Special meeting of the Press Associa tion wil) bc beid at Linsing, Jan. Stl aiul ütli, to tiikc uto oomlderatlon mat ters of vital imi o tai c i to the profettlon The llnn of llnii.mann vt l.:iiihoii gayer are building up ;i i excrllenl buel na i at thelr elerator and wareroonu o Washington ?t., at the 'J'. & A. A. cross ing. Thry can now _'iihi! all kinds o fecil witli the new process three reductioi roller grimlers; they also hnve i corn cob crusher, so that they can take corn in the cob, crusli anü grind it. They ai n the inarket aUo for all klndl of (rrnlD and dellrer tocity oaitomen woodi flóui feed, balled hny and rtrnw. [t is a lively section of ihe city at tholr rlevator thei (lavs llali-l.uc ratea for the Inauguratiun Washliurmn, I). C, Marcll lih, vbt the '1 A. A. & N. M. K. Co., lüroufcta l'ullina sleepers. Secure vour ipace now. B crowd going by (!iia, llie only direct roul f rom July S8tn to Mareta 8ih. Nearly all coldl are slijilit, at ii rat, bi their tendency is to so lower the yysti i that sulterer hecomes a reaily victim t any prevülentdisease. The useof Ayer Cherry Pectoral, in tlie begitiiimjr of cold, would gaard ogalnat tlil dauger. riTOTHE DEAF.-A pertOD cured of Oeafnes L and nolses in Ihe hmd of 23 years' Main Ing by il simple remeily, wlll send a descrlp tlon of lt khkk to any Person who appllcd I Nichoi.son, 177 .%" DoiiKall st.. New York. : - - ¦?-?- ¦- 1861- 28 th Annual Display- 188 OF HOLIDAT GoODS. Opnnlng ilay Wed ncsday, Deo. 18th. 1888. It fa turprla to ourselves, that in telling this story fo the 38th time we can trutlifnlly say, tha we have very inany more new and beat tiful goods in our usual line of hollda presenta than ever before. Our stock tia been selected witli great oare, and will b sold at prices which will distance ompe tit ion. Krom Deo. 16th to the 3&tb, w shall sell Obdimabt Mixed CaNdv at cents per lb., and the usual AssorTmkn of CHEA.M8 ut 12c, and Chocolat Droi'8, at 14c per Ib. A careftil exain nation of our stock is solicited. M Dkan & CO, 44 S. Main St. ? Pleasant rooms to rpnt, both furtiishci and unfurnished, at No. 18 Geddes Ave The Oft Told Story Of the peculiar medicinal merits of Hood's Sarsaparilla is fully conllrmcd ty tlie voluct;iry testimony of thousands who have trled it. Peculiar In tho combination, proportion, and preparatlon of its ingredients, peculiar in tho extreme care with which it is put up, Hood's Sarsaparilla accompllshcs cures where other preparations cntirely fail. reculiar in the uneriualled good name it lias made at home, which is a "tower of strength abroad," peculiar in llie pltcnomcnal sales it has attained, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the most popular and successfu! medicine before the public today for purifying the blood, giving strength, creatlng au appetite. "I suffered from wakefulness and low spirits, and also had eczema on the back of my head and neck, which was very annoying. I took one bottlo of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I have rcccivcd so much benefit that I am very grateful, and lam ahvays glad to ipeak a good word for this medicine.' Mus. J. S. Snyder, Pottsville, Peut. Purifies the Blooo Henry Bipgs, Campbell Street, Kansas City, had scrofulous sores all over lus body for flfteen years. Hootf's Sarsaparilla completely cured hiin. Wallaco Buck, of Nortli Bloomfield, N. Y., suffered eleven years witli a terrible varicose ulcer on his leg, so bad that he had to give up business. He was cured of the ulccr. and alsoof catarrh, by Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drugclsts. ?1 ; siiforj. Treparedonly by C. I. HOOD & CO., AiKjthecarics. I.owell, Maas IOO Doses One Dollar Pi S s hl ñ b P=l ï i y n W f H c á csi pi t3
T. & A. A. R. R.
Pullman Corp
N. M. R. Co.
Michigan Press Association
Mack & Schmid
Holiday Goods
Heinzmann & Laubengayer
Dean & Co.
Clothing - Retail
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
44 S. Main St.
18 Geddes Ave.
177 MacDougall St. New York