Dídn't want a Girl. Lust summer my wife'l licalth was uil run down, and slie wunted me to liiie a girl to do the work. In a littlo whilo I found one I tiioiijrht would snit her, wuen to my surprise she suid I neeil not liire any one, aslie feit much better, and another bottle of Sulpliur Bitters would cure her. Donald Ghry, 41 Worcester Square, Botton, The Cliildren's Class in dancing at the State st. Academy, begins next Snturday. Cliildren will find it to their .idvantage to begin at once, as the terra ImU until close of scHSon. All new dances tauglit. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of Forest Hill Cemetery Co. of Ann Arbor, Mich., will be held át the office of the company on Tupsday, Jan. 8, '89, at 10 a. m. to elcct offleers, and transact such business as may come before the meeting. W. W. WlHKS, Clerk. Dec. 18, 1888. 8t Tho Toledo & Ann Arbor will sell excursión tickets from all stations, at one and one-third fare for the round trip during the holldays. Chiistmas tickets will be sold Dec. 24 and 25; New Year'd tickets on Dec. 31 and Jan.lst; botli good goiug on those days only, but will be acceoted for return passage on all regular tralm up to and includiDg Jan. 8d. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Thursday Eve,, Bec. 20 TUTEIN THE SOUBRETTE "STftUCK GAS" A ttarec act Musical Comedy bjr Frank Tannehill, Jr. Suprortcd by a Ctmpany of Musical CometUane. Reserved soats at Wahr'a bookstore at 75 cent . GRAND OPERA HOUSE RAND HOLIOAY ATTRACriON. ¦ Monday and Tuesday Evenings, and Xmas MATINEE DEC. 24 and 25 The Favorlte Comedian ffl.MNIIW.ll In conjunctloü wlth the dlstinguished actreai MISS ROSE HU ! And an excellent company In tile Original Sensatloual Comedy dramas AND O OTTISTTIEIRIEIT Replete wlth startling sensatlonn. humorous incidente and original specialtles, songs, dances, etc. MONDAY KVK. ( , IVIïr r Ylp Chrislmcu Matinee. t'„i'vélUji-i TIKSDAÏ KVK. COl.MTfcRFfcir. Reserved seats at Wahr's bookstore. PRICES, - 25, 35 and 50 cents. ANEWLAUNDRY! A new Laundry has been opened by LKE ¦IHfl miiWKK, in,liiini-; bl.x-K, flrst door wet of the Ann Arbor Havlngs Bank. FIRST CUSS WORK GUARANTEED. and prompt delivery of arllcle. All kinds of clothes neatly laundrled. Cali and see hlm. PROPOSALS FOR WOÖD Souled proposals for 90 cordB of wood, iour feet long, young greeu, body r stralht blokory. hard maple and second growth, white or yeliow upland ouk. in quantities of not li-ss ihiiii tea cords, and u cord of biiHs wood, good qualtty will be recelved by the underslgned untll the S6tb of Dec, 18&, Inclusive up to 6 p. m. The wood to be di-hered in the uext thirty days after awardlng thn enntract al the different school housea, In such qunntltles as dlrocted. The rlght to rejeel any and all offers !¦ reeivel. L. QKUNEK. Treasurer. 2w No. 8S. Main st. ATTENTION FARMERS! We reapectfully cali your attention to our newly erected Ebator & Farmer's Custom Mills SVe are nmf prepared to do all kinds of Keed grinding wlth the latest lmproved, tliree reduetlou ROLLER GRINDER In ronnertlon wlth the above we have a Corn C'ob C'rusher ao tliat we are able to takt in corn on the cob crush anti grludame. We nay the liljcnest llarkr prioe for all k ikIm of 4-rain. We are also prepared to dell vtr promptly to auv part of the city Wood, K'onr, Keed. BalLed Iluy and Straw. Ttifphone Ao. ff. Office, NO. 9 Washington St, Elevator uear T. A. A. 4 N. M. R. R., Wash ngton st. HEINZMANN & LAUBENaAYER