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Is this December or May ? Court stands adjourned to Friday ncxt. The cold wave flag yesterday brouglil lis a May day to-day. Only a few more days to save the extni per ceot. on your taxes. New time table on the T & A. A. H. R. Two throngh tr.iins to E it Suglnaw now. The tïrst eclipse of 1889 comes on Jan. lst. lt wil! be paitial, and visible toward lundown. Win. Frank luis leased Germania hall, nuil bereafter it will not be useil for public dancing parties. Dr. J. H. Pott?, Editor of the Michigan Advocate will occupy tlie pulpit of the M. E. Church next Üanday. Mr. A s li id one or two teams out uil dy vestrrdny, aml Uien were anuble to deliver all their express packages. Hun. John T. Blcli, state railroad oommittlooer, was In the city lust Friday look in up the f. & A. A. llrert cro-sings. Several ck'trint new 10 000 pn-sener coaches will l)e put Ou the T. & A. A. line between Toledo and East tíuj{i!iaw. The Sunday School of St Andrew's church, have n Chrislmas tree at Hob.irt hall, on Thuisday afiernoon, at 4 o'clock. Tbe laige cities of the state outslde of Detroit talk of forminjf a bape ball league. Heie's a chance for our boys to Juf n the circuit. The fire-alarm Saturday night was caused t)y llic burnlog of a window-nbade in the building of II. Kitiredge, on Aun st, West. Samauel Keck, son of Martin Keck, died last Öiiturday of consumption, aged about 18. Funeral trom Scio church Muiiday forenooti. The children's Christmas entertainment of the Pie;byteriau societ.v, takes placr this ereuing In the lecture room of the church. Miirneil at Ann Arbor. Dec. 25th by P.ev J. M GeUton, Mr. Carlton M. Edmunds, of Ann Arbor, and Miss Frances E. Shelters, of Ludi. If some boy had only got hold of one of those Mackinaw socks at Doty & Feiner's he could have made Old Santa CIhus 8cratch his head and look wild for a few minutes, at least. The state board of health advises everybody to be vaccinated at once If thèy have not done so already, as a small pox enidemic is threatened. epidemie U tlireatened. Mr. J. L. Babcock bought a large number of turkeys, and found much enjoyment In semling them around to hi friends as Christin is gifts.. H. Randall isn't at all sorry over the departureof the Toofany troupe. It wa not 80 pleasant a9 it niight be to exist as a next door neighbor to tbeni, so lio say.-. The Banda; School of the M. E. churcl was : i ven & apper In the chinch parlón Mnnday veiling, and Old Santi Claus distriuulcd candy to each one present. The commitlees are busily at work pre paring the retornicd charter tor the Com ing letrUlatare. It 8 certainly a grant imiroveinent over the old one. More in keeping with the times. The good lookiug ushers at the oper; house all resigued after the Hhea perform anee, and their places have been supphet by new ones, we understand. Miny p;trons of the opera house will regret thii. The Hausfreund editor again attneks the Couhier and says that he also has a college edccatlon, and boasts of noble aims in lite than "stradillinï a bieyele.' What Í9 it brotbet? Emptying beer glasses? A jubilee meeting was held at the A. M. E. church last evenlng; a Christmas tree wjll be had to-night, and a cottonpit'king concert Is to be given Friday Qlght. These occasions are always very enjoyable. Al. Bressier, ibout whoni the lailv papers had exaggeiated accounts of ti is arrest and career in Germany, recently, has arrivt'd home in Detroit. lie talles strongly of suing the New York World for damages. It is hinted that there are two entries from Ann Arbor at the gum chewing contest at Wonderland, in Detroit, this weck. $100 in gold coiu to the prize gum ehewer. The girl to be between 10 and 20 years old. At two of our churches last Sunday, the same text of scripture was taken "Glory to God in the highest - peace on earth - good will to men," our Informant says the subject was handled very dlfferently by the two pastors. Frank E. Mills was elccted vicepresident of the State Association of Holstein Friesian cattle breeders at this meeting in Lansing last week. Mr. Mills reuil l paper on the "Dairy Cow," before the society, which was highly spoken of. It is said that if you wish to prevent the accumulation of soot in your chimney and stove from the use of soft coal that you can do it, as follows: "Fora ton of coal, buy 15 cents worlh of common salt, make a brine of it and pour over the coal. Try it." Yesterday morning a stick of timber got out of place on a T. & A. A. freight car, and niunaged to wriggle itself around in such a manner as to knock the car off the truck, about 1JL miles east of this city, and scattered tnings about promiscuously. Evart H. Scott made a large number of his friends in the city hap,jy CbrUtmas, and ye local among the number, by presenting to them a barrel of Jonathan apples. "If there could be only one apple grown, we should say let it be the Jonathan." J. T. JaOOb'f Camp Sons of Veterans, No. 90, elected E. E. Hallett, Capt., J. L. Cox, lst Lieut., W. G. Thoiims 2nd Lieut, and E. J. Conrath, Chas. Greenman, V. E. Bayless as Camp Council at ts meeting last Thursday evening. The captain's stall will be appointed after the Inrtallation. John Carroll, jr., and Jim Quinlan bought a ticket tosrether about two weeks airo, and drew a $100 mustang pony. On Monday Carrol I thought he would break the animal to ride horseback. The pony Objected, threw Carroll off, rolled over him, bruised hi-, limbs and scratched his face 8ome. Bot John thinks lic will try it again just the same. W. IL Ferguson, of Wisconsin, who has been In the city for a time, being treated by Dr. Frothingham, bal returned home cured of a ten year's blindness, and with his heart full of gratitude for the skill of the physician who brought about the happy result. There are many others, too, who have for Dr. Frothingham a warm place in their affections, because of his wonderful skill and success. Rey. G. B. Pope, pastor of the A. M. E. chureh of this city, desires to return thanka to the people who so generously aided hi? society in paying oll' the inortgage upon their chureh property. The last pnymeiit of f 65 was made to-dav ; this innkes $250 patd during Ilev. Mr. PoDe's pratorate, of two years, besldes 8ome $00 or more expended for repairs, and about $90 for interest, Insurance, etc. A record to be proud of. It is with pleasure and regret that we have to anuouncc the promotion of A. J. Paisley of this city to be General Passenger and Ticket Agent of the T. & A. A. B H., relieving W. H. Bennett, who will bereafter perform the duücs of General Freight Agent only. It is a pleaure U note the advancement of so deserving a gentleman. We regret It because it will take from us one of the most genial and pleasant agents the T. ifc A. Á. has ever had stiitioued here. Mr. PaMey is one of the hustlers, and the authorltiea of the ro,d have shown rare good judgment in his promotion. He will assume his new duties Jan. lst, and his headquarters will be at Toledo.