What The English Say

The Lomion correspondent of the New York Tribune s.iys as follows of the recent republloan victory : Eagtish manufacturera feel the blow most of all. I have this moment met an English friend largely concerned in English manufactures. He wore a long face, and askcd easerly : "Ia it true Gen. Harrison iseleoted?" "It is." His face grew longer Uil, and I asked: "Are you sorry?" "I am iudeed." "Why?" "üeumieu we liopetf at last -oiir markets were going to open to lis." I said: "You hoped to control thern if Mr. Cleveland had carried out liia policy?" "Yes," he answered: "we know we could beat you witli our c'.ieap labor." You may Ukc that conversation as fuirly expressinir the average EnglUb view. Ever since Mr. Cleveland's free tradc message last December they have nursed the hope that they were to ;et possession of the American markets. They now know tint American, not Britisli, Interets will govern the American tisc:il policy.
Free Trade
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Grover Cleveland
Gen. Harrison