
t- - - ' - City Aitorucy T. D. Kearney - soundi pnuty well. Prof. D'Oojrc filled the M. E. pulpit lust Simday a. m. Schools close FrMay for two weeks, coinmencing again Jan. 7tb. Frank Bonrns, ofthtscity, is to lectura it tlu; Dixboro M. E. church on Friday evening, liis subject being the Phlllipplne Ulands. TheFarmer'sA. Merh.in:c Rank passet! ts usual Bemi-annual dividend, at h meeting of the directors last Monda; evening. The weathor elerk can confer a jrreat favor upon this part of t'ie nulvene by givin;; US ii mu of show for tlie Holiilay se:ison . The iecond of the series of K. T. socials will be fiiven at the Temple in St. James block, on Tbursday evening of next week. The organ recital of to-morrow evening will 'ie the last of the series and wil] be given by Prof. Stanley at the Congregutional church. Rev. Mr. Sunderland will presidí a sermón ppropriate to Christm s next Sunday morniusr, on ' The InHueuce of Great Sonls iu History.'' Rev. Mr. Hawks, of Simpson M E. olmnh, Detroit, will lili the pulpit of the M E. church in this city next Suuday morning and evening. On Moiiday evening next there will be a Chri.-tmas tree al tlie Dlxboro .M. E. church for the benefit of the Sunday school connected therewith. The new house of Prof. Leyi D. Wines, on S. State St. went UD in a hurry. In just two week9 and two days lie had it encloaed. I'retty brisk work. A hijrh school senior is about to open a burder shop in the Fifth ward for the purpose of seeuring means to enalilu him to punoe his Studies. Hay suceess altead hls elloris. Lee 9in; Pnnrwee, a wide awake hustling Chinamar, who adopts Anicricin customs. has oponed a laundrv in the St. Jame9 block, tirst door west of the Saviii's Bank. The case of Polhomus tV Sixton, chared under the city ordinance with ¦eiling liquor to minors, has been adjourneil to Jan. 19th, on request of the detendants. TheWoman'i Home Missionary Society of the M. E. church will hold their lefrular icoiithly meeting in the piimary elas room, on Thursday afternoon of this week. UoinmenciiiK at 6 o'clock. The Germán Binglng Soeietiesof Michigan are now arranging for the next Saeny;erf;st, which is to be held in Detroit in July. It will be remembered that the latt one as held in this city. There is to be a Christmas tree and Olllldren'a holiday festival at Zion'g chiiich, on Uonday evening nexb There will be two Chri-iinas tree, some exercises by the children ; and a genera] good time all around. Mrs. Mary B. Payne, of Adrián, grand motlier of Prot. W. H Payne. fnrmerly of tli is city and of tlie Uuiversity, Celebrated her lOOth birthday on the 9th in.-t. She is still in good health, and comparatively strong. The M. C. R. K. has now complicd with the law respectin;r the heating of their passenger coaches - on their malo line - and the dinfrerous stove has been discarded. Heat ia supplled by steam generated from the locomotive. Good for the M. C. Chas. M. Ilagadorn, of South Lyon, dled last Snnday, and hit funeral services were helil yesterday p. m., under the direction of Aun Arbor Comuiandery K. T.,of whlcb be was a niember. A ipecial train on the T. fc A. A. 1. II. took the Commanieiy to Suuth Lyon. In our issue of INov. 21st was pnblttbed a poem entitled "Poveri ! Poveris'" wliich should have been credited to the Century. Tlie error occurred througli taking the poem from another paper tliat had faileil to pive credit, instead of taking it from theadvanced sheet's furnished us for that purpose. The Clianning Guild will hold a public meeting next Sunday evening. The first part of the meeting will be devoted to niusic, scriptuie readings, reading frora Channing and Wliittler, and a paper on "Tlie work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union," after whieh Mr. Buodeland and others will speak upon "' Jesus, his cuuracter and work.'' The Chelsea Herald remurks: "Oue of the best tliings last week was the musical program given AVednesday eveninr at the Congregational fair by tlie Chelsea Orchestia. Miss Spencer of Jarkson, Prof Keinpf and wife and Mrs. VVoodard of Ann Aibor. The singlng of Mrs. Kempf and Mis. Woodard was especially line, and higlily appreciated by all present." The abstract books of Chas. II. Manly have been sold to the new flrm of Harri man, Muily & Doty, each member owning a one-lhiid interest, the value being placed at $9,000 The new finn will occupy offices over II. J. Brown's drug store, wliich will be thoroughly and bandsoniely fitted up, as soon as they take possession Jan. lt To the abstract bus iness will be added law and real estáte. Id tpeakin? of the case of Mrs. C le noaiiiHt the M. S. R. R. the Hillsda'e Leader in iis last Wsue remarked: "If tlie suit was in tUis county wliere Miss Cole is well known she would recover a goud rouud verdict. Sbe will likely do so even at Ann Arbor. There is DO reason why a railroad COinpany sbouldn't pay for lts damages the same as any ri vate cltizen would have to do." Well, Iiro Leader, how doyou like the verdict? The lire whicli resnlted in the burniiiir of Mrs. Bli-9's house last Fiiday niht, is faiü lo have s-tarted from a detective fine. About one-balf the fires iu dwellings result from tlie same cause. There ouüht to be 8otne redress against builders who are carelesi and Deglllfent about this part of house building. There ought to be some law to make a contractor pay for all damages sustained when a coníl ifrration results from a pnorly constructed cliininey, elther throuh the niason work or by reason of runninf; Joice or beams Into chimneyt, which is sometimos done. What is needed is more honeftt work in liouse building, and less liaste and shirking of duty. Something new in tbc way of a social was (jiven by the Gelette Club, at the residence of Prof. J. C. Knowlton, last Frlday evening. It was Cidled an " Apron Social." The requisite number of aprons were put In a ro'un, and each of the gentlemen were rerjnired lo : and draw one. On lliis apron was a ribbon, whieh would COrrespond with a bow worn by i 1 nly, wbicli slie had obtüined iu the same ninnner as the gentleman had his aprou Then tlie gentlem ui had to take a needie hiiiI tbreitd and hem the apron for fie laily that Inte (or the ribbons) had ileoreed to be liis partner for the evenlng. l'rof. II. O. Adams took fust prize as beinjj the best seamstress, and Prof. LVnison the booby prize. The T. & A. A. R. R. has commenced running passenger cars from Toledo to SíDaw. The new road from Durand to Saginaw is a " dnndy." It is well ballasted, has a pretty station houses as can be found on any railroad iu the state, and Is in etery way an acceptable enterprise, in keeping with the wide awnke enerL'y and ' get-there " proclivlties of the Kast Saginaw people wlio built It, at i to tbenuelves of $400,000. Tbere 'me Ihing peculiar about tlie people of Kast SsgTnaw, any enterprlse they undertake they carry to asuccessful completton, and whatever they do they do well. This road is but one of the many instances of their indomitable pluck and enterprise. It runs through a nch farining country, and will be a paying road.
Woman's Home Missionary Society
Octette Club
K. T. Socials
Harriman Manley & Doty
German Singing Societies of Michigan
Farmers & Mechanics Bank
Channing Guild
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
T. D. Kearney
Rev. Mr. Hawks
Rev. Jabez T. Sunderland
Prof. W. H. Payne
Prof. Stanley
Prof. Levi D. Wines
Prof. Kempf
Prof. Denison
Prof. D'Ooge
Mrs. Woodard
Mrs. Cole
Mrs. Bliss
Miss. Spencer
Mary B. Payne
Lee Sing Pangwee
J. C. Knowlton
H. C. Adams
Frank Bourns
Chas. M. Hagadorn
Chas. H. Manly
S. State Street