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Mortgage Sale DEFAULT HAVING BKEN MADE IN TIÏE t'nndiilotm of a certain mortiage excented by Mary E Potter of Am. Athor, in the County of W aan tena W, umi Sta ie of Mlrhigan. to Lney VV. S. Morman, of the smiï place, beuring date the fifteenth ctay of Jtily, 1 SS-'), and recorded i ¦ the office of the Ragiatar oí Deeds f.r ihe County of Wawhtenaw, in liber 60 of mortgages, on pa_Fe 46 on the ilfteenth day of July, 18S5, nnd by which delault ibe power of eale contained in naid mortyaüre havintr becoine onerative, and no euit or proceedlng at law or tu eqaity hnvinp been tnetttuted to recorer the nnount due on aid mortatre, or the uote accoinp.iuylng the saine, and ihTf briiiu' uow claimed to be due on vnd note and mortgage, t h Mim of three hundred nnd etghiy-nïne dcllarand sixry-feven een'!. Notice is tberefore bereby Rlven tul tald mortíaíje wil) be forecloscd on S.iUirdav. the sixtecutb day of : February 1889, at 10 oVlock in the lorenoon ol'that (hiy, by a sale at public nuction at the eouth front door ol the Court Iloue in the city of 1 Ann Arbor, istid Coart Bous6( betnff the place of holdiuir Circuit Court for taid county,) of tho premiaos desrribed In nld mortgaffa. or so inuch thereof as may b iiecetary to s uisfy the 1 umount of Imereat ucw due and rematnlng uupaid upou eaid mortgaKe, toffdther wfth raasoiiiiblu costl nnd expendes, Inciudtng an Attorney fee of liitt'i-n duiiarr". Tao premlwi iU besóla cabjo t to the principia lomnunttdlD fald mort page, or Hventeeo bnndred dollars, hereafter to fall da! and theloterwtaccroïi (thereon. Thaprvmloei ti i e sold are deecrlbed In tatd oiortffaifl r CoUowa; All that oertain pieceor parcel ol land itnate and beleg in tbe townftfatp of Ann Arbor, in the i'ounty ol Wasbtenaw, üiid State of Michigan, and deaertbed follow, to w.t : l'm South part i of the Northwest fractional qna ter of Boctton mnnber Iwenty-taveo, in lownshfp number two, Hoaita In rasgfl nnmbt-r eix (8) Baat, accordlng to the pnteni thereofi recorded m the office of the Register of leeds for Washteoatv C uinty, In liher Z oí deedafon vL' '-, ir heini; all of s?,id North West fractional qoTter lyii g fontn ol the Hnmn Blver, cuDtalntiut fiiïy sis nod 55 LOO acres ol land, more or ea,4xceptltg therefom a sirip o' land one houd red leet wlde, conveyed t' iiic Michigan Uenrral Ruilroad Oomptoy lot r'ght of way hy deed recorded in unid Reg'aterB office iu libr L. of deeeïs on pnfrc 580. (IS C. JOH5S0N, KKxNM.l f,. I'AKliER, K. D KINNE, rx"Ciit'rs ol the will i i t.ucy W. S. in Dated Hovember 0, „__ DEFAULT BAVINÜ UK ,N MADE IN THE condltioiiB ot a certalq mortKase pxecated by Mary K. Fo-ter of Aiiti Aitmr. M1Ch1gQ, ta Lucy V. s, Morgin of the emue place, boarlug date th'1 twenty-si cond dayoi July, k, D. 1885, and recorded in the ffice of the Ut trintfr of Uva ds f.T theCoontyof Wwhtenaw, in iii'r t, of mortgages, on page 18, on the econd day of July I88o; and by whlcta defaoit the power of sale, contained in said mortffage] harlng become operativo and no sall or proOoealaA af hiw or in equity, having been lnstltnted to recover the amonut due on said mortgigti or the note accomfmnylng the fame, and tbere belng DOW clalraed to todue on eaid note and mortffage, the Hun "f Th ree Thou?and and BereQty-six bullan ($8,078.) Notice !k thertfore hereby fuiven that tatd mirtgage will be foredoaed n Saturday the itxtentb duy of Kvbriüiry 1889, t ten o'clo'-k in the forenoon of that day, by a Bale ut I ublic aurtio , at tbe Boot i front door nf the Court Hone, in ihe city of Ann Arbnr, isiid Court Bonte belng the place f bold ínií 'he Circuit Court for said Couniy) of the premi-- doaoribed in eaid morigsge, or so moco thoreot, hs m ly be Deceaaary to eaitífy thn amo nut "i principal and lutereet remalnlng snpald upon said mort gage, to-jether wlth reoaotiable Coata nd expenses, lucludli g ui AttOrney fea ol thirty ftve dollars, which preiiiineíi rlbed lo uM m utg aa föllowa: ah thoee certafn pteoea r ptice ot Und, sitúate and belnj? in the city of Ann Arbor, in rlie County of Wüshteuaw Micbigm, and dtciibed as flDllowa, towir: Lot number Pwtlve (U) ana the Baat half ot lot Thir8) n bii.ek Dnmber two {%) North of üuron Btreet, oii range numb -r iix Bant ÜTI8 O, Í0HN80N, PKANKLIN U I'AlfKEH, E. D. KINNK, Fxecutor of the will oi LnCy W. 8. Morgan. Dated, Nov.Bth, 1888. ¦ f Hl il K. waulc.l are thne wbo roal u HUI Vthis iind then aot; Lhey win tiixi lUUUU i iK'imrable einploytnent that will uot take tln-nt from their homes and families. The proflts arelarle and iUr for every iudustrlous person, nmny have made and nre now maklng aeventl bondred dolían a month. Jt Ík easy for any one to makfl So and upwarda per iiay, who in winin to work, Elther sex, yoana r oíd; oapttal notneetltMl; we start yoo. Every th Ing new No Hpeclal ability requlred, you, reader, oao do It au well as any one, wntoto ni at onre for full partlcularH, whlcli W-e mail fut-. AddresH BUnaoa & Co., Portlaml, Malne. Get your Printine; ai ík Conrier


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