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G. A. R. Notes

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At the regular mnnthly meeting of Welch Post, No. 137, G. A. K„ the following were eleoted is offleers for the enming j-ear : Commander- Azarlah F. Martin. Benlor-Vloe Oom mander- Wm, F. Fisher. Joulor-Vloa Commander- Waxli'ton l'aul. clüipliiln- Bev. J.T Sunderland. OfBuer-of-lJie-day- Hiriry H. Marsh. Uffloer ol-tlie-Cluard -John L, Cox. Quarlermaster-Kobert Campbell. Inskle Guard- John Dulliu. Bentlnel- Ed. Hatch. Comrades J. T. Jacob3 and Harrlson Soule were elected as delegitei to tlie rtate pnonïipment, with Comradei Frcd'k Pistoiious auil Bobert O.nnbell is altérnate. The regular annnal inspectlon of the Post 111 Uke place on Kriday eveiiinf.', Dc. 28 Every ineniber is requested to be pretent In anlform. The Student's Leoiure Asociation bave extended sn inviution to Wclcli Post, G. A. R., to iittend the lecture of Kobert McIotyre on "The Man with the Matket, or Soliliering In Dixie." The Post notwithsiiiiicliiüi the fact that the date wm lOt yivcn, bat tiikinir Into consiileratlon bat admistioD to thena was offerad free, decided to accept the lame. A biru-e numbcr of "the boys" of '0100, (memben ol Welch Post) who have for olie reason or anotlier been absent 'rum Post meetings for some time put In tppearance at the meetlnjr on the even ngoftheHth lnt., makinj? it the largest meeting for at least a year past. On Frlday night last the house of Mrs. Mary BIlM. Ño. 49 Wushtenaw Ave., urned to the ground. The fiie originated around fhe ohlmn y, and tlie fl unes spread with wonilcrlul rapidity. But ittle was s:ivcd of the contents of the ïouse. Some of tlie roomere had ücnrcely ime to save their wearinü apparel. Mrs. Jliss had an insurance of $1,800 Uon he house, and $500 iipon furniture. Her loss altogether b eetimuted at $3,500.