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Morí gage Sale. DKFAUl.T HAVING BEEN MADE IHTHE eondltlong of a cenain mortifafcre ezecoNd by Mary K FiMtrr of Anii Atiior, Ín the l'omly of w a-I itera w, and State o f 1 Iclilan, to Ltcf W. s. Morgan, "i ihe m place, bearing dates flfteenthaavorJaly, 1885, and recorded i thíoftlije of the Reglater of Deadt for ihe Cotaty of WaBhtenaw, in libar 00 of mortgaires, ot paee 48 on the fllltenth day of .filly, 18& ind by which delault lüe p&uer of tale coi in said ni-irtL'aL'r h.ivim: become onerathe, and no snit or proceodlng ut law or in equityiavine been instltuted to recover the nmount due to said mortguKe, or the note accompanylng tliífame, and bcini: now claimed lo be due w nld note and mortgage, the cuín of Hirco hiindnd nnd eigaty-nloe dollars and alxty-seven cerrs. Sotice s there ore hereby Klven that said nvirtuap will be toriclowd on Haturday. the sixteentbtay of Fübrnary 1889, ut 11) o'clork in Ihe lorenooi I that day, by a sale at pnlilic nnction at th íonth front door ol Ihe Donrt House in the dl.v of Aun Arbor, (aaid Court Houset beiníf tb: place of boldini! th'; Circuit Court for sniil coiiiy,) of Un premlMa dt'ecribed in Bald mortt;at;e, or so mucb tlitri'of as may ba necesary to e i Vy the tiniount of in ereat now dtle and remaiidsg uupaici upon paid morigaKe, t"g iher wlth lensonihití eottf nnd expendes, Inciadiag an Alurney feeof tuten dollarii. Toe pnmlies will ir sold ?nljií t to the principie aura nam d in sailmortjrage. of ií('vei!efn bandred dollars, herealU to fall du",anil theintiTestaocrulngthereon. Thepunlse to I Q told are dt-scrlbed in f :iiii m n'x S9 hlluws: All that certain plece or parcel ol land sirate and belng in the townshlp of Ann Albor, in the ConDtJ of Washtenaw, nd State of Hitalgan, and el' icrlbed h- Ibliowi, to wil : The íonh pnrt of the Kortbwast fractional qtia-ter of ectlOD DQmber uvi'iity-ceven, Ín towni-hip numbr two, Somh Id rang ! DUMiber six (H) E:t!t, accodiriL' to thepiteiit tlureof, recorded In the oflVe of the K' ffUter f DMdi for WMbteDnw Conaty, b liber 2oi deds,on page 2, ii Dein;; all of stlfNorthwest fractionn! ju trter lyirfr onth of Ihe liaron Hivi-r, cODttiaini flrty íis and 53-100 acn'atl lamí, more or l6n( exrep'li g theref om a strtpo1 land one bondred leet wlde, coeveyed to the Mchigan Central Knilroad Company for itt r'pht ofway by deed reoorded Ín Baid Reainter's olike in Iber L. of deeds un poge 580. OTI8 C. JOHNSON, FRNM,I' L. PAKSÍR, K. D KINNE, Frecutors of the will i f Lucy W. S. Morgan. Dated .Vovimber (i, 1. . DHKUI.T HAVING BEKN MADE IR THE conditiona oí a certain morttratro flecaled byMarj E. Fo-tcr f Ann Arbor, .Mlcbfin, to Lncy . s. Morgin of the same place frarlug dale tli iwenty-et-oiin 1 day of July, A. 1). 1ÍS5, and recordeil In the ¦ Hice of the ! ii-t r ..i !i ds for the (;ounty of Wahienaw, in líber 69, i mortgagt'H, on page 48, on the ecul riay ol July 18X5; and liy wblch delauit. th power of sale, containcd in sald iimmim ¦, Imvin beoi m1 operativo and no snit or procrcdiriiat. law or in equlty, having been instimted lo ruwer Ihe amount dne on paid mortgage or tbe non accoranaiiylng tlie rac, and there belmi now cWm'd to be dne on paid note and mortpige, the Pinnuf Three Thoniand and 8eventy-u Dollars (}3,0) Notice Ie therefore ben-hy giveu that said lirrtgnge will bc foreclosed on 9lurday the xixteenib day of Pebnury 1889, at ten oclok in the formoon of that day, by a Bale at ] hite auctio , at W South iront door of the CVmrt House, in ibe elf of Ann Arbor, (naid Court House beins the place of holding the Circuit Uourt for raid Connty) of 4 premIses dencrlbed In said mortgage, or o niiuh thereof. as m iy be neoeiisary to rmUfy thaunouitt ol principal and interest rem ainlng unpali upon eaidmorttfage, to ether wlth reaaonable art and txpunreM, loelodlug an Atiorney feo of tUrty-dve dollars, whlch premisos are deacribed in HiVm rtgige na f.illowK : All tboee certain plecer par cels of land, Biluate and beinsr in tho ciijof Ann Arbor, in tlie Couniy of WaBhlenaw and líate of Michlgin, and decribcd as followr, to-wi: Lot riurabur ïwelve (12) and the Eist half of t Thirteen (13) n bliek number Iwo ('2) N'orth dTHuron Btreet. on range uumb T pix Kn-t UTIS C JOHNSON, FKANKLIS 1,. I'AHESK, K. 1. KINNE. Kxccutor of the wlll ol Lucy W. S. Morgan. Dated, Nov. tfth.1888. AKN ARBOR SMALL FRUIT NüiËÏ AU kinds of NURSERY STOCK! rrom Ellwanger and Bnrry. Orders most be sent early. UKC11H EC(K& BR.VHMV IÖG8 WEST HURON STRIET