Good Adv ice. Il'you are subject to nervousnes, beadactie, morpblne or opium linbit, sleepless, neanügia, backacbe, montbly pains, sexual weaknew, St. Vitus d:ince, or otlier similar affectiong do not fail to use Dr. .Miles' Kestorative Nervine, a valuadle ncrvc food and the lte1 and most scientific of remedies. It i ganranteed to Klve relief; $ö,U00 is t'reely ofïered for a betler Nerve Food Medicine. It sootbes and quieta tlie nerves while furnltblng nonmhment and itrongth. A8k for a lice ti al lolilc at Eburbacli A Son's ing store Argument will pull a wise man down t(i the U.'vel of a tooi, but it never raices a fooi up to tlie plane of a wise man. A youiiK man who with any (lejjree of earnestnessdeelaii.-i tliat be never lotend ti ij ii r r ' nnliftnnni l a brut. il miture or perverted moráis. iitm. Cha. Niuitii ot" .iiiiii-h. Olii, rlti'n: I have useü every reniedy for slok headuche I could beur of for tlie poat flfleen years, but Carter' l.lttle Llver Pilla did ma more ood tban all tb ratt. ;A
Eberbach & Son
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine
Ann Arbor Courier
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