Didu't want a Girl. Lt rammer my wife's liealth was II run down, and t-tie wintel mu to hire a irirltodo Ihöwoik. In it titelt) wliilc I found ne I t'ioujrt't wouH suit lier, when to my surprise slie g dd I need not hirr any out, is she tVIt miicli bctter, and Hiii.ilKü bottlc ot SolpliDr Bitters would cure her. Donald Or-y, 11 WorrcsttT öqu ifo, Boston. Tlif1 doctor cal U-d to ne a roman witb 11 -ii.ri'jiW. '¦Donlt duit you to talk?" lie atlfed. 'Ye." phf siiid. ¦'Wili, tlie", if I wcre yon, I wouldn't talk."- Jewlsii Tl.lings. A Valiiab'e Medical TreaiKo. The ediilon ror 1889 ot theniprllnu Mcillcnl Ainnml, known HoctetWr1 Minnniic. 1 iinw reiu1y,ail ma beobialned, (ree olro-t, of drux(ilsts aru' t?pTal country dealers in Hl] pnriH of the Uulletl SI-Htes, Mexico, and Indicii in every clvillzed porilon of tlie Western Ht'inlsphere. Ttils almnnnc hun been Imaed reaulftrly at tho commencemen ol e vcr.v yt'itr lor over on---fourlh of ucfiitury. It coinblneN. wti h thf sound Hl practical atvlcefurtlie preservatlon and restorallon of lieallb, u lm;'1 amount of Inten-tlnu and muslng MüIii readltiK. nnd th culi'ndiir. a-sironomioal calculatkms. chrnnloglcal Hem, c , nre prepared with great care. umi will be found entlreiy acenrato Tle Issue of Hokleltc's Almanac for 18S9 wlll he ihe larg'-st nl il ion !i mi'ill.'iil work everpubll.slied in any oouutry. The proprielor, Messrs. Hoatatter & Co., l'HtsbniKh. Pa, on reevlpt of n two cent stamp, will rorward a copy by muil !o nny person who cannot procure one in hl netghborhood. Pears' is the purest and best Sop ever madu. Not one In tïenty re Tree from Rome in [¦ nl lniitit cuusetl by liuiellou of I be II ver tlse Unrters Linie I.lver Pllld. The resiilt wllliie a plcasaul urprle. ïhey glve positlve relief.
Donald Grey
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Ann Arbor Courier
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