Cliiiilic Dietas is lióme l'roni Detroit for tlie holidays. Prof. Baar returned from tnother filp to Bayport laatFnday. Mis. Dr. Beurtley is recovotlng slowly froui lier recent lujarles. N. D. Cocbrane and wife are visiiing .Mis. U's lather, Juhn Moore. Itobert Manu was up trom Detroit to ¦peud Uhititmai wlth lus sister. Mis. H. V. Mixer, of Detroit is visit ing lier niece Mis. Dr. J. C. Woud. Connty Clerk lloulett end fmuily lmve been vUlting lus brother iu Lyudou. J. M. Ruasell, of Hiulson, has been Bpeiicliug H cmiple of weeks in the city. Edwin F. Maek, of Detroit, speut Cln i.-lm,is with lus parents in iliis city. Win. Al. Osband, of tlie Ypellatltlan, wat a pleasunt visiior liere last Satiuday. Sani Langëdorf goea to St. Louis Mo., to-Uay lor a two ueek'sslay wilh lus pa:ents. Mis. B. F. Watts und M s= Kvu Jenkius leave tO-Uiiy fov Fliut tor a lew d;iy's stay. Irying K. aiul Alleu 1?. Pond, of Chicago, are at tlie home oL theii' parents thls week. G. AI. Monroe arrived home Friday mliL last, lur a lew uuy's stay Wltli lus luunly. We learn that David Henning is very ill ut lus hume ui (JhiCiigo, with pneuiiii ti ia. l'ml A . Schultz wife and cuild, are at tlie home ut Mr. aiul Airs. Dietas, lor the liulid.iys. Jiiss Henning is vifeiling triends in liaitle Cieek, Jtteksou, etc , for tlie holil.iy seasou. A. F. Freeman and A Q. Case, of Muieiiestei weie in the city on business iiiü.iy lasl. Whuur A. Clark, of Imlay City, Aas in Anu Arbor Satuiday, auU called il. ii frieuUs. Dr. J. C. Wood weotto Monroe to-day lud ges to Niics Öiiiurday on prulesül.DUl tilt - l III - .- . üi ia 11. i'ay lor, who is now with Edwin i. (Jou ley, ot Detroit, was in atteudance at eouit Monüay. There is to be a fauiily reunión at the Mme ut John J. Uubisun, OU N. Mdin t., on New Year's D.iy. Dr. H.C. Niekela, dent. "SSofMont pelier, Ohio, is speudiog tuo holidays vith his pareuts on State street. Thos. McCollum, of Vpsilanti, with ti is vile and faiuiiy speul Cmisimas with lus brolher aiiü sister in the 5th ward. Civde Kerr, one of the Colhieh'S iorce, was made happy yesterday Dj reeeiving a gold Wiitch, the itl uf his niother aud sister. Mr. Robeson, of Port Huron, and Mrs. Ludlow and fatnily of Delro.t, are visiting tlieir paionts, Mr. and Mrs. John Muore. Mrs. Ella Montasue of Unadilla, and her sister Min Netlie C. Diinicls, have been visiting relatives in the eity duiing the week. Miss Ida I!. Alten oí No. 40 S. Fourth st. went to líny City last Saturday, to spend tlie hulidays witli her sister Mis. H. Selleck. Miss Nettie C. Daniels lit. class of '80, luis recelved :iu appoititmeot to tlie cliaii of EaglUh In the State' Normal School, at San José, Cal. Mr. Tayior late of tlie firm of Hagan & Taylor is vieitlng the cit}', aiitl will sjou leave to seek las lortune in California. Judge Lañe of Adrián, accompanied by his vvite and llttle ones are spending tlie holida.ys witli Mis. Lane's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Knowlton, on N. State st. Mra. Dr. C. R. Brown (Miss Nina Alien) who has been rUltlng lur parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Alien oí No. 40 S. Fourth st. and relatives in and out of the city for sonie weeks returned to her home in St. Paul Mimi., lust Thursday. Dr. Fred "Weir, the flrst leader of the Oheqnamegons, who has been travelinjf in Kurope tor the past yearorso, has returned und will be an assistant to Dr. Frothlngbam. Dr. Weir made a specialty In Europe of the eye and ear. A very enjoyable lauiily re-union wa9 held at the íesidence of G. B. Davison, West Huron st, yesterday, and was one loufT to be lenieiiiliered by thoso partioipating. Tlicre being four generations represented, father, children, grand children and great-grand-children, the oldest beingr 83 and the youngest 3 years old. The visiiiug relatives wcie: Mr. and Mrs. Lyniüii Duvison, of Adrián, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. lluntley, of Silver Creek, N. Y., Mr. uid Mrs. E. W. Fitch and children, Roy and Mabel, of Toledo, Mrs. Helen Piper, of Kalamazoo and Mrs. Chas. LeSuer, of Toledo. Harrlman, Manly & Doty are inoving into thelr new offices. The clerks of J. T. Jacobs & Co. were made Imppy last Monday, by a gift of a nice turkey for Chriatmas. The Sunday School at the Stone school house on the south Yosilanti road, had ttieir Ohristmas tree last Suturday. It doesu't take rnuch to puzzle a Chelsea boy. Now, one of them wants to know how angels gel their niglit-gowns on over their wings. Tliis is the season of the year to remember the poor. They should be reinerubered at all seasons; but just at present is a peculiarly appropriute time. Are we not iudeed "all poor eritters." Up Ht Grass Lake, the young girls hare organized a society to reform tlie bad :nbitn of 'ouiiff men, and now the young nan in tliat tusvn who isn't loaded down with bail liablts is as scarce as four dollar jank notes. The Hudson correspondent of the Al lian Times, has tliis item: "The leoture of Rey. Samuel Adams, ot Ann Arbor, at the M. E. chureh last Tuesday evening, was very line. Tliose who attended had i rare treat." They have a fuimv way of getting up jhribtnias gifls In "Wonderland. " Detroit. An incubator is constantly hatchingout chicksofall colors, red, white, blue etc. )r cmirse an artist is on hand to do the coloriny at Dlght so as to mak e large ales the next dny. At the semi-annual eleclion of Ann Arbor Encampment, No. 7 I. O. O. F., he following offleers were elected: C. P.- H. Richards, il. i.- J. Sprague. s. W. - ti. C Clark. Scribe.- C. Krapf. Treaa. - 0. S. 8chlencker. J. W.- I, Curtís. A young married man of Ypsilanti went home the other night lookin}; as if i tornado bad struck iiim. When bis vife Inqalred as to the cause, he remarked, ' I was so frtfflitened (hlc) that I carne hic) nearly being a (hic) dead man (liic). t fairly took my bieath away." " No it idn't" said his wife, as slie turoed her ace lo the all. An exchange says that "a folded newstapel placed ander the coat in the small f the back is an excellent substituto for n overcoat." There Is considerable vurmtli in a newspaper, tlmt's a fact. Vlany a man has beernne heated by simly raadlns an article in a newspaper; nd in BUCO times he fcols likt making it ïot for the editor too. Miss Maud Johnson died suddenly at lie boute Of her mother on E. Ann at. ast Tburaday evenlnjr. She was the anjihtcr of Mrs. Win. Johnson, the forune teller, and death is supposed to have een the result of lieait olanaM. The uneral Sund ay was largely attended and ie family wishes to ibank their friends or the many fa vors shown. Monthly pomological moeting, Jan. üth t2p.m,ln tbe (¦¦nirt bonte. Topics: cport by chainnan of commitlee i n ranspiiitation ; daniages by sparrows; orestry leglslalion; circular on noxious nsects and remedlea by the state of Midieran; canninjr and picUling fnctory. zblblt of fruit and preserves. Shippers t fruit are especial ly invited to hear the eport by Prof, 15. E. Nlchol. Topics re of sucli an iraportance as to cali out a arge number of fruit growers and gareners.
Miscellaneous / Unclassified
J. T. Jacobs & Co
Harriman Manley & Doty
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
William M. Osband
Wilbur A. Clark
W. H. Huntley
Thomas McCollum
Sam Langsdorf
Roy Fitch
Robert Mann
Rev. Samuel Adams
Prof. Baur
Prof. B. E. Nichols
Orla B. Taylor
Nettie C. Daniels
N. D. Cochrane
Mrs. William Johnson
Mrs. Robeson
Mrs. Ludlow
Mrs. H. W. Mixer
Mrs. Dr. J. C. Wood
Mrs. Dr. Heartley
Mrs. B. F. Watts
Mr. Taylor
Mr. Dietas
Miss Henning
Miss Eva Jenkins
Maud Johnson
Mabel Fitch
Lyman Davison
L. Curtis
Judge Lane
John Moore
John J. Robison
J. Sprague
J. M. Russell
J. Allen
Irving K. Pond
Helen Piper
H. Richards
H. C. Clark
G. M. Monroe
Frederick A. Howlett
Fred W. Schultz
Ella Montague
Edwin F. Mack
Edwin B. Conley
E. W. Fitch
E. J. Knowlton
Dr. J. C. Wood
Dr. H. C. Nickels
Dr. Fred Weir
Dr. C. R. Brown
David Henning
Clyde Kerr
Chas. LeSuer
Charlie Dietas
C. S. Schlencker
C. Krapf
C. B. Davison
Allen B. Pond
A. G. Case
A. F. Freeman