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The Favorite Medicine fot Throal au.l Lang Diflicultius bM 1"H};1 n.and siill is, Ayer's cii, i rv Pectoral, n cures Cronp, WhoopiiiR ('onsh, llronoliitis, aml Astlniüi; Boothea Irrltatlon f the Larynx and Fhiiops ; strengtheni the Vocal Organs; allayi soreness "f tlie Lunga: prevente Consumptlon, and, eren ia ad vaneed stage ol that dlsease, relieves Cougking tod Induce Bleep. Theie is m other preparatlon for dtteaeea ol the tliroat and Innga to be i onipared i t i ¦ iin femedy. ¦ My f,' had a diëtrcssing congb, wüli pain in side and breaat. We tried variouü medicines, hut none 1 i 1 hei aas good muil I go) a bottle "f Ayei'a Cberrj Pectoral, whicb lias cured her. A nelgubor, Mr. Glenn, liad Che metíales, anu il ngli wan relleved by the om of Am i's lilierrj r. i toral. I have no hesitatiou In '"'A tlii Cough Medicine tí, avery one afflii Roberl Horton, Foreman Headlight, MorrilUon, Ark. ¦ i hare been afflicted " 'li asthma for fcirty reare. Lasi pi na 1 was tak.'ii witb a violent coutfh, wbirli til rea tened to tenninate mj ¦¦ - Bi erj one proDoanced me i" conwunintion. I determined tp trjr Ayer'a uuerry Pectoral. lis effects neic uiagical. 1 was immedlately relieved and continued to lmpro e untflentin ! recovi n d ¦' ¦ ¦ ! Bullard, Guilford, L'onn. ¦¦ si montha i-.. I i ad a picvere hemorrfaage f the lung, broiiffht nu by au Incessant cougli whlcji deprived me of ¦leep and ret. .1 ti iod various remedies, bul cbtalned ii' relief imtil I begantotake Ayer's Cltorr Pe-toral. A few bottles of tilia medicine enred me." Mis. ]:. Coburn, i'.1 Second st., Lowell, Mass. cliihlren afflicted with coldg, coiifjli-. sore throat, or rroiip, 1 do mt know ol an.v remedy wliicfi ill j;ivi more Biieedy relief than Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. Ï liav . found it, also, mvaluable in cásea "f Wbooping Cough." - Aun Lovejoy, 1267 Washington street, l'.usiuii, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, D BY Dr. J. C. Ayer tí Co., Lowell, Mass. BoM !¦) all DrujgUU. Price ti; ín lioulc,í.". .CTsTBiBIIJOÜSNESS, SICK HEADACHE HKARTBÜKN, I.IVER INDIGESTIÓN DXSPETSIA, COMPLAINT, J&VHD1CE, BY ÜSING THE GEMJDíE Dr.C.McLANE'SHI CELEBRATED ¦¦LIVER PILL8! PEEPAEED OSLT DY FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. 4O-üewareof COUSIEBFEIIS mado in St. Louis.-L CARTERS] PlTTLE í CURE Bick Hoadacho and relieve all tho tronblea ind dent to a biliou Blato of tho systom, Kiich oa Dizzinoes, Nausea, Urov.-slm-.sH. Dlítrom ufíor eating, Pait. ia tbe Sido, kc. Whilo tlieir most remarkublo euccess has botn Bhown iu curing SICK neadaclie, yot Cnrter's Littlo Liver Pilis aro cqually valuablo in Constiiiation, oiringand preventing tbiaannoyinRCOiaplaiut.wliilo tlieyalso correct all disorders of tho6tomaoh,stiraulate tho livor and reguLito tho bowols. Etcu lí thcy only HEAD Acbethey wonld bo almos t priceloes to tboso who Bufferfrümthiscnatrcssiii,'comi)laint; biftfortusately their gooduess doos notend hcre.and thoso who once try thcm will find thoso littlo pills valubleinsomany waysthatthey will not bi willlng to do without thom. But af ter allaick heai ACHE Is the bañe of so many Uves that here Ís where we make our great boast. Our pilla curo it whilo othors do not. Carter's Littlo Liver Pilla aro very small and very easy to tako. One or two pills makoa doso. Thcy arestrictly TCgeUUsana do not gripe or punjo, butby thoir Rcntle action plesBeall who setheni. Invialsat 25 cents; flvoíoríl. Sold by drugiata everywhero, or Bent by inail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE