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To the enthusiastic foot-lall pi ayer, the article wbtcb appeara in Outing for Jauuarv, entitled "Hints to Foot-ball Captain?, by that veteran Yale playcr and noted authority, Walter C. Camp will prove a genuino treat. The subject is dealt with from a thoroughly practical and expert point of view. "Expand thy Vin;s, Celestial I) -ve," by F. i'. AnJrews, sop solo and quartet; "l'olonaise" (Morceau) by L. Gobbteits, arranged for the piauo. "As of Uld," words and muslc by Julián Oordan; ''Sleep. Baby Sleep, "a Lullaby, nmsic by J. De V. L'vetti are the latest publicatioii8 ot' Oliver Ditson & Co., lioston, AI iss. Mr. Charle Dudley Warner, in Ilarper'é Hngizine for January, continúes his series of papers on the West in one entitled 'Cotmnents on Kentucky." Tliis is not a conventional descriptivo article, but tlie work of athorough literary artist. It is Intercpereed witli such channing bits of humor as the paragraph upon the virtues of blue-grass. Outing for January forau a notable addition to the holiday liter.iture of tliis season. The leadlngarttele, "Auiodü the Taurus Mountaina, by L. 1!. Platt, is au interesting accouut of a ride through the bistorlc regions of A?a Minor, in wbich the nutlior bas given an es?'entUlly modern account of old-world localities. The lllustrntioiis are numerous and excellent. " Colloqulal Knfjlisl'," in Uurper'i Monthly fr Jmmary, is ADOther of the delighlfuí esays wbich have of late beeu a feature of this magazine. The author, Professor A. 8 Hill, of Harvard Uuiversity, seems to have in hi inii.d an inexliHU8tible store of literary speech and Mieodote, nul be Intrtdaeea tbem witli ple-lng skill i to .ui aiticlo vvhich in Olher hands niiglit have been dry. Many people have beard of the dlsturbkO{( influenco exerted oa the compassneedle by the vaiious masMK of iron on ihipboard, but few have anj' ide how the trouble is remedieil. The wliole subjeci will be explaiued in a copioutly illustiated article, entitled " Tlie QuldlngNeedle on an [ron Ship," by LieutcnantComin ander T. A. Lyons, iu the Jaunary "Popular Science Monthly.'1 "Scleuce ad lts Accumm-s" U the tille of anotber article in the tortbcowing nuniber, in whicli the author, Mr. W. D. Le Sueur, afflnns that science Is simply trutli, and, while men and thcorics .inay properly be enticised, oppotitluo to science is absurd and vala. Iu the saine number Mr. E Iï. Shaw will teil how ho made geometry a plraiure to tiis pupil?, nslng tlie "Inventional Geometry" pre pareu by Ilerbert Spenoer's father. The Magazine of Art for January is a fino number. The frontispiece is a spirited phntorravure from a palntlag by 11. Catón Woodvlllf, called "Saving the Guns at Mlnward." The opening article from the pen of the well-known art crltic, Cosmo Monkbouse, gives a biographical and crltlcal sketch of the young English Bculptor, Alfredlilbert, A. R. A., a portrait of wliom shows liini to be a handsome young man with regular features and a line irellectual head. "Art in the Theatre," is the subject of the next piper, and we are ven some interesting and amusing illustrations from tlie work of8ome famous eoeue painters. "Salisbury Hill," is a description with pen and pencil of one of those delightful and pictureaque old places found nowhere in inch perfection as In England. "Expressions in Drapery," is a carefully prepared paper by Anille Williams, for wblcb studies by Sir Fred'k Leighton serve as ïllustratimiB. A full page engraving of Mr. Homo Tliornycroffs statue of General Gordon.erected iu Trafalgar Square, brings us to the notes whicli are tull as usumI and of w'.de-spread interest - Cassell & Co., New York, $3 50 a year.