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Mnny an li uidsorne faoe is ¦ liptlirured with pimples and blotcbe?, cuused by a humor n tlie blood, which ui;iy be tlioroughly eriuliuated by the use íif Ayer's Sarsaparillt. Id Is the iiirVst lood medicine In the market, beinsr entirely free frotne arseoic or auy delateriuiij drug. Oi e acre of land In Wall Street, New York is worth $14.300,000. "Death has so min doors to let ont llfe, sang au old time poet In tliose dnys Í ihey luid not dlscovered remedies that hut these doors. How 'liflcreut Is Dr. Pieicf's Golden Medical Dlscovery, f rom the old time doses. ConaampUoD or lung-scrofulu, is one wide door that It shuis, if taken in time. Don't waste u moment then, lest life slip ttirough the open door. rosrsuniPTiosi i kki. An old physlcian, rtireil from practico havlnir h:ut plaoert in hls hands bytin East i India mlssiouary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy aml permanent ¦ cure of uonsumptlon, BronctutlB, Catarrh, Asthmu and all Ihroat and Lung Affectlons, al8o a positivo cure and radical cure for Nervous Debllltyand all Nervous Complalnt, after having tested its wonderful curatlve powors Ín thousands of case?, has felt it hU duty to make lt known to bU sufferlng fellowa. Actuated by tlüs motive and a delire to relieve human auffering, I will send free of ! charge, to all who deslre lt, this recipe, Ín Germán, Frenen or Kngllsh,with futí directlo"8 for preparing and uslug. 8ent by malí liyaddreBslng wiih stamp, namlngthis paper W. A. Noves, 1J9 FOwer't lilock, Rochetter, N. T. eow 81 HomnrrhíltOC Blecdinn from th Kok, or frora any cause la specdüj cootrolled and stoppcd. Sores, ülcers, Wounds, Sprains & Bruises. Itlscooling, cleansing nd llinllnc. f oiirrVi 'l '" I"'""t "''"""'¦ fr tlil Ldldl I II. diseuo, Coll 111 tho Head, etc. "Pond'a KxtrartCatarrli ( un1," epeciAtlj preparud to meet eerioug cásea, ilion! i bo pplifd wiili Pond's ExIract Nanal Sfrlnge. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other proparntlon has enred mor cases of these uidtresinfr complaints tlian the Kxtraot. Pond's Kxtract l'laslrr le invuluable in thesn diseases, Lumbago, Palos in Back or Síde, etc. Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Ue the Extract prompt]?. Dclay ú dangerous. tiloc Kllnd, Bleedlneor Itolilnff. X llCoj lt ís tho greatest known remedy; rapidly cnrlng when other medicines have faíle'l. Pond1! lCïrut omiiiivii ie of croat service where the renioval o clothiiig is iuconveuient. Chapped Hands & Face. Poud'H Kxtract ehould be in every faniily this eevere wcather. It removes the Rorviu'SB and ronghnea and oileu and heals the skin promptly. Female Complaints. EL ity otfema! dleea.-i' tho Extract can be utjcil. as is well knnwn, with tbc greatest beneflt. Full dlrcctiuua accompauy eacb bottle. CAUTION. Pond's Extract SSSïi thewords " Pond'a Extract blown in Uio glas, and our picture tradu nuirkon earroundlnc buff wntppcr. None other Is penulne. Alwftys inli-tun haunn Pond1! Extract. Toke no other prtparatioa. It iê neier eold in bulk or by meaáure. Sold KterjMherc Prioes, 60c, 1, 1.76. Preyared onlv br POND'S EXTRACT CO, NEW YORK AND L0ND0N.