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Short advortlseinents not to exceed tlireo nnei, of Lost ana Found, Housen for Saleor Kent, Wants, etc, lusertcd tlnee week for 25 cents. Situatlons wanted, free. FOR SALE- One-half milc south of Salem Station on tba Detroit and Lanilng rail raad. SO aerea ol umber. inquiruof :;., ERNE3T 1.. BENWICK. XMAS holly nnd green cut Oowers, bonaa plmits, tettooe and panley, eto. cois1JNS &¦ HALL, PlorllU, & . Univ. Ave. 34 WANTED- A few uprIhiiIdi: papila on the ioiiu. A rood irulniiiK guaranteed, liavliig had experie;ce In teachiuc and liavIng recelved iustructlou froni tlie best teachers In tlio .stuU' darlng llir pust Imir ytat. Would especlaUy deaüre young papila, xoutb being thn time for the baal develODient ol Ijood execution. Single lessons SO cents, Term of 12 lesaona 18X0. Ite luction made for classes of two or more. AiUlress or cali at South 1-th Street. J. W. üloyik. SUBSCR11TIONS for American and Koreign l'eriodlcals handled wltti uccuracy and despatch at low rate. V. . liü.M.V.N', )0S. l'iuii m. EAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Housis nnd Iota valued from $1,000 to $U,UOI) amt oontalnlng (rom oue-flfth of an hcre to twenty acits ;i 1 1 In the city llmlts. Housese rented on reasonable terms In ceutral looaUtlea. Farm exonanged for city property. Enquire of .1. tt. A. Sisslons, Atloruey and Ilral Eslate Agent, Office No. S North Malu öt., Ann Arbor. 5Itt