Catarrli orl)rii:ate in tuint. Hood'8 Sarsaparilla purilics Ilie blood, umi tliii pcim mently carel catarrli. "The awkwaideat tliinr In tlie World,1 Inyi a cyniciil neighbnr, "is a witman hal d ing h ;uu " DooBO&onut; dlri yini .'vr see a man bandllog n baby - liu'det f. Epeeki Tbe transiiio-i from lonjr, llngerln and pnlnful sinkncss to robast bealtfa marks an i-poch In the lite of the iiuliviilual. Bueh u lemarkable cvent U iMircd In the meniory and the acency whcreby the gnotl lie-ilili haa been attaioed ia crattfully hlextcd. Hctioe it Is that n muoli ia heard in praloe of Electric Bitters, go inniiy f'cel they owe reitoratlon to liealth. to the nse of the Qreat Alteratlre and Tonin If you ;ire troabled witli my dise ise f! Kidneyx, Liver or Stoonach, of long or .-lnrt itandIntiyouwlll snrelv flnd reliet by ue of Eltctrlc Hiltors. ÍS1I ut 50c anil $1 per botUe at Eberbach & Son'.- dnigstorp. A maii'i 11V Rhnnld ithvays lie the smue, e-pec!aliy m lier luisbanil, liul II she s wi-ek iiikI nervuda, and usos Curier's Iron Pilla, glic raniiol He, for Ihev miikp " iici llkendlfr-mnt perann, ' Ho tljey 11 iuy, aml tURlrhuxbnaJ uy so too!
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