Flashes From The Sun ... Radio

LOVE-IN DETROIT - Belle Isle Bandshell - Sunday April 30 - 12 noon - Everyone should be there, with bells on, & beads and colors and feathers and all the food you can bring - share it all with your brothers & sisters - bring music & joy - bands will play - MC-5, Billie C. and the Sunshine, Southbound Freeway, Seventh Seal - ALL FOR YOU!
FLASH! - Psychedelic Rangers to police area during LOVE-IN. Bands of Rangers will keep the peace. There is nothing to fear. No alcoholic drinks, please.
FLASH! - Free Danc/Concert, Friday April 28th, Mart Room, McKenzie Hall, WSU (Cass at Putnam), 8:30 p.m., Seventh Seal will play, All are welcome. A TLE production.
FLASH! - Free/Jazz Concert, Saturday April 29th, Community Arts Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. EXPLOSION! The Detroit Contemporary 5, Joseph Jarman Quartet, Charles Miles Unit, and many guests under the direction of Charles Moore. The DETROIT -CHICAGO ENERGY ENSEMBLE. Free to you. TLE.
FLASH! - "JAZZ PSYCHEDELIC" monster dance/concert at Cranbrook School, Friday April 28th, 8:00 p.m. Music by the Charles Moore Ensemble, Joseph Jarman Quartet, and the dangerous MC-5. Lights by the Magie Veil. Cranbrook Auditorium, 515 Lone Pine Road west of Woodward, near Bloomfield Hills. Tickets $3.25, Students $2.50. All for you.
FLASH! - Trans-Love Energies chapter formed in Buffalo, NY, includes Buffalo LEMAR, Billy Zeigfield's Heaven (Magic Ballroom), Incense Press, PITH newspaper, INTREPID Press, Dirty Jimmy's Head Shop, and other groups & individuals. Buffalo Be-In scheduled for April 3Oth, organized by Buffalo TLE. Fly Trans-Love Airways - gets you there on time. . . .
SMOKE-IN DETROIT.... May Day, Monday May 1, Grand Circus Park downtown, 12 noon in the streets. Legal herbs will be distributed and smoked to demonstrate the silliness of present anti-marijuana laws in the state of Michigan. Sponsored by Detroit LEMAR. All grass smokers urged to attend - there have to be enough of us there to make the citizens take notice. Details will be made public at the LOVE-IN April 30th. Be there!
FLASH! -The genius American pianist/composer Cecil Taylor suffered a sprained wrist and had to cancel out of the Detroit Jazz Conference April 8-9. Cecil was replaced on the program by the Joseph Jarman Quartet of Chicago. The Conference was a big drag.
FLASH! -The first Delmark recording by the dangerous ROSCOE MITCHELL SEXTET of Chicago has been released and can be got at MIXED MEDIA, 5704 Cass at Palmer. Ask for SOUND! You'll get it.
FLASH! - The major American poet ROBERT CREELEY will read in Detroit May 9th in the afternoon at Wayne State University. Details in the next SUN. Meanwhile, Creeley's new book of poems, WORDS, is available at Book World, on Woodward n. of Warren.
FLASH! - High school underground newspapers spreading rapidly. New papers coming in Birmingham and Grosse Pointe. More news next time.
FLASH! - Benefit Dance/Concert for Trans-Love this Sunday, April 23rd, at the Grande Ballroom, 6-11 p.m. Music by the MC -5, the Back and Back Boo Funny Music Band, and by Billie C. and the Sunshine. Poetry readings by John Sinclair & Jerry Younkins. Lights by the High Society. Presented by Uncle Russ. Tickets are $2.00 a head, $3.00 a couple. Help us help you. Come out and freak out with your people.
FLASH! - COMMUNITY CENTER NOW OPEN at the Artists' Workshop/Trans-Love offices, 4857 John Lodge. Doors open at noon and stay open as needed. Open to all. Come meet and work and hang out with friends. Cali 831-6840 for information, or just stop by.
FLASH! - Highland Park Draft Conference scheduled for Saturday April 29th at the Berea Methodist Church, 400 LaBelle, in HP. Sponsored by the Draft Resistance Committee, the conference will include addresses by Senator John Conyers, Attorneys Dennis James and Milton Henry, SDS spokesman Danny Wood, Prof. David Herreshoff, Rev. David Gracie, and pacifists Clarence Nelson, Bob Willoughby, and Henry Crane. The Conference will feature workshops In the afternoon and a panel discussion in the evening. All those interested in escaping the draft are urged to attend to find out ways and means of remaining human. Admission is free.
FLASH! - The Draft Counseling Center, operated by the Draft Resistance Committee, is now open every Sunday evening at 8:00 p.m, to answer questions about the draft and ways of avoiding it. The Center is located at 31 King St.
Freeing John Sinclair
PITH Newspaper
Incense Press
Buffalo LEMAR
Dirty Jimmy's Head Shop
Trans-Love Energies
Detroit LEMAR
Mixed Media
Wayne State University
Book World
Artists' Workshop
Berea Methodist Church
Draft Resistance Committee
Old News
Ann Arbor Sun
Charles Moore
Cecil Taylor
Robert Creeley
John Sinclair
Jerry Younkins
Uncle Russ
John Conyers
Dennis James
Milton Henry
Danny Wood
David Herreshoff
Rev. David Gracie
Clarence Nelson
Bob Willoughby
Henry Crane
Belle Isle Bandshell
McKenzie Hall - Wayne State University
Community Arts Auditorium - Wayne State University
Cranbrook Auditorium
515 Lone Pine Road
Bloomfield Hills
Grand Circus Park
5704 Cass Avenue Detroit
Woodward Avenue
Grosse Pointe
4857 John Lodge Detroit
400 LaBelle Street Highland Park Michigan
Draft Counseling Center
31 King Street Detroit