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Miss Frankic Amlar, with "A Living Lie" Co., ia a grartnate of the Chicago Coii8ervatory of' Music, and is certainly arifted with u beautiful voice. - Brooklyn Times. Prof. Stanley and the Atnphion Club are announceil for a concert at the Baptist churcli Friday evening, proceeds to be given to the Ladles'Charitable Union. A splendid place to put 23 cents where t wil! do good. Miss France.s Amlar sang "Home Sweet Home " for an encoré last evening, and again received an elegant stand of 11 we i's. She has a cultivated voice and knows how to use it with effect. Although a great attraction in " A Living Lie,1' her place should be at the head of n opera company. - St. Louis Globe Dom. At the grind opera house on Saturday evening Rhea was greeled with a fuil house, therebeing no vacant seats observable. And the audienoe was entlmsiastic coii6ldering its composition, for it was componed of the scholars and better class of people wlio are not usually very demonstrative. lihea is at once a success and notasuccess; pleasing and disappolntlog. Pleising for her beauty, grace, animatlon and thoroughly artistie talents; disappointing in tliat "de:ir sweet foreign tongue," so illy trained to speak the English language. Could her sentences be understood, the charin of lier actlng would be increased two-lbld. The Counterfeit Company appearcd at the Opera House on New Year'g Eve. to i large and a well pleased audienee. Mr. Harry Amlar as Peter G. Washington, was extremely funny in the role of the inquisitivc darkey. In fact the entire ca-t was good. The play was repeated al tbe matinee to a a well lilled house. - Evening Leader. Tutein the Soubrette will appear in 'Struck Gas" a three act musical comedy by Frank Tanmhill jr. at the opera house on Thursday night Dec. 20th. She is supported, by a company of excellent comedians and the press of tho Eistern clties speak very highly of ber performance The play is of the farce comed; order and the specialties of the star and others of the company keep the audienee in roars of laughter all the evening. Steve Corey the well known operatic comedian is the "Billy Butters" of the play and his songs and dances and topical songs are a feature. We can n sa ure our readers a pleasatit eveiiing'í entertainment in "Struck Gas." Harry Amlar appeared last night ut the Novelty Theatre in " A Living Lie." It is a sensation drama, although full of sparkling comedy and speclalities. Mr. Amlar i.s an actor of considerable renatility, and was abiy suppurted by a strong company. - Brooklyn Times. "Struck Gas" a a new and origina musical comedy dramt, and derives its title from the tact that the story ulngea on a single acre lot on which gas is struck. The plot runs I hu-: Hoger Wellington, the father of Nan, la n PeuiiHylvanian farmer, whose greutest dealre Is l liuve hls daughter breóme a rlcli woman; and In order toaccompltah thuttnul he lnvesU all hls uvallable ineans In In a mlulng scheme. To kiep up theansessmpiils un hls miiiliiK shares he Is obllged to mortgage hls farm, whlch consista of two hundred umi mie acres.- the Blngleacre however, beloiiKlng to Nan, It havlng been transferred to lier by a deed of gift wuen she was a mere chlld. CnAKITV CONCERT. On Friday eveulng the 21st, a Charlty Concert will be given by the Araphiou Club at the Baptist church. the proceeds of which will b dispensed through ihe Charitable Union, and Sewing School to the poor of the city. It is a happy nspiration on the part of the club to -'make music In the hearts" of the poor by brlnging joy and Wiirmth to their firesides durli.g the holy Christmas tide, and let every one aid and abet the good work Concert at 8 o'clock. Admission '2ö ets.' The M. C. H. R. will sell holiiUiy tickets on the 24th, 25th and 31st of Dec, and on Jan. lst, good going on those days only, and to return not later than Jan. 3d, 1889. Quarterly meeting next Sundny at the Dixboro 11. E. church will be held by the pastor, Rey. H. Palmer.