lo Jwiuary, 1887) I have not been ?-ick in uny wuy, or have had the le.tst signo of diende reapi'tanng un me V. J. McDONALD. 3734 Dear!)O-n Sl , CliiCigo, 111., June 30, '87. Sold ever wtiere. Price, Cuticura, 5t)c; Soap ¦2')c. ; íÍEsoLVENT $1. ITepared by the Potter UStVQ a d (JhemiCal Ou., bo-t -n, M ss. tfdend tur " ilow to Cure Skin Diaetised." ntlUIPLES, black-heade, chapped and oily sltin I I (VI prevente by t 'uncu ka .soap. Constitutional Catarrh. No single dísease has entailed more suffering or hattened the bre tking nu of the onstitutloD than Caiarrh. Tbc tenav of smell, of taste, ol eight, of bearmíT, the 'minan voice, thc mind- one or more, and fometlmes all, yield to its deetructlve iuflaence. The polson ít distributes throuKhout the (lystem airiK u bvotj vital forcé, and bnucs tip the most robust of corstitutions. Ipnored, becauee h t liitlti underetood, by most plneiclan, ll&potently asalled by quarke and charlatans, those suffer inic frm it have little hope to be relieved oi It this eide of the grave It ia time, tben, that t e popular treaimcnt of this terrible disease by remedies within the reftCh of all pasned IntO hdnde ut once competent and irustworthy. The new aini hitberK untrifd method adopted 'y Dr. Ba diord fn the prepuration of hi Radical f i be bas won the bearty approval of tbouuaudp. Ir ] iri-taniancoii-' in tffordlng relief Ín all baad colda, aneestog, pnufllinc: and nbstructed bri-att)iDgtand rapldly removes the moBtoppreasive MymptoniSt clearing the head, sweetening the bre tb, retoring me eenses ot smell, laste and beirlnii, and neutrallziny the constitutional tendencyot tlie disease towarda the lunge, llver and kiotieyf. Sandfokd's Radical Cure consietfl oí one botile oí ihe Kadioal Cuhk, ona box of Catakbhl BOLTKNT tiiid I.MiMiovED I.NiiAi.Eit; price, $1. POTTU Duro and Chemical Co., Iïohton, KIDNEY PAINS, Slriiins and WeakneasM, K.-li.-veil in ore minere hy that marvel"tMQ ons Antidote to Pain Inflammatiou and Ut " - ¦ k.u - - . the ( utii'll a Anll f ¦ Palo I'IUMtcr. The lln-t acd nly I ItL paih-kiliinif ptrenfftheniitff planter. EbI L7 (HM'iHily udaited to ius'antly relieve ai d Speedily cur Kldi-cy and l'terine Palns and WeakD8M Wurnmtiil VUtlT silpcrior to all other plaitera. At nll drugglat. 35 cents; flve for $1.00; or, pontnge frec of Potter ubvo HE iio i' '-. Bwtoil, Miiafl 1 THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ Ia TRUTHS FORTHESICK.n h,,r ilc.-itlilvl 1,0(h-II 1)0 pnli Billón 8pellBdopena foracaffwhereBi i.J I ooSolphübBittkm i'HLit Hinicus wil I It wlll enre yon. uotasslstorcurc. li] i - - nover faits. ri Q Dn nii Milli-r Hltli _____- U ¦Ithattlredandallgone cieanie tbe i iiiatuilin I It'uclins; i( so, use i,iool when yon seil II I lti.iiurn P.inERSi tl Impiiritlc8 burstJII I II It will cnre you. DSthrongb the i-kliil I II ' . in Pimples.BlotcheB.II nut procure BUfflclent __ . __ II exerclee, and allwho sri.rmiu i!n nusl I ueoonfl I In door, wU ,.urc LlverCom-IH ahonlcl uso 8ULPHUR plalnt. Dont l)e IIh-III BrrntRS. Theywll ..„„-aiieailtwlUcureïJI jnot tlicu Lcweakawl v,nlQ HIsdlphub I'.iiiiks; "_' ¦¦"" II III It fan tix-iiro. sulpiiuk BirrKRslll HalMii'tl.f without a WUI "li,lk.e ymirbloodg l.:nlii's in Tiy 1 Lpm R Hit I I lli.alth, who are all TERS to-nght, andl Hlrun down, (ihouldusc you wlll sleep wolllll 11;, I.l-ni R UriTKKS. [amlfi-cHiftti-rforltlU I)o vou want the b.'Kt Mnllcal W..rk publlshed? end 3 2-cent etamps to A. P. Ohdway X Co, Buston, Mass., and receWo a copy, free.