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Beauty b desired aml adtnired by all. Araong the tliing whicli ma.v best be done ta a enjiance personal &jR " 's daily rëDSjl '"'¦ " matter -yf whal tin1 color of '¦NBHniffi" '" "'"' iiiiai"v ''''" KnÏÜ Ap Vyer's llair Vigor L¦¦- ncv piowili, aii'l rentier olil sofl and shlnj. B"or !.-i.ii_' tli.' scalp clean, rooi, and ItetUrïiy, there no bctter proparatlon in inarkct. ' I bui id chufeas ;i trial of Kym'u Kalt Vlooi baa convioced mo tliat it in a gennlne article. [tsuMhas noi onlv caused the liair "f mv wifa nul llttllgllUl ' Abundant and Glossy, lint it lias (f i ven mjr rtther stunted mustache a re taille lèmrth aud appearli. Britton, Oakland, Oliio. ¦ Mv hair vaa coming out (without anv aasiataiiRe from niy wlfe, either). I trlfid Ayer's Hair Visor, mine only ine uottlr, mul 1 now nave as nne .i hcail ui haii auy ono pould wisli tor." l: T Kelimlttovi, lii.-li-.on, Tenn. 11 I have iised ei 's Hair Vigor in rat f.unil.v íor a nuihber of years, ;n 1 tegarü i' a the best hair preparation I Imow of. It kceps the stalp clean, ton It.-tk soii and lively, anO preservea tli" eriöiiuil i'olot My vrtfe has nsed It for a (maft time witli'niosi natisfactory reMiilt-" Benjamin M. Johnson, M. I' . HIU.Mo. "Mr hair was becoinlng liarsli and 'Iry, i 1 1 r titer iisinj; hall a bottle of Ayer' il i!r N ioi :t grew black and glossy, l iHiiiiol expresa the toy and eratitude I teel." - Habel C Hardy, Detaran, lil. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PltEPAREIl BY Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowelt, Mass. Sold by Druggists and Pcrtttmets. "WHYl TOUR LIVER IS OUT OF ORDER Ton tríU hve SICK HEADACHES, PAINS IN THE SIIE, DTSFEP8IA, POOU APPETITE,feel listless and unable to get throueh your dallr work orocial enjoymentg. Ufe 111 be "burilen to jou. - CELEBBATEDI1 ï.l L V Jfi Xta pli iLiÜlU M ' VTIU cure yon, drivo tho POISON out ot your yitEint and make yon etrontr and well. They coat only 2.T otnta a box and may aTe your llfe. Can be liad at any 1,'rug Store iBcwarcof Coüjtesfeits made In St. Louis."SH ïvo rVpoüsh SS Perfumes the Breath. Ask for it. FLEMING BROS., - Pittsburgh, Pa, CARTEKSl ¦hTTLE W j CURE Blek Headacho and rellovo all tho troubles lndöent to a bilioua state of tho syatem. tmcli aa Dizjaness, Nausea, Drow8inesa. Lrtstreatf after cating. Pain in tha Siile, kc. Whilo tlujirmost remarkable success Lag boen shown In curing SICK üeadacbe, yot Carter's Littlo Liver Pilis aro cqually aluablo in Constipation. curing and proTcntlng thi3annoyin(?complaint,whílo tlieyalso correct all disorders of tUostomachtimulate tho liver and regulato tlie bowels. Even il' tbcy only HEAD Actie they would be almoat prlcelesa to thoso who Buflfer from thiB distressing complaint; hrfl fortuna tely theirgoodnoeadoeanotendhere.aiiil thoso who once try thera will flncl thosc littlc pills valuableinsomany waya that they will not bo williug to do without them. But after allsick hoad ACHE Is the bane of bo many lives that hero ia whera e make our great boast. Our pilla care it whilo othors do not. Carter1 Littlo Liver Pills are very Braall and vory easy to tako. Ono or two pilU ïuakoa dose. They are strictly vc((jtablo and do not gripe or puree, but by thoir gentío action piense alt who use them. In vialaat 25 cents ; flvefor$l. Sold by druggists overywbore. or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SMALL PR1CE Scribner's Magazine For 1889 The pubiishers of SCEIIiNERS MAGAZINE alm to makelt the most populnr RiidenterpriKIngof perlodlcals. whlleat all tlines preserving lts high llterary charaoter. 2ö,(W0 new readers have been drawn to It duritii; the past stx months by the increased excellence of 1U content (notatly the Railway artlcles), and it closes lts second year wlth a new ímpetus and an nasared suceess. The lllustmttongwill showsome new effocts, und nothDg to make SCRIBNEKH MAGAZINE attractive aud interestinu will be neglected. RAILHOAI ARTIClKSwlllbe contlnued by several very strlking papers; oneespeciallv lnterestlng by Ex-PostmasterGeneral „ Jaiues on "The Hailwiiy Postal Service." 'ulied. tilt. ItOBERT IiOl'IH STEVKXHON'K s.-rlul novel " Tho Mnsterof Hallantrae," will run through the greater p:irt of the year. Hrrjnn in Xovember. A COHRESPOKOEXCK and cotleetton of manuscript meruolrs relatlng to .1 F. Mlllet :ind a fainous i;roup of modern1 KHEKCH I'AIXTKRS will furnish the Mibstance of several artlcles. IlluttratcJ. The brlel aud papers wrltten last vcar bj Roben Louis Steveuson, will be replaced by equally lntcrcstlng eontributlous Dy dlflerent famous anthor. Mr. Thomas Ralley Aldrlch will write the flrst ol then tor the Jannary uumber. More valuable L1TEHARY AKTKi.FS will appear; a paper on Waltir Seott's Methods of Work, Illustrated from original Mss., a seoond "Shelf of Old Bookg," by Mrs. James T. Flelds. and raany other anieles eqnally noteworthy. Illustmtcd. ArtlclcR on ABT M'IIJKt TS will be a feature. Paper aro arranged to appc:ii by Clarence l'ouk, K. II. ülasliHeld, Autln Dobson, and many others. Illuilrate-J. FISIIING AKTKLKN descrlblng sport In the beet flshlng grouuds will appear. Salmon, Wlnnlnish, Bass, aud Tarpon are the Hiibjects now arranged. The aulhorsare wellkriown sportsraen. Hlustrated. ILI.I HTK VTi:i ARTH'IiEHof great varlety, touching upon all nuinner ol 10b" Jects, travel, blograptiy, deacrlptlon, etiv, will appear, but not of tüe conven tlonal oommonpiacesort. Hlustrated. Among thfc most lnteresllng tn the list of scientlflc papers for tlie year will be a rcmarkable article by Professor John Trowbrldee, upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOfiK.tPIIY. Klas traled. A class of artlcles whlch has proved of special Interest will be contlnued liy a uroup of papers upon EI.E 'I'KKITV In its tnot recent appllcatlons, by eminent anthoritles; a remarkable paper on DEEI' MIHIBICr, and other lnterestlng papers. Vuique llluttrallont. A SPECIAL OFFER toeiver lust yenr's numbers, whlch lnclude all the KAILWAY follows: A year's subscrlptlon (18S9) and the numfor 1888 51 50 A year's mibscrlptlon (1889) and the numbers for 1888, bounü In clol h, . $.00 $3.00 a Ycar; 25 cents a Number. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, r 13-743 Broailway, X. T.