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JIASOMC Illll i. TOKI . Vn Abor Oomhavorrt, Nn. IS meet flrst TuewiftV nf eadi mntith. C E. Hlscnck. E. C.; Jolm K. Miner. Recorder. VASHrsv.lW nHAITEB, No. 6, R A. M.- vfAPts flrst Momlav eaoh month. J. L. Stone H P.: 7,. Rnath, prvotarv. BUSINESS C4RDS. O. "W YOGEL, Dealer In a 1 kinds nf FRESH AND SALT MEATS I" lllti . l.anl, Ir. EVERY1HING NEATAND CLEAN f Vn. 9 E. Ann Ht. Ann Arbor. 76 XV. XV !'ICHOLS DE1TTIST. ItiiuiiK Over Anti Arltor Snvinirs Bank, C mrt H misp Sfiuarc. VXTALZZED A.IR. Ad'oinlKtfrp'i. [ s g tv e 1 '-a-T 'o take, od u i p' 'siruing il n ' o' uw w ilie tceth are extr.i 10 i withDUt pain. DR. C H )WELL, Otfice, Room 4, Masosic Block. OJBee honrs: 8 to 12; 2 to fi p. m. DR. H R. ARNDT, P KY8ICIA.N Ofkick vkk Fikst Natioval BaHK. HoUrt-i iT'lfFii-K: il:l)i' i . m ; i:t " :l:i'i d m C in ' r icli -d al resi-iem-e (V-"t Hurm s r.-et, i n ''Prof M i plu -M ') v ' eltp'i "i , lo l.T, and will reply to cilli in tlie eveulng. WIlMiq IIKHZ, Hoiisai Sign? Ornameatal and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperi itf, OUzinif, uildiMft, nd CHicImiulnn, uiid work 'ir every de-crt')ii() i doni ir. thi' b-pt 8tyle,a id warranted to Rive etipfHCti'n. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. DUUS IN CLOTfl CASTO, METÁLIC And iJommon Colflns. Calis allented to Day or NiKht. KmtKilinlDg a speclalty. sto er.jDin on E. UTiMliInctoo Htreet. Residcnce Oor. Liberty ad Flflb V. II. H(RSO, XDIIEJHIilTIIIIlSIITIU OFF1CK : Over Kacli & Vbel's Dry Good Store. Entrunce next to National Bniik. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Nu. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agenov In tlie city. EatabllRhed over aquarter of acentury ago Representlng tbe followlag Qrst-class companius. wltli over 960,000,000 Capital and Asaets. HOME INS. CO., Of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIA.GAR4. INS. CO., of New York. QIRARD IN.-f. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rates Lovt a tlie Lowpst. IOises Llberally Adjusted and promptly I'aid. C. H. MILLEN Jerome Freeman ! Moves from bis present stand over Watts' to the POSTOFFICE, BARBER SHOP i BATH Rooms, M'inday, MhtcIi 19. THE ANN ÁRBOR SA7INGS BANK ANN ARBllK, MICHIGAN. Transaos General Banking Business CAPITAL, $80,000. Oreanlzod nnder thf (ifniíral Bankln Lw tilsSlati-, IhuélockholaorB P' indivlilunlly liabh firan additioualam.iuiii cqnal luihi-tuik held h tnom, Iherubj ,:ratinB iairntee Fund lor ib baoefli of Uepoxlt n of $100,003.00. Three per cent. Interest Is alloedon all M vm Oeposlie of ono dollar and upwarni-, accordlns !¦ the rutes ol' the Bank and tuteret comp .unde eml-annually Níonev to Loan on unlncumberer r#al state and other aood lecurlty. DIRBCTORS: CHRISTIAN MAUK, Wm. D. nARRIMAN. . W. mm, DANIEL 1IISCOCK, WILLIAM DKDHKL, WIl.l.AKU B. SMITU DAVID RINSEY. ÜFFICERS: C. MACK, Pres. W. W. WINE8, Vlce-Pree 0. ii. HISCOCK.Cmhler. f Plilltl.lMl ''"KM. ui.lL ImUIv 11 Uil 11 I vXqSBIb "-" ¦ i i. m in. wuim HnHH I fj rwrRfl tauct tunck.ppen. Wr-X ILLllj Wv3BSwBl jnelcronfntch loi fj- o &t3& vt'i-lt aa ii. r, wtcch, n inil i. „ ',. . _ Frec,ndtftrroohirkrpt nm m yant hom for 9 ftiontht and iltown thn lo tboM nS ¦ V '"' c" "" rrlrln A. Vnlch w.vb a í., ún avi, estuttuh Mat 1889. Harper's Magazine. ILLTJSTRA.TKD. IIakpkr'8 Maoazixk Is the raost useful, and btaut Itul pei Iikiu'hI in t he World Among thr ailraoftoOB for Is8!i will be a new novel - m A inerli-an story, ¦ ntttl (t "Júpiter Llhts'' - hy ONSTANCK K. VVOOL-ON 1 1 lUxtrHtiolIN Of Xliakespejire's Comedí I by ES. A. AltllKV; a serles of anieles on Rumia, tllustrated b.v T dkThuistkup; pupers on the Dominion of Tunada and a characlerUlle seri 1 by Dudi.ey Warner; three ' Norwgian -tudles " b.v HjSkxstjkkse Hjoknson, 1 ium iviieil ; Vommndus," a historlcal plat hy the hui hor of' Ben Hur,"' Illuslrated by .1 ft. Wequklix etc The Kdllnrlal l)epiirtments are comtucted by Gkorge Wil mam Curtís, Wii.i.iam Dkas, and Chahi.ks Iuir.Kï A ABN BB. HARPER'S PER.'ODICALS. PEK TE AR: HARP-R'S MAGAZINE to Ot. HARPISU'S WEKKLV 4 00 HARl'KR'S BAZAR 4 00 HAKPEIt's YOUNG PKOPLE 2 00 Potaqp Frte to nll subxcribrrs in the Ciiltu States, Canada or The volumes of the Maoazink beuin wltk tl, e Numbers lor June and December ol eaob yeta Wnen nu il me is ipeciflud. subsi-rlp tion ml begin wil h tlie Kumbi r curreut at of recelpl of order. Bound Volumes of Haiipi :u's Maoazise for llnve e.irs hai-k, III neal flotll bindlnsi, Wlll iMmi'l lij ui.iii. pn-tpaid, on recvlpt ofiaoo pel vouni'. ('lol 11 I'iim'v tor binding, 5t)eeuls e.icli-b. Muil, posipald. I. ilex io Harpkk'm Maoazink, Mphabet. l.-al vualvllcal iind 'i issilleil, lor v o uiiick I lo7 Iik-IuhIVp, frulll lime. i8dU, lo June 180. ¦ mr v. i. Kvii Ciotn, il mi i{. min .ui v, nliould bo inndf" by P istoifice Mum) llder or l)i all, loavold chante of los. Xiks ,'if s 'irr nol In cnpy Ihn adver'iKtm'nt wilhuut Ine tXjrtt oi der ij I1a.i..EkA BBvTHICHS Address IIAKI'KRct BROTHEKS, Ne York. 1889. Harper's VTeelsly. 1LLUSTRATKU. BARFBR'8 Vv k.fki.y Iinsa well -eslnbliMieil place as the u-üiIimk Illusimted newiipaper in Lmerlcu Tbefalrnemiol ita editorial poroiiieulK on current polines luis eiuni-d lor il tlie respeel and confidente or all iinpiirtlm readers, and Ibe vuriety and txcellence ol ita llterary ooutenls. wliurli iiiclil'le se rial iind sliort Morles by the best nnd most popular writers Hl. il lor the perusal ol peopleof Ule Wldedt ransa ' f uislesmiit pur muis Huppleineiltiare irequemly provlded, Btld QO expense is -iüire.1 lo brlllK he hlgbMII order ol arilstic alility to beur upon the 11lusirallon of lh chiiiigeml phases of home and (tirelgu blstory. A i.ew woik ol flcilou Hom the pen of Wilman Dk n Ho elis and rtoe by OHPt. Ohahlw KtO, wlll be amimi ihe leadln features ol the Weekly lor Id89 IIARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YliAK : HAHPERM WEEKLV H IIAIIPERS MAGAZINE i OU HAKPIOit'S BAZAR HARi'ERS YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Potage Fre to all xubscribers in the United Siates, Vai.ada or iltxico. The Volumes of the Wefkly beslii with Ihe nrsl Niimber for Jaiiuury of ench year When no liméis nientioned, subscrlpllona wlll beln wilh ihe Number current at time of reoefpl ot order. Bound Volumes of IIahpek' Wekkly for three vears tMCk. In neal cl tb blndliiK, will sent by mail, pootage p.iid or by expres, Ireeoi expenxe (provided Ihe treinht does i.ol exceed olie dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. ClothCaes for each volume, sultable tor binding, will he sent by mail, postpald, on raeelptol $i ooech. Remlltanc-e sli 'Uld be made by Post-Offlee Money Order or Urufl, to avold chance o loss. Nwspapers are not lo copy Ihis adcertitemenf without int express order oj Hakpkr & BrotiiERM. Address HARPER & BROTHERS 1889. Sarper's Bazar. ILLUSTBA.TED. Harer's BASAB wlll continuo to main t in lis ieputaiion as mi unequaled faii'i y lourmil. ilsart llluslration are of Ihe blBli,-si ..nier, lts h'erature 1 of the choleesl kind and ItM Kuslilon and Household de.arlmeuls of the inosi p actlcul an.l eoonomlcal oharacter lts pailern-Kheet suppieineuts and lasli ion piale alone wlll ave lts readers ten unies uiecost of subscriptlon, and lts ani.]. lecoiative arl. social etiquette, houseke, ele. makell Indl-pensl 10 every household lts biiuht horl slorles, aiMliini.iyes,.vs.are amoni? the hesi i publisned ; ..n,l nol line II a.lmtUed to lis coluim.s UiMtcoUKI. ffend the most iasl 1.1 " Ainonu ihe ai 1 1 a.tions ol tb ne M.luine wi.l he serial slorles bv Mrs. hKANVMLI.IAVI UI..IK, THOMAS HaUDY. ÜOII „ -erleK of -rs on norwrj innaaiasut b Ml. UHBIDTINI TKKIIL'NK IIKRKICK. HVBPBtt'S PEIÜODICALS. PER Y KAR: II ARI'1-.Il's BAZA.K Í' " HABPiÍk'H MAdZlSK 0 11 vlirKRs WKKKI4Y 4 MARI'Elts YllUNU l'KOPLK 2 Ou P staije Pi-ie In all tHhtsrUen in the United .Vi.íeí, Canada or Mexico. The volumesol tl e BASAR beuln wlth the BrtnuinbTforjHnuMryr;ireach.vear. Wliwi 110 time Is mei lloll' il. Ml hserlptlolis wlll beain wil li l e Number c-urrenl al of re eeipt of order. ïioun.i volumes of hakpiíu's Basar fo? veins liii.k mi ne.,1 cloih biiidiiiit wili i„.s,.m'i h muil poKtHge plil of b jmpie, iree of exp.ll-e ( I iMV li lei I Mie fi t'itllit (loi-s nol es loue dollar per volume,, lor J7.0U pei volume. Clolh Cuses for wil volume, sulliilile lor bimliiig wlll be eul by mail, postpaid.on recelpt ot 1.00each. BemiUanoa lionld be mude by Poít-Ofliof .ll1n¦. Order or Uraft. to avold chance ot loss v. w mm "re nol lo cop.v thiê advfrlUenunt wilhoui Uu apreti ordtr uf Harpek Jt Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, . _-rr-7 mí;í 8ewlBfltBffftfftilaeHf%ni1 ¦sRl&k é ¦¦ ute r tlu ' ' ' hu yf LU U wéêk mzzjéêeü "¦"'' in : brnnri ¦HiT19lPVV!J -'"ir oar machlnnl J.LJJJJ inïilUl V J3r"lld r"d mbtic tbe püple can ¦ lmLr'. 'iM _ til, m. wU MM l'r"' M DM mUËëïjrrfïféL. I Ithe world.witb alt the ttttcbmfDtl. JanMM Wij will alto lendfreea rompk-ta ¦'Iliilf'W iKB_j6iline of our ctJy Qd Mluable art II i il iKwa'"1"1'1" Id "ïurn wc "k tbat vou 51 l'nr TffTT 'SJfi"' cal At7our h0lllind ¦'"" 38 giJS Juurhmmii. nd now all for f rftla #%ir "¦ Be". at rnufrtii, molt uurllLLI rriWro. X capital rvqi'ln-d. Plain, curt e tbt bft ewinR-machine to the world. md iba I llnp.t tino of worka of birh art mr hovrn iorthrr ioA nirici. TÜE Ót, CO.. Box 7 lt. Auguitu, Alulnc


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