DONT 'z UU II I ARCTICS Until You Have Seen The Colchester Arctic! "Witli the Outslde Counter." It's tbe Best Fitting and Best Wearing Arctle now made, nnd Is m:ule pon linnor for repuutlon. the 'OUTSIDE COUNTER" ndds furcely lo Ihe dnrablllcy. are cl ¦ , t. In the 6Dd. No extra clinrge for Ihe oDuldc oounter." Ask to see the " Colchester " Arctic. Kept here by best Stores. vr wiioi,i;s,v i-i: at- H. S. Robinson &. Burtenshavv, Detroit Piso'a Cure for ConBj suuiption is also tho best u Cough Medicine, g If you have a Coupli g without disease ¦! the KI U Lungs, a fow doses aro all Cj you need. Butifyouneglect this easy means of 181 B safcty, the .slïght Cough Kl KJ mav boeorno a serious fcj matter, and soveral bottles will be required. lADÏIPFiïi Io Tour Own Dyeinft, at Home. Tliey will dye Tïrythllii. They sreaold cverywhere. Pricc lOo.n inrk:igc. ïheyhavenoequal for Strengih, BriRlitne?, Amoiint in Package or for Fustnss of ('olor, ornon-fadine Qualitir. Theïdonotcrockorsraut; 4ücolors. Forsuleby J. J. COODYEAR. ¦kmbB As a Family Reraedy [hJBfftlTI iTtI "'¦ Set 1i Amold's rfAWWlPlTFl C0UGH K1LL1K fJll 1 1 I 4 1 1 Ijl'J has no Cíinal. lniy Wo have used It for tho fSffiafiffwlTCiBfl past ten yiars, aiul eau ti nly KlSfíjeáSáHB ïeconimend it. PffliBifflSailir Mr.„C.. Filkin, MontoDruggists, 25c., 00c. aud 51.00. RINSEY&SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on lmnrt, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Fur Whi.lesulc nnd Retall Trade. We sball aleo keep a eupply of SfWIFT & DEUBEL'S BESf White Wheat Flour! 4lorii' iiold Ii..l Flour, BiicUwiicat Flour, C'orn Mt-ul, Fccd, Etc, At Wholesale and Retail. A general stock of &ROCERIES ani PROVÏSIÜNS Constautly on hand, whlch wlU he aold on aa rea?onabk tiTme as at any other bontfl in tht.1 cit . Cash paid Tor BKTTER, KOQS, and COUNTKY PRODUCE uenerally. Goods delivered to any p.irt of the city witho-it extra charge. RINSET & SEABOLT. Dr. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE J' BIIl0 cuntains no Opium or danffjr !;erous drug. Can be taken iltWMi m% ly anv one at any time ME5áS2W& 'rh-' '"''¦"' and '"¦ ' MBWBn Bt coren for HE AD AC II E. $''- tjff NERVOl'SXE--, 8PA8M8 IbHBBwBp SKXÏAI.'WFAKNFSS, 'aii iold by Druggists. Sample Soilies Freí A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in producing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them uscless and in great man y ir.stances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel'a Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our mprovement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUT ZIEL & CO., Plumberg and Stcamfütcrs. ANN A.RBQR, - . MICII INSURANCE RiAL E8TATB and LOAN AGINCY ov A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, Kirst Floor, Hamllton ülick. Partles deslrlug to or sell Baal Estáte wlll flud It to thelr nilvantujte to cali on me. i I represent lötlrst-olass Insurance Companles, liavlng au aggregale capital over }30,000,000. RotMLsw. I osses llbeiftlly ndjustod and promptly pald. ' I iilso Issue I.lfH und Uivt'sUnent Pollolw In the New York Mutual Life Insiimnoe ("0111paay, Assclt, f7.3,000.011. Persons deslrlnji Accltlotn. liiHiirance, cun have yturly polloiw I wrltten for them r Tnivcler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssu,-d ;it LowiatM, Money to Loan nt ('urrent Kut'. Olllce hourR froni 8 a. m. to ]} m, :iud 3 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block.
Rinsey & Seabolt's Bakery Grocery and Flour & Feed Store
Real Estate
J. J. Goodyear
Hutzel & Co. Plumbers and Steamfitters
H. S. Robinson & Burtenshaw
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine
Colchester Arctic
A. W. Hamilton
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
J. J. Goodyear
Alex W. Hamilton