Hon. JoIid K. Boise, of Hiulson, was-in tlie city last Fiiday. " MM. N. A. Prudden is very il 1, It is not thooght she can recover. Miss Anna L idd goes to Detroit to-day to remalu during tbe winter. Mr. S. S. Walker, of St. Johns, has been visitiug friends In the city. Mrs. Theo. Royer h is gou e to Oliio on account of llie illness ol her ilaughter. Prof. II. V. Rogen spokt In Central M. E. cburch, Detroit, Suuday eveninj;. Frank Bliss, of Cleveland, Ohio, llt. 'i'J, und law "71, is In the city, called uere the Ore. Hon. H. G. Thayer and wife, of Plymnuili aie visitiuu' iheir friends Mr. and Mrt. J. H. Ciough. Mr?. Di. Ilanley w.ia thrown froin lier cartUge last Friday aftemoon, and was quite badly injured. Miss Altit Parker lias jrone to Chelsea to-day to sei; her Iiiend, Miss Alma Perry nurrted to Mr. Vn. Wnittaker. Mrs. Andrew Bell and daughter have returned trom their visit in New Yurk Uity, and otner places south and east. Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Uuncimau of Lyndou ipent Öuuduy with Couuty Cleik llowlctt and rife - taking lu Kliea Öaturday niijiit. Artluir S.immons and wife of Jackson, and Edgar Dwyeraud Georje Eels, botli Of Ottawa, III., speut tsunduy with V W . BilM and wife. Mis. Prof. II. W. Rogvn goes to Cliicajjo tliis wt-ek to atleud a uieetint; of a boaid wliich lias lu charge the establishment of homes tor dcaconesses. Mrs. Prof. Stowell has been passing a little time in Ami Arbor recently. fcihe io ïmicli iiiin-oved in healtli, and has goue tu Wasniuston to spend the winter. Miss Anna Sonle of the Minnesota State Normal School, at Maukato, is expected home tor the holiclay season, to visit lier parentl Mr. and Mrs. Harrison W. Suule. J. T. Jacobs and J. E. Beal of tliis cjty, attended the reception to Bishop Fule3', and afterward the eDJoyable banftuel jiiveii Col. John Atkinson, tendered iiim uijiin his return Grom Burope, at Detruit last Friday evenlng.
Miscellaneous / Unclassified
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
William Whittaker
W. W. Bliss
Prof. H. W. Rogers
N. A. Prudden
Mrs. Theo. Royer
Mrs. S. S. Walker
Mrs. Prof. H. W. Rogers
Mrs. Dr. Heartley
Mrs. Andrew Bell
John K. Boise
John Atkinson
J. T. Jacobs
J. H. Clough
J. E. Beal
Harrison W. Soule
H. G. Thayer
George Runciman
George Eels
Frank Bliss
Edgar Dwyer
County Clerk Howlett
Bishop Foley
Arthur Sammons
Anna Soule
Anna Ladd
Alta Parker
Alma Perry