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UNAOQUAINTE0 WITH THE GBOGRAPHÏ OF THE UüUriïaï, W luu uu laui MUCH VALUADLE INFORMAi'.ON FROM A STUDY OF TUIS MAP OF THE CREAT ROCK SSLAND ROUTE. (Chicag-o, Rock Island & Pacific and Chicago, Kansas & Nobraska Eys. lts mam lines, branches and extansions west, northwcst and smithwei include Chicago, Jollot, Ottawa, Peoria, La Pulle, Molino, Rock Island II ILLINOIS- Davenport, Muacatine, Ottumwa, Oakuloosa, West Liberty, Iowi City, Des ïl oines, Knoxville, Wintorset, Atlantic, Audubon, Harían, Guthrt Centre, and Council Bluffs ín Minneapolis and St. Paul in MINNB SOTA- Wutertovvn and Sioux Fallfj in DAKOTA- Gallatin, Trenton, Caraeron St. Josoph, and Kansas City in MISSOURI- Beatricp, Falrbury, and Nelsol in Horton, Topeka, Hutchinson, Wichlta, Belleville, Norton, Abilene, Caldwell, in KANSAS -o'olorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, in COLO RADO. Trfi,versee new and vast areas of lich farminH1 and grrazinff landt Bffordingr the best facilities of intercommuni catión to older States and to u. towns and cities in Southern Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nel Mexico, Indian Territory, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, California, and Pacifie coast and trans-oceanic Seaports. SOLID FAST VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS Of Palace Coaches- leading all competitors in splendor of equipment aid luxury of accommodutions-run throunrh daily between Chicago and Colomdo Sprlnars, Denver and Pueblo. Similar MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE SIN SBityiOK dully botwoen Chicago and Council Blufls (Omaha), apd betwefm Chicago and Kantsas City. Elegant Day Coaches, Dlnine Cars, Reelmiiig Chair Cars (FREE), and Palace Sleepingr Cars. California Excjrslons daily. Cholea of routes to and from Salt Lako City, Portland, Lol Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and intervening localities. Quick tim, prompt connections and transfers in Union Depots. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Runs superbly equipped Express Trains daily each way between Chicago, Rock Island, Atcnison, St. Joseph, Leavenvorth, Kansas City and Minneapolis and St. Paul. The Favorite Tourist Lino to tho scenic resorts, ajd huntingr and flshing of the Northwest. lts Watertown Branch courses through the most oroductive of ÏMorthern Iowa, Southwestera Minnesota, and East Southern Dubota. THE SHORT LINE VIA SÉNECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indinnapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs tl Joseph, Atchison, Leavemworth, Kansaa City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired intormation, apply to any Coupon Ticket Office in the United States or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, E. A. HOLBROOK, General Mana?e OHIOAGO, II_..L. Gen'l Ticket & Pass. Ageil