Help Sell The Sun

Last issue of the Sun we said that the paper would start costing a dime this time and although this would have been the ideal thing to happen we found that we aren't capable of dealing at this point with the whole new type of distributional organization it takes. And we have been going through internal changes as well to prepare ourselves for the move to the community center on Washington St. (see changes in the staff box page 2) so it is taking, and going to continue to take, more energy than before to carry on the necessary tasks to get the paper on the streets.
In order to be able to sell the paper, giving the street sellers a way to get bread, a lot of people have to participate in the program- we have been getting out 15,000 papers each issue for the last five months, that's 10,000 papers that stay in Ann Arbor and we have to continue to keep getting out this many Suns. We can see the potential of this kind of program, 10,000 dimes is a hell of a lot of dimes, you know so the potential for copping some money to get food, or whatever, is good for the street seller. But f the selling of the paper, the distribution, is done sporadically there won't be 15,000 papers out in people's hands. This is really important too, because we got to be able to get out news and information on what is affecting our lives, what programs are being worked on to take care of what we need and how we all can be involved in them- and we ain't going to get it in the Ann Arbor News, the school room, or from the TV (yet).
So, we got two commitments to fulfill: 1 ) to see that the ten thousand 10 cents get directed to the people who need the extra financing, and 2) to see that the Sun continues to get to all the people that get it now (and eventually more). This is going to take a lot of organized energy and time, each issue. It's a large responsibility, and as our community and programs grow, so will the responsibility and task of putting together the paper and getting it out on the streets-and as with all the Tribal Council programs, community support is all important.
Over the next few weeks we are going to be talking with a lot of people, on the streets, at the Community Center, calling on the phone, and we are going to put announcements on the radio and flyers on the streets to insure that everyone that wants to participate in selling the Sun can.
For further information on selling the Sun call Craig Blazier at 761-1709, or contact him at the Sun, 1520 Hill St. Ann Arbor.
Freeing John Sinclair
Old News
Ann Arbor Sun