Flashes From The Sun
As of presstime three high school underground newspapers are operating, much to the chagrin of the school "authorities. " At Cass Tech the Southhampton International Times (SHIT) has recently changed its name to YELLOW, no doubt due to the increasing popularity of bananas. Copies can be got at the Fifth Estate of SUN offices. At Grosse Pointe High, the Kulchur Kult has out three issues of Kulchur and will be sponsoring Kulchural events in the Grosse Pointe area. The first major event, which was to be held in mid-March, was canceled out by the GP War Memorial people due to a call from the GP High principal warning them that a convicted dope fiend (John Sinclair) had been contracted to speak there. The Kulchur Kult will emerge again with a music/poetry happening at the Euphoria Coffee House, Kercheval and Lakepointe, Saturday night (the 8th. of April), at 8:30. And at Mumford the ELEVATOR will start to rise in a week or so, with what its editors feel will be automatic expulsion from school for themselves as a result. Anyone who's ever seen a sanctioned high school newspaper will know why these young people are putting out their mimeographed rags. But the kids are OK. Check these papers out. Start one at your school. High school students who have material and want to start an independent newspaper at their school can contact THE SUN for information, printing, and other hints on independent publishing. We will be happy to help you. The Fifth Estate, in conjunction with THE SUN, has called a conference for underground newspapers, including high school editions, which will take place early in May. Watch for news in the next SUN. The conference will deal primarily with the actual process of printing and distributing underground newspapers of all kinds, and of course will be free to all who want to attend.
The genius American pianist-composer CECIL TAYLOR will make his first appearance in Detroit at the Detroit Jazz Conference this weekend. His first appearance will follow the introduction to the conference by Jerome Cavanagh (!) at 1:00 PM SATURDAY APRIL 8, in the Community Arts Auditorium at WSU, where he will perform with his maniac energy quartet featuring Jimmy Lyons, alto saxophone; Alan Silva, bass; and Andrew Cyrille, drums. If you've never heard Cecil Taylor's music before you'd better do it now while you have the chance--he might just leave the planet before you get another chance.
At 1:30 PM SUNDAY APRIL 9 the Quartet will perform again after an introduction by poet A. B. Spellman, whose book, Four Lives in the Bebop Business, including a section on Cecil Taylor, should be read by everyone interested in any way in the music industry. A.B. will speak on the "Roots and Aims of the Current Revolution in Jazz. "
The other musical event of interest at the Conference will be a performance by Charles Moore's new Detroit Contempory 5 at the Sunday night concert, likewise in the community, Arts Auditorium, at 8:30 PM. You may have to sit through some terribly unexciting music, but it'll be worth the wait to hear the DC-5.
There may be trouble getting in to the concerts-the Conference was advertised as requiring advance registration, but last-minute at-the-door admissions may be possible. If they don't want to let you in, demand a seat. The music is yours.
A 1960 Pontiac is being offered for sale by Joe Mulkey. $150. Top shape. Call Trans-Love.
Billie C. and the Sunshine blues band need work. They have really got it together and want to ge heard. They are poor and need money jobs. You can contact them through TLA
Looking for cheap used but useable electric bass and amplifier. Cali Emil Bacilla at TLA. Any other unused musical instruments can be put to use by our musicians. Also p.a. equipment, a record plaver or components, and other good things. Call 831-6840.
On Tuesday, April 11, the Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam will sponsor a screening of the documentary, SONS AND DAUGHTERS, a ninety-minute feature film about American youth. The two showings will be at 12:30 pm in the Mart Room, WSU, and at 7:30 pm in the Kresge Science Library at WSU. Donation is $1.00. Also shown will be "Eye Witness of North Vietnam," a film by journalist James Cameron, and other pro-Viet Cong flicks.
The first record by the mighty GRATEFUL DEAD of San Francisco has just been released on Warner Brothers records and is available at MIXED MEDIA, 5704 Cass at Palmer in Detroit. Cover by Mouse! Cop yours today!
The Seventh Seal, a very forward new energy rock band from Ann Arbor, is also very much in need of money gigs. lts members are very poor and as a result make very beautiful music. Hire them for your dance today I Call Trans -Love right now!
Money needed urgently. We will do work for you and take your money honestly, or will happily accept donations no matter your motivations. Trans -Love needs you! You need Trans -Love! Send money!
The Sun needs angels, backers, subscribers, people with money to donate to energies who will USE it well. Really. All this stuff doesn't come to you for for free, even though you get it that way. We have to pay for it, and we don't have any money. Give it up!
The Sun also needs advertising salesmen, typists, distributors, and other helpers. If you want to deal THE SUN in your neighborhood contact us. We'll fix you up. Kids ! Make money in your spare time. Etc.
A benefit for Senator Roger E. Craig was held at the Grande Ballroom last Sunday, with music donated by the Seventh Seal, Billie C. and the Sunshine, the Back & Back Boo Funny Music Band, the Gang, and the dangerous MC -5. Because nobody told anybody who Roger Craig is or what he does, not many folks showed up. What a drag. Senator Craig has recently introduced legislation in the Michigan Senate calling gor the removal of marijuana from the state narcotics statues. He will hold off on the bill, however, until action is taken on a bill presently under consideration, sponsored by Senator Basil Brown of Detroit, calling for a reduction in minimum sentence for "sale of narcotics" from 20 years to 5 years, which would help a little If you're a criminal. For grass smokers, however, it ain't much of a respite. Senator Craig 's bill will be held back possibly for a year and
(continued on page 9)
then pushed--hard, we hope. Thanks to Uncle Russ for setting up the benefit and donating the use of the Grande. One major hangup: the Seventh Seal had a bunch of equipment either destroyed or stolen as a result of leaving their equipment overnight in the Grande and leaving before the other bands had left. If any musicians stole a p.a. amp, a bass strap, a set of mallets, and/or a fuzztone from the Grande last Saturday night, please give it back to the Seventh Seal. What a drag. And they say consciousness expansion is on the rise....
A number of free tickets to the Grande Ballroom are being made available to indigent hippies through the Trans-Love agency. Apply at TLE offices. Only those with no money need apply. Thanks, Uncle Russ!
A new Detroit band, the Back & Back Boo Funny Music Band, is looking for a drummer and a rhythm guitar player. The band has been through five drummers already because their music is too demanding for the run-of -the-mill plastic rock & roll drummer. Anyone who wants to play some music can contact the band through Trans-Love, 831-6840
Trans-Love Airways is looking for more cars and buses to join its fleet. Anyone interested in helping transport people to and fro on a love basis can contact TLA.
Photography equipment, including an enlarger, needed for TLA darkroom cooperative. If you rich photographers have any usable old equipment laying around in your basements, call us and we'll come and get it.
Overhead and slide projectors needed by the Magic Veil Light Co. They don't have any money for equipment but are doing out-of-sight work with lights. If you can help with projectors or money get in touch with Jerry Younkins or Ron Anarchy through TLA.
Trans-Love needs a couple desks, rugs, couches and chairs, tables, mimeograph paper and equipment (ink, stencils, etc.), cars, trucks, and and all kinds of other materials. If you have anything you want to get rid of, don't give it to the junkman but call TLA for quick pick-up service.
Freeing John Sinclair
Southhampton International Times
Cass Tech
Fifth Estate
The Sun
Grosse Pointe High School
Kulchur Kult
Euphoria Coffee House
Wayne State University
Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
Mixed Media
Trans-Love Energies
The Magic Veil Light Company
Old News
Ann Arbor Sun
John Sinclair
Cecil Taylor
Jerome Cavanaugh
Jimmy Lyons
Alan Silva
Andrew Cyrille
A.B. Spellman
Charles Moore
Joe Mulkey
Emil Bacilla
James Cameron
Roger E. Craig
Basil Brown
Jerry Younkins
Ron Anarchy
Grosse Pointe
Kercheval and Lakepointe
Community Arts Auditorium - Wayne State University
Kresge Science Library - Wayne State University
5704 Cass Avenue Detroit
San Francisco
Detroit's Grande Ballroom