County And Vicinity
Dundce ia to have a now village well bored. 11 lian la to have n ehalk talk Jan. 18. Clialk t down. Plnckncy voung peopiu have organized a lyceum Onod Ullag. 1,M4.88 of Sc!o'8 taxc3 ImTC baen paid uto the coiinty treasury. Ypllaotl Lirht Guaní Ball Tunnday eveuing1, at thcir innory. The pmperty aiound the Dundce gas wcll ia advaticlng iu price. Prof Davis has a cla of over 40 In his No tli Lake sinsing school. Two leggecl skunks ure stealinjj the poultiy aroiuul Xorth Lake. The Cleary Business College at Ypsi [anti lias iiow about 175 student. Eveniiisr meetlofrt have been held at the 8alem M. E. church wlth profit. The Manchester Mt'thodists had their Christnias services Monday evening. The rarloin cburches of Dexter beid special Ohtiscmas services this week. ChrUtmai entertainment at the Whitmore Lxke M. E. chnrcli last eveninr. Sarah A , witc of Edson Balley, died at her home In Mil.m, Deo. ltith, aged 68. Tnwn trensurer Wm. Otto, of NorthI!-ld, lias p.tid into the eouiity treasury l,930. Nearly $400 havo been expended In repal's at the Ltnham Corheri olinreh, Salem. Hamburg his ii new musical ind liicrarv society called tüe "Spare Minute Circle" O i S iturdny evening Vee 20th, .loscpli Li"cNay will Ircture at O. A. K. hall, Dtxler. There is n meatmtrket man at 8 Mine very iipproprlately uained Inward. Not for sale. J 'C 'b Zang has oponed annther saloon in MxnclieMer. Tliis mikes seven fnr thit place. Einmet K''arney a foitner Pinckney bny is poMniaarer at Sheldoil, Iowa, at salary of $1,600. Miss Citra A. Hitclicoek and Joseph R Oump, murried at Milan yesterday. Mcrry Christmas. Next Tucsday evening the New Years hoppen will trip their toes at the two Whitmore Lake hotel. The prayer meetings nt Whitmore Lake ai e pustpONOil to allow the worsiiippers to Htlend coin aocialg. The Sonth Lyon Picket kicks vigorously on the way the T & A. A. B, IÍ. dlacnmmodM the 8o. L. public. Mar'. King hal bnuglit out hls brother Clias. O. Kin"'! groecry business at Saline, and will tak posession Jan. lst. The varlom churchesat Ypsilanti have been holding religious services durinsr Ihe wenk ipproprhite to Cliristmas week. Will Livernvue of Pittcfleld had tliree fingen int frons hls left hand recently whilc engarrad in aawlog wood for Mrs. 0dy. Rev. W T. Jípale, of the YpdUntl C'intrregitional chuich has been pieachinj;t) the smokeis. It will all end in smoke. C. F. Staebler, the treasurer of Ann Arhor town bas palrt I" $1,710; Frank Kenau, of Fri-edom $1,901 to the county trea-ury, The Iadie9 of Clinton gl ve a grand leap year pariy at the town hall on the28ili inst. The last onefor four years, and the boys will enjoy it. Thieves are stealinz all kinds of farm proilucts from the bHrn, grancrles aud chickencoopof Pittslleld farmers. Thry shmild keep buil dogs. The ladies of tlip Parish Aid realizod about $00 from their Fair, which was hfld Friday ami Snturday of last week. - Belleville cor. of Ypsl. Commercial. W. O. Allen rides around in one of those Bardan to-be-paid-for-after-Cleveland-U-elected roadcarts, and he says it rides very lVee and easy.- Plyinouth Mil. Miss Clanbel Champion of V pallan tl was one of the live sopranors wno look part in a grand service of song at the Fort St. Presbyterian church at Detroit last Sunday. Willis cor. of Ypsilanti Comnvrical : "Harvey S. Diy has purchased of Mr. Beal a llolstieu cow that has a record of (it pounds of milk a d;iy and 11 pounds of butter per week. Ou to-morrow, Thursd iy evening, the ladics of St. Mary's church, (hclsea, will hold their anmial Christinae supper, tojrether wlt-d a Chrlstmaí tree. tut the chlldren. The affalrfato-be held at the Town hall. Lyceum was well attended on S.iturevt-ning. Lawyer Cireening, of Lyndon and L-iwyor Cavan -lugh, of Chels' a, wrre present and tnok nart in the discussion. Ciüie again - Kortfa Lake cor. D. xier L adi-r. If yon ate a farmer and n slick. Blefk man conu-s nlung aid wants your order tur a corn binder, let the com o and bind hlm and roll him into the ncarest po id. lle's a bad, bad min imiI will bi-iit you out of your back tieth ifyuu dejil with him. - Pinckney Di-'patcli. O. N. Büker ws the happy rrciplcnt Wedned;iy inorning of a chcek for $1,260.67 back pnn-ion, and a notice of au all iwance f 4 p t mmth. Licument8 of ihis kind ai very useful as the weather gets colder. Wf congratúlate him on his good luck. - Wayno Kevievv. The followinï ofllcers of the WebMen F.irmer's Club have been elected fnr the eiisuioL' yar: PreRlilent- Ira 0. Rnok. !Secrelnry - KI 'nche Butlor, Cor. ser.- C M sinr 8. Treusurer- Wm. Parsons. Any one ruqnirlng tho servicea of fullll-dijed istronomcrs, j.'eolofrits, snd physioliigisls, or asistants in solving the CTit prblmi of troviTMmi'nt, cali upon the h'irh school as those cíaseos have compieteil tlnlr labor and are now rendy to itutonlsh the woild with their acumen. - Manchester Enterprise. The boiler in fin oíd mili, in the smitliwestern partofllic township of Salem helonglng to Jn.-cp'i Wei'il, exploded ycstprilay (lat Wednesdny) mominir horrlbly multlatiní and 1 nst mtly killinj: Mr. Wi'i'd anil scrioiisly wíhiihIíiij; Belden Biirch who wii8 asolxtlna him in running the mili. - South Lyon Picket. W. D. Siinmons bus just complcted the two ceU in reai' of englne house, to be used as a city lock-up, Thcy are 5x9 liet in size and though not vcy luxorlou uiiartera, a tramp who bas ever suftered the puuishnipnt nf a nlgfat in the old pn hfietotore used, will thiuk these a paradie In couiiiariioii. - Sillne Ousever. On Frlday evpninir, Dec. 28th, wl!l occur tlie motlcnle of Mrs. Carrie Si'epei's class, at tlie residenco of her parentfl. Therc will bc instrumental (piano, cornet and guiUr) and vocal muaic. All lier pupila, past and pre.'ent, are specially invited, and friends of music will bf welconird. It will commence at 8 o'clock. A rare treat is in store tot thosn who may be present - Dpxter Leader. W. f!. Ward, who mnred from here to K.i'S!8afew ymn ajro, writes us froin Sin Lula obUpo, Cal., Chat lic left tiis hume in Kanma laat May, mul Ims been looking California ovor and thinks that li can go horuo and be contented. He says that it is very dull all along the coast, that the "boom are all ovit, and men who expended thelr money thero would be (flaJ to get out itli half they put in if tliey could, bnt tliere is no aale tur anytbiDg. - Manehraler Knterprisc. Tberc are a few young uien in this town, a half a dozen or more wliom wc wisb to Kive a geotle pointer befure it ia everlastlnglv toilate. They are the corner gnrgoyh't a may liCHppropiiat"ly immed tho disagreable flxturus wlio es tablish theinslves rejfuUrly on the niHin rornois and in ihe vicinity of the post office. They are Very b] and lm pudent, insultln; all passers by even la (Upa, some of wliom they do not know. VVitli H clienp cijrar, a ,pe Or a worsci-furette between their teeth, with nothiu llieir bruin or figure to recoramend tbeni and with no object in view save to put in the time until the hour ol retirlnf! eimicj, they loaf and stare and indulge In the coHisest of slanjf. Ir' the marshal doe3 hls duty he will keep his eye on tliee follovvs and nab theru, or better yet, some one should flll tliclr foul
Miscellaneous / Unclassified
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
William Otto
Will Livermore
W. T. Beale
W. O. Allen
W. H. Ward
W. D. Simmons
Selden Burch
Sarah A. Balley
Prof. Davis
O. N. Baker
Mrs. Carrie Seeper
Mrs. Cady
Miss Cora A. Hitchcock
Miss Claribel Champion
Mart King
Joseph Weed
Joseph R. Gump
Joseph Lindsay
Jacob Zang
Emmet Kearney
Edson Balley
Chas C. King
C. F. Staebler
Salem M.E. Church
Lapham Corners Church
Cleary Business College