County And Vicinity

Dr. Ackley, of Chel-ea died recently of oíd age. Tou can't get shaved on Sunday at Howcll now. W. A. Peters is the new M. S. statiou agent at Pittsfleld. The Manchester schools close from this treek Friday to Jan. 7. The Yp9ilantl Commercial still hokls the count open on the beans. The Congregational church (Mr is in progress at Ypsilanti this week. The young men of Saline have fitted up for themselves handsome club rooms. The yield of clovcr seed in th3 county per acre of acreage harvestcd la placed at 1.52. Chas. Y. Smith, of Detroit, is the uew leader of the Ypsilanti Baptist full chorus clioir. ïou are inrited to be present ut Ihe Baptist church dedication In Stockbridjce to-morrow. Chelsea's marshal has been ordered to keep the sidewalk's clear of atreet loafers. A tough Job. ffm. Judson, of Chelsea, recenlly shipped thrce car load, of live stock from Stockbridge. The Picket man is so pleaseil over the weather that lie talk3 of MHtiiig out au o ran cc grove. The Bappho Club ofYptllanti anuouure auotlier grand concert ou nr about the jast of Maich. Cha?. S. Hewitt of Dexter luis bren allnwed $1,S24 back piy and an inc leaee of $4 per montU. Grand New Year Hall at tbe Lake hnuc, Wbltmore, tbs Chequatnegons doing the tiddling. Leale Kimmel of Superior, hjiimI 12 year?, died Dec. 5. aftcr only .i few d.-iys illness. of peritonitis. The B.iptist Sunday School of MUan wlll have n jolly (JhrUtmas tree on Monday evening, Dec. 24. The suni of $110 57 was taken in two eveninfN at a Chelsea CongreyatioDiil Church fair last week. An enterprlsing photographer "tuk" the Milan K. R. wreek, and is ooining money at 25 cents a view. The ladiei of the Stockbridge Baptist church have about completed arraiijfementa for a lecture course. The Dexter schools close Friday and re-open agaitl Dec. 31st. 'l'his to avoid tlie hot weather next June. Tli six-ietiea of the VI. V. umi Uiptist churches of Mooreville will unite and nave a big Uuilstmas tree next weck. The Monme Lutherans would like Ij liave Rev. Lederer of Saline occupy thelr pulpit, but lie probably will not do it. The Whitmore Lske debaters have decided by a vote of IS to 15 that the pen is mlgbtler than the swoid. Ofconrêe'tla. llowell is making frantic elforts to quiet the MurroandlQg country about its small pox scare, and asserts that all danger is passed. The conuition ot live stock in this county on Dec. lst, Was as follows: Horse8 !)7 per cent., cattle, 92, aheep, 94, swine 100. Fred Stowe and wile, of Unadilla, and Jay Reynolds of this place, started last evenine for Denver, Colorado.- Stockbride Sun. There Is lo be a Chrlstmas trea at the Bridgewater Lutheran chuicli - without presents. Queer afftiir for Sld Santa Claus, that. We will bet a big seek-no-farther apple that Washtenaw has more live, wide awiike newspapers than any other county in the state. The contract for remodelinr the Dexter mili has been let by A. BirKett, to Indianapolis partles, to be complete(i gome time in February. Fourteen out of 2" milis and elevators in this county reported 37,541 bushels of wheat marketed in November, and 304,0B9 siuce Aug. lst, '8S. Aaron H. Goodrich, of Saline, ajied 83, died Dec. Sth. An old pioneer. On iho snme day Mrs. Julia Geer, of the same place, aged 00 years also died. A New Year'a dinner is to bc given by the ladies of the lst Baptist Church of ï'peilanti, from 4 to 6 o'clock p. in., wlth a short literary program, gratis. The comlition of wheat in this county on Dec. 1, as compared witli average years was 90 per cent., and as nompartd wlth Dec. 1, '87, was 08 per cent. "Boys! Why wouldn't t be a good plan to make Mrs. Whitney a wood bee f" says pne of our exchanges. AVe think it would be.- Plymouth Mail. Why tben, it may be. The combined aze of the five pioncan who have died in this place durlig the week is 407 years. Au average of about 82 years. Truly a ripe old age, but still we cannot spare them.- Saline Observer. The Ypsilanti Commercial glves this quaint credit to the marriage licenses : "Stolen regularly from the Ann Arbnr Cüukikk.1' There are some who lon't credit thelr clippings even to an " Ex." But we would be modest in making the suggestion that the pastors of our churclies be remembered with substantial gifts durlng the coming festivities. You will feel better and more joyous by 80 doing. - Dester Leader. The scholars in the Fryburg district have adopted the "postofflee" plan as a means of amusement and obtaining proriciency in letter writlng, composition and punctuatiou. - Milan Leader. Writing notesiuschool toyourbest girl alwaysdid have a chai ni about it. A. A. Wood, of Lodi, is to rcad a paper before the meeting of the Michigan Merino Sheep Bieeders' Association, boiue held at Lansing this weck. His subject being: "What sliall we feed breeding ewes and thcir lambs i [roduce the best results ? " The Howell Republican is bapny right in this rem ark: '"The teachersol country schools ought to hold more old-f.isliioned ¦peiling schools. There is nothing th it will créate a deáire to be a good speller as a well-conducted spelling school, where the pupila congrégate in a ''spell down." We can mention the mimes of some lads and lassies residing in this vicinity who expect to take their lir.-t lewoni in connubial bliss soon ; but, as said lals and lassies are apt to be rather fensitive at this "stage of game,'1 we thlnk we hadn't better say anything abut it. - Howell Republicaa. don't yon keep still, thenf Miss Nancy Simpson, who keeps a millineiy store In one of Blackmei's blocks, bas taken her dead siuter's cliildren, a boy and a girl, to live with her. They are briglit little folks, and tlieïr j names fire Mande and Walter Auaby. - I Milan Leader. This 3 only one more inslanceof many, where unmarried sisters or aunts have proven Ciod's mlniBterlng anirela 011 eartli. Mr. Joliu Si'halble, Sr., three miles west of town lias suftered the loss of bis eyesight. His eyes had tronbled him considerable bilt neither he nor his family txpected so serious results. He retired 011e night last week witli his sisht as good as usual, but on a wakertlng next mornlng, 1 11 w:is darknes?; hls sfgnt fTOTIé. He is now at Ann Arbor for treatment, there being som" hope ot' hls again recOYering sight. - Saline Observer. The Germán Wolklngmea'i Society held a special meeting on Munday e ven in; and declded to purchaae the Goodyear hall biock. also a grove, of (Joodncli Conklin. The grove is about , of a mile ; nortli of t"wn on the Sha run town line. The papers have not yet been drawn, but It Is expected they will be in a few day?. The society will make needed repairs and 8ome changes In the building, and will fit the grove up for holding picnics, etc. - Manchester Enterprise. About $8,000 vvorth of proprrty. That t ill building on the gravel mart, whlch 9ome may have mistaken for the , upper gtories of Col. Atklnson's 12 story block, isa "cold storage building1' erected by Harris and Johnson of tula city for preservativo purposes in their business of handling butter and eggs. It is so built ' that it "keeps cool'1 even in thu heat of summer, and does away with the 1 sity of brine for preserving eggs. The ¦ above llrm are already doinga "rushing : business," havlng handled about $4000 vvorth of butter and eggs last week. Their market is fouud in the great cities, and in the Upper Pensinsula. The building is 30x30 ft. on the ground, and :!S ft. high, and they claim that they have it so firmly anohored that it would take a western cyclone to overturn it. We wisli the new Qrm abuiidant sueess asa reward for their cntsrprisc - Tpstlantian. Tlie Ypsilanti Scntiuel man has evidently been there himself: "l'hisisthe season for the old chestnut, about ' Ing in the winter in Michigan. They do it, ti o, about as follows: The farmer hiti'hi-s to li is plow in the lugt d.iys of December, and "'drives atield." Áway he goes, turning the furrawi merrily, in bti shirt sleeves, his lioises sweating as if it were J uly. After a time, before the j Beid is uil plowed, tome day, the plow begins to drag hard; the earth falls from the moulilboard In broken clogs; the horseg breath begins to turn to fros', and - i'huck,- tha plow stops Ugbt and olid as a rock In the frozen round, and tlierc it will stay till uext M ij at the soonest Tlie farmer hustles his horses Into his 1 stablcs, and himself into bis overeoat, and ( the next week'l country paper will boast 1 about plowing in winter and a-l; "wliat i the mattiT with Michigan?'1
Ypsilanti Commercial
Sappho Club
Milan Rail Road
Michigan Merino Sheep Breeder's Association
Grand New Year Ball
German Workingmen's Society
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
William Judson
Walter Anaby
W. A. Peters
Rev. Lederer
Nancy Simpson
Mrs. Julia Geer
Maude Anaby
Leale Kimmel
John Schaible Sr.
Fred Stowe
Dr. Ackley
Chas. Y. Smith
Chas. S. Hewitt
Aaron H. Goodrich
A. Birkett
A. A. Wood